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How to get to this logging road? North Bend


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2006

Middle Fork, North Bend...

I've been looking at this road for a long time, but I can't figure out how to get there... would be an amazing view and a fun snow run... or if its gated, would be a nice bike ride in the summer

anyone know?
Here is a trick I use when looking for new hunting areas, find it on google earth, then follow it down to a main road, enter lat and long in garmin, and go looking. :awesomework:
Beautiful area!!!
Now all it needs is a skagit 199 or 739 parked on top of the hill!!!

Thats what I love about logging....

The scenery you see will never be seen by most people in their lifetime and you see it daily.:awesomework:
Gated. Which is an issue if your a "rule follower". You can't drive up there, you might harm nature.......... or get in the way of a logging truck
Fire dept. used to have keys to all the gates...... hint hint...

They took mine.

I think the road pictured is the one i can see from my house, long steep snow covered switch backs. It does look VERY tempting. It would take some driving around and investigating to determine where you would access it from.
They started closing down all that area way back when we use to keggar up there in HS (early 70's). You use to be able to almost get to Goldmeyer in a truck then. Was about a 100 yard walk from the parking area. You could drive all the way into the Enchanted Lakes wilderness then. Taylor river was the first one closed off. We used to go to the Otter Slides all the time. Then one by one since then the areas have been closed.
We used to keggar up there in the early 90's.

Around 96 is when the tank traps went in-



I had been told that you could follow the middle fork road all the way over the mountains to the east side, but never tried so I can't confirm.

But any wheeling off of the road is definitely illegal. We didn't know better as kids until the cops informed us.:redneck:
They took mine.

I think the road pictured is the one i can see from my house, long steep snow covered switch backs. It does look VERY tempting. It would take some driving around and investigating to determine where you would access it from.

I'm thinking that's the one that branches off middle fork right from the start... aka mailbox peak trail head if i'm right
It Looks like the 30's I used to hunt up their when I was a kid. If it is the tolt reservoir is on the other side. I have seen mountain goats up there. Also shot my first buck there.
assuming thats in the north side of I90

Buy a john hancock permit! Then then enter through Spur 10 gate up tokul rd behind the old werhauser mill. At the main 4way couple hundered ft after spur 10 gate head east.

Or if you have dirt bike or quad and a lot of time and want to do it the illegal way you can head up ben howard rd in carnation, Tolt pipe line rd in off kelly rd in Duvall or almost any east bound rd off main line stossel creek rd or you can cut across haystack mt from a couple ways near ben howard rd near monroe/sultan
Once upon a time I had a pretty sleuthy 4-stroke dualsport. Pretty much the ideal means of transport for covert ops! There are so many miles of logging roads out there! And on a random weekday you don't ever see anyone.

John Hancock bought most of the Werehauser land in this area of Washington st.

The permits were 75 when weerhaeuser owned all it. Its 200 for a Hancock permit, you get a windshield sticker, a key that opens Spur 10 gate, up behind the old snoqualmie mill and Spur 11 near mt Si and maybe some others. You also get to cut fire wood up there. Theres not much wheelen unless theres snow. But miles of logging roads, you could drive from Northbend to sultan basically.