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Instagram Names??


Dallas Townsel
Jun 25, 2012
Who on here has IG and what's your name on there? I'm following some people on here already, and was wondering who else might have a page.

Mine are @dallasblade and also @rockbouncing thumb.gif
@5cottymac here.

I know I'm following you on @rockbouncing, but not sure about your personal one.

Good idea, as I feel like I see stuff on IG and then slowly my brain says, I think that is .... On hardline.

mac5005 said:
Good idea, as I feel like I see stuff on IG and then slowly my brain says, I think that is .... On hardline.

I do that too. Tilt my head and say that buggy/jeep/yota looks familar. Then there's Tony Bolton and his high dollar ass cars....
DallasBlade said:
Who on here has IG and what's your name on there? I'm following some people on here already, and was wondering who else might have a page.

Mine are @dallasblade and also @rockbouncing thumb.gif

Funny story: Someone posted a picture of your jeep and I liked how you did the back of your cage so I took a screen shot and used it as a reference for when i did mine. I like how you did the double bars at the B pillar. I never realized it was you until just now.
jeeptj99 said:
Funny story: Someone posted a picture of your jeep and I liked how you did the back of your cage so I took a screen shot and used it as a reference for when i did mine. I like how you did the double bars at the B pillar. I never realized it was you until just now.

Thanks! I had the cage redone after I back flipped it down playground haha