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but brad, they did not let you make a single decision, no one would make any rational decisions... what was the point of stopping the clock if i was done anyways, they measured distance not time... i showed my ass and it was a culmination of all the bullshit from that weekend... i just saw things from a competetors stand point that seemed very one sided... i mean at the bottom of copperhead, gary hit a cone clear as day and the guy was like "i didnt see anything" and that was a sarcastic remark, he saw it because we were both looking at it side by side... if a rule is a rule, let it be that, not an interpretation as they see fit at the time... there was alot of gray area and no one wanted to clarify anything...

i dont have a problem standing firm on my actions, and they could have been handled differently, but this group has alot of learning to do and they are unwilling to hear anything that conflicts w/ there agenda...
Brad....clearly they were trying to upright and winch in a hurry as if they were still on the clock. Why would anyone think they have to ask the judges if they are still on the clock?
They didn't start trying to winch untill Jimmy got out of his buggy. By this time, I had already handed an extingiuser, to his codriver, actually he just ended up with it as he was falling down the hill putting out the fire. I then took Joes winch cable pulled it down the hill put a tree saver on a tree with clevis and snatch block. I then here Jimmy yelling were still going. So I let his codriver hook to the treesaver and about that time is when Darin said he had already called it. I was hoping he hadn't stop the clock but he had. He called it your done. so what, why throw hemets and pitch a fit, and then come on hear calling people names.
but brad, they did not let you make a single decision, no one would make any rational decisions... what was the point of stopping the clock if i was done anyways, they measured distance not time... i showed my ass and it was a culmination of all the bullshit from that weekend... i just saw things from a competetors stand point that seemed very one sided... i mean at the bottom of copperhead, gary hit a cone clear as day and the guy was like "i didnt see anything" and that was a sarcastic remark, he saw it because we were both looking at it side by side... if a rule is a rule, let it be that, not an interpretation as they see fit at the time... there was alot of gray area and no one wanted to clarify anything...

i dont have a problem standing firm on my actions, and they could have been handled differently, but this group has alot of learning to do and they are unwilling to hear anything that conflicts w/ there agenda...
because it was HIS decision to end my run NOT MINE!!!! no one else was singled out like that... again brian didnt finish his run on punisher, but they let him continue after a roll...
Thanks for the kudos guys. Is was really a lot of fun. It was funny that after I got my senses back, looking at the winch and no rope sticking out to retie, to tell Garry to buckle his ass back in, he is going to the top. So a back up o the edge, and a 5 grand neutral drop, and over the top he went. I got mad at myself for not settling down on Primos, I knew the line would work without spinning a tire, I just missed it.

About the winch line. I am one that is always the most safety concious. I am always telling people to stop or move their hands. I came close to getting hurt real bad, I was very lucky. I was spotting Garry up Primos, we have all done this, he was making forward progress and was about to run over the winch line, I grabbed the winch line to pull out the slack as he progressed. At that moment, he lost forward momentum, the line got tight fast, as I was letting go, the rope snapped. The backlash of the rope struck me in the arm. I am bruised from half way up my forarm to almost my armpit. I went and sat down, a medic came and looked me over, bitch talked Garry to the top, all in a time period of under 4 1/2 minutes. Guys, things can go south quick. Also, rope does not just fall to the ground as some think, a LOT safer than cable, but it can still hurt you.
Every event will have it's snags. IMO the rules were confusing and the scoring was over complicated for me, but as a whole it seemed to go very well. I heard a lot of confusion by competitors because of seemingly random penalties that were announced long after the run was finished. However, the action was awesome, and the sportsmanship was top notch. Everyone worked together and helped eachother. I was so impressed by Alan's start in FWD only on vnotch and nearly completing the run was awesome. Great event overall.
Ooops hit the wrong button.

I'm sure some of the calls were bad, but how many times did they move a cone over because you or some other racer thought it was placed wrong. Still the bottom line is, it's their event and their rules. Your there to race not give opinions, theres going to be losers and winners. I think your doing good because most officials would have thrown you out of the whole comp for your rant.
There was a lot of interpretation of the rules, I will admit that. But as a whole they did a great job. I mean they are used to wheeling in Florida :flipoff1:. But seriously It was hard to see whether a cone got hit or not. I say if the cone is still standing at the end of your run then you didnt hit it! If you break tape then you are out of bounds. Make the event time only. With time added for penalties. Points make things over complicated. But this is just my perspective on the outside looking in not biased on either side. The courses were great & I hope they come back next year.

As for the rant at Primos..... I can have a temper at times and can understand getting pissed and yelling and throwing stuff I would have probably done the same thing. This just shows how competitive and passionate he is about Racing and this sport....I mean he was defending his throne. Being in the moment and getting out of hand is acceptable. But I would just liked to have seen everyone make amends after that moment was over with. There were women and children present & this didnt set the best example. I hope he can put his pride aside and drop it so they will allow him to be in it again next year......

John G. what can I say....I just hope we have good audio of you coming back from injury to tell Gary to get his ass back in the rig and take it to the top!

The group of drivers and spotters at this event were top notch. The sportsmanship was amazing. Renting out spare tires, parts, wrenching on each others rigs... THANK YOU GUYS for making my JOB easy because with out you putting your blood sweat and guts into these events I wouldn't be able to do what I do. This DVD will have moments that sends chills up your spine.

Should be able to get the trailer put together for you guys soon! :popcorn:

MATT :spin:
kid rok said:
Jimmy -
You put one of the best shows of bad sportsmanship that I have ever seen. Like I told you at the top of Primos I would let it go, if I was you. Then you come on the forum and start calling people names. I usually don't speak out like this, but you really disapointed me with your tempertantrum , then you come on hear and start it back up. WHY.

I'm gonna have to back you up on this Brad, I agree totally. It's completly rediculous to me that someone with an attitude as bad as Jimmies gets notoriously known for it, no one ever sets him straight, and everyone accepts it... I don't know why anyone would be surprised about him getting on here and complaining..... it's a given fact! When has he ever been satisfied with anything or made a decent comment? He ruins this sport for a lot of people and runs a lot of them off in the other direction. This is suppose to be a sport to get out, 4-wheel and ejoy yourself.. but with this guy around, it's not possible.

More to come later.
I'm gonna have to back you up on this Brad, I agree totally. It's completly rediculous to me that someone with an attitude as bad as Jimmies gets notoriously known for it, no one ever sets him straight, and everyone accepts it... I don't know why anyone would be surprised about him getting on here and complaining..... it's a given fact! When has he ever been satisfied with anything or made a decent comment? He ruins this sport for a lot of people and runs a lot of them off in the other direction. This is suppose to be a sport to get out, 4-wheel and ejoy yourself.. but with this guy around, it's not possible.

Well big man...why dont you set him straight if offends you so much. Heaven forbid that someone in a comp looses their cool. Its so easy for yall to forget the other side of Jimmy at camp when you need parts, help advice or someone to help create a event, or give $ not to mention the help towards the park.

Did anyone complain after his rant when he stepped away...composed himself and came back and encouraged every other competitor and tried to give advice to the spotters durring the rest of the comp?

I know I sound like a nut swinger but part of my job on a daily basis is too defuse situations and be successful. I KNEW this **** would go down on the damn internets after it happened. Usually by people who are nerds or non-competive by nature. You just cant explain to someone who doesn't have that competive mindset whats it like to wrench, wheel and plan to compete and then have someone else decide your fate.
BustedKnucklefilms said:
I mean he was defending his throne. Being in the moment and getting out of hand is acceptable.

i lost at copperhead... i am one to not lay down and be told what to do, i always give 100% and i assure you i am a crowd pleaser, so when someone tells me that THEY are making me give up and i cant finish, then that pisses me off...

and for you penn, what about your little rant on primos a while back, is starting fights in front of women and children setting any different example for this sport than me showing my ass about a judges call??? you shouldnt be such a hipocrit... i am always myself, love me or hate me... i dont need different personalities for the company i keep...
I thought the call the judges made on Primos was correct. There was an EXTREME safety issue. It was getting engulfed in flames fast. I thought Jimmys rant childish. But, as a **** talker too, I just started yelling at him about how his lousy driving got him in the situation. The guy next to me that does not know Jimmy and I are great friends says: "Buddy, you are fixing to get your ass kicked".

Hindsight, Jimmy's spotter put out the fire, Jimmy and his spotter righted the vehicle without outside assistance. He should havebeen allowed to continue.

But, at the moment, there WAS a life threatning situation. Therefore a call to stop the race was a proper call.
What a weekend! :woody: It was good to see some familiar faces and meet some new people. I had a blast, didnt place as well as I would have liked, but the competition was tough! There are some things I would have done different, but its crazy that most of the runs we split by few seconds....a back up here or there and it killed your time. I have some more tweaking I really need to do to be competitive in tight turning events like this, but overall I had a GREAT time and look forward to wheeling with the other competitors again, without the stop watch.

Even though I am a part of the Clay County club that put on the event, I tried to stay out of the rule making and judging decisions. I will agree that some of the rules and how they were interpreted were a little hard to grasp for some people, but the basics were there and some people tried to exploit some of the down falls of them. Last year we learned some things and implemented them into the rules this year and we learned ALOT this year and next year should be even better. I am not sure why we didnt have a tech inspection before the event on Friday, that was something that was discussed last year but it never happened. Next year the rules should be written out and there will be no bending or changing them, what the judges say, goes. I also think the scoring was a bit overcomplicated as well, but that is something that is a learning process as well. This event was not a technical rock crawl, nor was it a XRRA race, wanted the competitors to go fast, without going outta control...thats what the tape and cones were for. with the lack of staff that was there, the ones that were there were kinda over taxed with watching and doing more than one thing at time. I am not sure what happened to the staff that was supposed to be there, but they just never showed or contacted Joe to say they would not be there, it was a bad position.

Jimmy, thanks for bringing me into your argument about flopping. I am not sure how you can compare mine with yours. I was on my side, not leaking ANY fluids on the ground (proper catch cans and and vents help with that) or on fire. No one helped me but my spotter and a snatch block. I was able to winch over on my tires, safely and was able to start back up and continue..........even though I ultimately didnt finish that course. In my eyes, along with about 99% of the wheeling community, if you catch on fire, you are done. You can check the majority of sanctioning events about fires. I think they should have said what to do in case of a fire and what will happen. It would have kept what happened from happening.

with some tweaking and better rule lists, next year should be even better....I cant wait!

John, congrats again on the win, you did great and stayed consistent.....I actually didnt realize your buggy could throw rooster tails! :flipoff1: :woot:

As soon as there was flame the run is over. That would have been my call had I been there and I believe it to be the rules in almost every motorsport out there.

If you want to be pissed, be pissed at the non-locking dipstick you used. If you want to be pissed, be pissed at yourself for not having proper fuild containment systems on your buggy.

Thats how I see it. Flame = Run Over.
bbone said:
Well big man...why dont you set him straight if offends you so much. Heaven forbid that someone in a comp looses their cool. Its so easy for yall to forget the other side of Jimmy at camp when you need parts, help advice or someone to help create a event, or give $ not to mention the help towards the park.

Did anyone complain after his rant when he stepped away...composed himself and came back and encouraged every other competitor and tried to give advice to the spotters durring the rest of the comp?

I know I sound like a nut swinger but part of my job on a daily basis is too defuse situations and be successful. I KNEW this **** would go down on the damn internets after it happened. Usually by people who are nerds or non-competive by nature. You just cant explain to someone who doesn't have that competive mindset whats it like to wrench, wheel and plan to compete and then have someone else decide your fate.

well big man.....
I knew someone would say this.........why don't you ask Jimmy if I've stepped up to him before and set him straight and since then, he hasn't showed his ass to me nor I to him. No one is arguing what Jimmy does, it's how he does it that's the problem. If I completly hated Jimmy, I wouldn't of had paid him to convert my CJ to propane. But irregardless of what he contributes, his attitude overshadows everything.
I wasn't there Sunday, but it doesn't take too much to imagine. I'm refering to his attitude in general and it's not just this comp were talking about.
The cone and banner penalties were very confusing. I had it explained to me 4 times. I think I got it. But, they should be tied to time, not points.

I got first place on Crows Nest, Rock & Roll, Loop Springs run, but barely touched a cone, it wobbled a little but the base did not move. I was called for that cone and lost 5 points, that was the spread between first and second, so I got second on that run.

I points earned dropped to single points at place three. So a cone in third placed moved you down to eigth place.

On Gauntlet, I broke at 153 feet, but with no penalties. Garry had a fast run to the top, but his no-driving ass hit two or three cones. So I beat him, even though I barely started the course.

There was too much room for interpretation, Jimmy had a great idea, put a tennis ball in the hole on the top of the cone, knock the ball off, the cone is hit, simple, no room for error.