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GREAT 4th for bikes.... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
Stilwell, KS
My buddy got rearended on his 4 wheeler (no helmets, him and girlfriend on it on Metcalf in stilwell)... I saw them drive by on the 4 wheeler because we were waiting for the fireworks show--and not 1 minute later I see a shitload of cops and an ambulance heading down metcalf. I turn my head to my other friend and say "bet that was ****in' jesse"... My dad calls and says "jesse and a girl were hit on a four wheeler, we were going the opposite way and saw it happen".. DAMN. They ended up okay but the impala that rear ended them was all ****ed up. It was night, but he's got a taillight. He was stopped and making a turn into his neighborhood right by his house---he was coming from his dad's shop where everyone watches fireworks, not even 1 mile from the house. Here' s a pic:


I hope that's a wakeup call for his dumbass non-helmet wearing self... 100+mph runs down 151st(busy street) with no helmet//wheelies in traffic... new bike first street bike... SQUID.

Looks like I'll be attending a funeral soon... Hope not.

...so after all that bullshit happens, we leave the scene of the accident and see the end of the fireworks show..


my brother leaves his 4runner running, while in neutral... and hops out.. Mind you this is on a hill. My bike is in front of his truck and you know what happens next. Just over 400 miles on my new bike and dickhead's truck runs into it. SWEET. Great 4th of July. :eek: ::)
Man you better talk to your boy Jesse before its to late... Me and Rob Stanley used to ride with this young guy that got his first sportbike at 18... joined the military, good straight laced kid but like the rest of us liked to pull wheelies and ride fast as ****. His dad footed the bill on a track day at Heartland park and everything I mean he was getting into riding big time.

A few weeks before he was to leave for Boot he was pullin it up down Shawnee Mission Parkway and he looped it, smacked his melon on the curb and that was the end of that story.

HELMET... period. **** we could go on and on about losing ****ers in Kansas for lack of helmet law and lack of wearing them. Happens ALOT there. Most cases even a helmet isnt enough to keep you alive, not wearing one guarentee's your gonna get killed.
P said:
Man you better talk to your boy Jesse before its to late... Me and Rob Stanley used to ride with this young guy that got his first sportbike at 18... joined the military, good straight laced kid but like the rest of us liked to pull wheelies and ride fast as ****. His dad footed the bill on a track day at Heartland park and everything I mean he was getting into riding big time.

A few weeks before he was to leave for Boot he was pullin it up down Shawnee Mission Parkway and he looped it, smacked his melon on the curb and that was the end of that story.

HELMET... period. **** we could go on and on about losing ****ers in Kansas for lack of helmet law and lack of wearing them. Happens ALOT there. Most cases even a helmet isnt enough to keep you alive, not wearing one guarentee's your gonna get killed.

We've been drilling his ass about the helmet since he got his bike. Does stupid ****(100-180+mph runs/80mph wheelies) down roads with cars leaves his helmet in the parking lot.

After the four wheeler accident he said "man this made me think anything can happen" ------ NO ****!?!! ::)

at least last night while we watched him and another guy do high speed runs from atop the 159th/69hwy bridge he was wearing a lid. He said he's gonna wear it all the time now but I give it 2 weeks till he starts "forgetting"

I keep talkin bout funeral, etc. he was riding wheelies past his mom in Olathe---that's enough to earn you an ass whoopin IMO :eek:

I just hope he doesnt become a flesh crayon before smarting up.
I give him 2 months tops before his bike is wadded up.... he may or may not make it , depends on him wearing a lid and how he goes about wadding up said bike.
WTF?!?! 4 wheelers on the street? That legal...even a little bit?

Man sorry to hear about all the bad news and the new bike getting hit.

I went out yesterday for about ~40 miles on the KTM getting the feel for it. One of the 2 highlights of my weekend.

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