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Be sure to Hug your moms!!! worst day of the year for me.. By far


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
in tha garage blowing smoke...
I guess Im posting this to just remind everyone how important it is to tell your mom you love her... I really don't know. Just thought I would remind Yall to be sure and call your mom once a day to tell her you love her. And see her as much as you can. About 3 or so years ago was the worst day in my life. My mom was takin from us...
I grew up In a perfect home. With a perfect family. Both parents worked their asses off to provide for us, while Makin sure we were at church on Sunday's, and Makin sure me and my sis had the best childhood ever! And I did! We were the old fashion type family that spent a lot of time together, never saw my parents even raise their voice at each other.. My mom helped more people than anyone I Have ever seen, guess that's where I get it from .. She lead a ton of folks to the lord, and would let her employees live with us if they were down and out. Lil stuff like that is what she lived for... Well cancer strikes, and after a miserable 4 years.. I guess someone decided it was her time.. My life has be a total fukin train wreck ever since. Fellas I'm not to sure I'll ever be right after that day.. My give a dam broke , and not a day goes by where I don't just sit and think about her , and how bad I miss her. You have no idea. Not rare for me to just start ballin my eyes out, usually when I'm riding a mower for hours. Guess it's cause all there is to do is think about **** .. The one thing I can't stop thinkin bout is ... WHY NOT ME?? It shoulda been my sorry ass. She didn't deserve it. I do. And would trade places at the drop of a hat. I will never know why he took her from us, I'll never know why it wasnt me instead.
Now my family has fallen apart , I have no one really. Besides a few good buddies and you guys. I don't do **** but work on my rig and stuff with my lil family I have here. Thank GOD I have my lil one now.. If not things could be really bad for me. Sorry to ramble.. The point of this thread was to remind Ya, that I know sometimes we get busy and all, believe me I do. But Ya never know when it's your time, or a loved ones time. So I highly recommend callin or goin to see your mom as much as possible. I hope and pray if Ya haven't delt with this type of lose that you don't have to for a LONG time. May be easy for some.. But this **** has Fawked me up. And I honesly don't know what to do about it... I know all the lil catch phrases, "only time will heal" "she's in a much better place" "not our place to question God".
And I agree with most. BUT here's the thing... Non of that matters or makes anythjng better. I have had a chip on my shoulder for somtime now.. I'm good at puttin a smile on anyone's face when they aren't In a good mood, I laugh and cut up more than anyone on this board.. Always have. But there will always be that chip on my shoulder. Anyways, sorry again for rambling. Hope you guys all go see your moms and have a great day. Hug her neck for me and tell her how much you love her!!!
Sounds like she was great person. And although I only know you thru this forum it's seems like your a good person too. Make today about your baby's momma and treat me like there's no tomorrow.
I almost lost mine to cancer years ago and it put all of life into perspective.

People don't live forever but regret can seem pretty permanent.

Sorry for your loss sir.
Casey, everything/nothing is cliche, it's all in how we interpret it.
Maybe we can pass the jar (or whatever) around the camp fire and shoot the **** about religion/love/politics. I probably have the most skewed view of all of them, but it gets me by with positive thoughts in what a lot of people view as a negative world.
Your posts are awesome, and I always look forward to seeing them. Not many rambles I read through and through, but yours, I do.
My mom split when I was 4, twin bros were 2, and youngest was 6 months. Spent my childhood raising 3 boys, because dad was a man-whore and couldn't pick just one to settle down with and take some of the burden off of me. Mom came back when I was 17 and again at 24, both times just as big a **** as ever. I am jealous of people who had great moms, but I don't think I'd have traded my experience for anything.

So to those of you with good moms, hug 'em tight and don't waste a moment with 'em. Sorry about your mom, Casey.

Parents do a lot for us, even when we don't see it. I lost my mom when I was 6 to cancer. Only have like 5 memories. So in a way Casey, I understand what your saying.
Thanks for sharing Casey. Biggest thing you can do for a love one that has passed is to remember them, tell stories about them and do your best to make them proud. Doing a great job with your kids is just putting a little of her back into the world.

I am a little hard headed from time to time, but I try to always end with an i love you. Might not be happy with her, but the love is still there.
June dog said:
Sounds like she was great person. And although I only know you thru this forum it's seems like your a good person too. Make today about your baby's momma and treat me like there's no tomorrow.

This x1000 and I to enjoy your post, 99% are funny as hell this one not so much. Keep your head up man! And like June dog said make this day special for your girl and mom!
Hang in there brother...sucks,I know. Lost both my parents in '02 to cancer. Like June dog said...make it about your family now. Sure your mom would be proud of who you've became now...seems like ya got your **** together after making some bad decisions. Ain't none of us perfect! Hope y'all have an awesome day!
I'm right there beside you brother. I lost my mother in 2005.
Today is tough.

I had a good 24 years with her but the rest of my life changed that day. And to make things worse, my 4 year old just ask me about her for the first time. Now I gotta figure out how to address this properly.
Yep one of the toughest days of the year for me too! Almost three years since I lost mine to cancer also after a 2yr fight. As much as I miss my mom I wouldn't wish for her to have to go threw another day of what she was going through in the last months of her life. Thanks for the text this morning buddy!
Thanks fellas. Somtimes I post **** and read back through them and wonder why I post it .. Guess I was just pissed... IM glad I did tho... Surprising to see how many have been through the same thing or similar.. Guess all we can do is make the best of what we got... I really appreciate the replys.. I'm usually pretty good at blocking out ****, not so much today...
- on another totally diff note, I think I need a go fund set up to pay my African friend in Atlanta. I'm 100% convinced that one can DEF be addicted to reefer... My heads killin me and this bulshit I had from a wile back taste like ass.. Dirty ass. Anyways hope Yall had a good day... Put new mufflers on my rig, so I stand out among All 876 fukin red necks with flow masters around where I live.. She's ready for youtube hill or watever it's called. Prob hit it in reverse first... :woot:
All you! Don't worry, this time Ill def remember to tighten all seat belt bolts .. I really need this week to fly by.. The new lesbian lady that works for one of my big contracts is killin me. She for some reason finds the time every dam day to send me emails with a petty lil list... Come on Thursday. :woot:
kushKrawlin said:
All you! Don't worry, this time Ill def remember to tighten all seat belt bolts .. I really need this week to fly by.. The new lesbian lady that works for one of my big contracts is killin me. She for some reason finds the time every dam day to send me emails with a petty lil list... Come on Thursday. :woot:

Come on, Casey. Be nice. She has been an oppressed minority her whole life... molaugh

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