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Looking for Alabama traffic/parking laws


Forum member #1
Hardline Crawler
May 16, 2007
murfreesboro, tn
Trying to find "the book" so to speak of all the traffic and parking violation definitions, and I can't find anything online. Help finding the laws would be much appreciated thumb.gif
Not sure about laws but I know that if I had a pistol in my wife's car some ninja would be dead on I-459. I have never been involved in a scarier situation on the road in my life. All because I was cut off and honked my horn to let the fawker know I was there....
Matt O. said:
Not sure about laws but I know that if I had a pistol in my wife's car some ninja would be dead on I-459. I have never been involved in a scarier situation on the road in my life. All because I was cut off and honked my horn to let the fawker know I was there....

Matt O. said:
Not sure about laws but I know that if I had a pistol in my wife's car some ninja would be dead on I-459. I have never been involved in a scarier situation on the road in my life. All because I was cut off and honked my horn to let the fawker know I was there....

2 rules when you go anywhere.
1 - Carry enough money to get you back home
2 - Carry some protection
Some guy cut us off, then got pissed that I honked at him. He then slammed on his brakes to a full stop two different times, this is in the right lane of 459 at the 65 junction. Then I bright him, he comes to a complete stop again, so I whip around him as I don't want to get hit from the rear with my 6month old son in the back. He then hauls ass behind me to bright me and then pulls next to me on the pass side with the window down talking **** and swerving into my lane. Seriously, because I honked at him for cutting me off where two lanes went to one and he sped up just so he could cut me off. My wife called 911 with his tag number and cried the whole way home. Worst part is that he got behind me at a distance and I spent the whole trip home watching my rearview to see if we were being followed.
Matt O. said:
Some guy cut us off, then got pissed that I honked at him. He then slammed on his brakes to a full stop two different times, this is in the right lane of 459 at the 65 junction. Then I bright him, he comes to a complete stop again, so I whip around him as I don't want to get hit from the rear with my 6month old son in the back. He then hauls ass behind me to bright me and then pulls next to me on the pass side with the window down talking **** and swerving into my lane. Seriously, because I honked at him for cutting me off where two lanes went to one and he sped up just so he could cut me off. My wife called 911 with his tag number and cried the whole way home. Worst part is that he got behind me at a distance and I spent the whole trip home watching my rearview to see if we were being followed.

A ninja done that same thing to my sister one night. Followed her all the way to the house, needless to say she had already call my father on her cell phone and told him what was going on. She pulls up in the drive way like nothings wrong and he pulls up behind her . Dad jumps out of the bushes like he is back in vietnam and orders the guy out of the car at gun point. When the police finally arrive dad has this guy butt naked laying in the middle of the street praying dad doesn't kill him. Funniest **** I have ever seen. :****:
Matt O. said:
Some guy cut us off, then got pissed that I honked at him. He then slammed on his brakes to a full stop two different times, this is in the right lane of 459 at the 65 junction. Then I bright him, he comes to a complete stop again, so I whip around him as I don't want to get hit from the rear with my 6month old son in the back. He then hauls ass behind me to bright me and then pulls next to me on the pass side with the window down talking **** and swerving into my lane. Seriously, because I honked at him for cutting me off where two lanes went to one and he sped up just so he could cut me off. My wife called 911 with his tag number and cried the whole way home. Worst part is that he got behind me at a distance and I spent the whole trip home watching my rearview to see if we were being followed.

I know its not the same thing but, I had a douche bag do almost the same to me not too long ago on 459. Going back towards Tuscaloosa and I'm hauling ass, 85-90. Guy in right lane pulls cuts me off to pass about 4 vehicles. I backed off of him cause I knew he was gonna pass the cars. Well instead of passing them he rides right next to the first one at 65mph! So I proceed to get closer to him and he finally after about what seemed to be 5 mins (prolly 2) He finally passes them all and I attempt to pass him. Well the SOB speeds up and flips me the bird! So I got up next to his window and gave him some coal from the tail pipe! So he speeds up again flipping me off the whole time. :dunno:

Damn I need a beater car!!!! But then nothing like that would happen when I had one though. :dunno:
Problem was I was in my wife's little audi and the ninja was in a Nissan Armada. I have never been so pissed while driving, I really think if I had my pistol in the car I would have fired shots. I mean window down cussing me and swerving into my lane on purpose, all because he was in the wrong and got honked at...
I'm usally driving my work truck, so most of the time I have the right away. I will hit you in the work truck, and I think people realize that. On the other hand a guy tryed to pass my wife and I, in a subdivision on a double yellow , about distance of a block from stop sign to stop sign. My wife sped up so he couldn't go around us, he didn't have enough room any way. So at the next stop I got out, and had to let him know what I thought. Going back to the work truck, I get honked at alot because I can't move as fast as cars do. So you honk at me, I stop walk back and ask is there something wrong? do I have something falling off my truck? what do you need?
you know brad, sometimes you have got to do a "walk around" just to make sure... and then kill them w/ kindness... just smile, wave and thank them for their concern...

but back on topic... what did ricky b do to need this info???
draggbody said:
you know brad, sometimes you have got to do a "walk around" just to make sure... and then kill them w/ kindness... just smile, wave and thank them for their concern...

but back on topic... what did ricky b do to need this info???

I got a parking ticket while sitting in the drivers seat with it running. Thought it was total BS and was looking for the definition of "parked". Turned into a whole debate with the cop till he called for 5-6 backup cops because apparently he was scared of me as I was being as polite and respectable as possible.
Don't read into this I'm not a pugilist, but I had another altercation today. As my family and I were walking out of IHOP this morning, some random dude let the door go and it hit my little girl in the head. I bent down and checked her out and she was ok. I felt it was an accident and really didn't want to start anything. I spoke up said my peace and started walking out. As I was walking out my wife asked what happened and I said that a guy let the door go and it hit Annabelle in the face. Granted, my tone was very sarcastic and loud. Then, I guess, this dude's buddy felt he had to put the blame on someone so he said it was my fault for not being there. I bowed up, pointed my finger at him and said "You better get inside before I ****ing knock you out...........na..na..I ain't got time for this I'm on my way to church" end quote. My wife got on to me about the F bomb, but like I said a door just hit my kid in the face. It amazes me how quick a parent can just go off when something happens to your kid. I've been laughing about this all day, because it's just out of character for me.
Speeding said:
I got a parking ticket while sitting in the drivers seat with it running. Thought it was total BS and was looking for the definition of "parked". Turned into a whole debate with the cop till he called for 5-6 backup cops because apparently he was scared of me as I was being as polite and respectable as possible.

from Criminal Laws of Alabama book 2008 edition.

"(39) PARK OR PARKING. The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers."
pgpdnarc said:
from Criminal Laws of Alabama book 2008 edition.

"(39) PARK OR PARKING. The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers."
so you were sitting on the phone, or people or cargo were getting in and out of it? If you were picking somebody up, busted. Happened at an airport for us. you are supposed to get in while its moving. :****:

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