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Naches 18-19

I thought only FS organized work parties were supposed to clear trails, ya know the people who have taken the saw safety class. How did you guys manage to do it with out the government to help you? Are you O.K.?
The ranger told us it was fine to cut the trees that were blocking the trail, he even told us we could take them back to camp and use them for fire wood if we wanted. Im not a very good web wheeler yet so I dont know how to put pic's up...
i can e-mail some pics to someone if they can load them, not much snow at the rocks, just the section between 5 fingers and the top of the ridge between the rocks had enough to make it fun. the upper milk pond road(the open section) is going to have some issues as the hillside is starting to crack and move, other than that most of the trail that we ran was good to go, and like whitetrashfab said, the forest service told us that ALL the trails were open unless they were impassable by snow or fallen trees( which he said we could cut) overall a good trip aside from the three hour drive, at least chinook opens for next weekend:mad:
I thought only FS organized work parties were supposed to clear trails, ya know the people who have taken the saw safety class. How did you guys manage to do it with out the government to help you? Are you O.K.?

You only have to be certified if you're running a saw as a volunteer at a work party... As a volunteer you are covered by L&I and need the proper training...

As an individual, you can clear downed trees out of the trail to continue on...
How do you know what section is open? Are there baricades on the upper part of the road?

ROAD CLOSURES: Recent floods caused extensive damage to the following roads which have been closed to all traffic:
Forest Road No. 1207 is open from Road No. 1207-250 to non-motorized traffic which includes hikers, mountain bikes and horses. The Miriam Creek Bridge was stabilized enough to warrant use by these users.

Little Rattlesnake Road No. 1501 is closed for 5.1 miles from the junction of forest road No. 1500/1501 (T15, R15, Sec 10) to the junction of forest road No. 1501 and forest road No. 1503 (T15, R14, Sec 24)
Dry Ridge Road No. 1601 is closed for 1.5 miles from milepost 0.3 (T15, R15, Sec 30) to the junction of 4 wheel drive trail No. 697 (T16, R14, Sec 25)
Clover Way Road No. 1605 is closed for 3 miles from the junction of forest road No. 1607/1605 (T16, R14, Sec 16) to the junction of forest road No. 1605-244 (T15, R14, Sec 17)
Rock Creek Road No. 1702 is closed for 4.8 miles from milepost 0.3 (T16, R15, Sec 17) to the junction with forest road No. 1720 (T16, R15, Sec 4)
Gold Creek Road No. 1703 is closed for 5.9 miles from State Route 410 (T17, R14, Sec 36) to the end of forest road No. 1703 (T17, R14, Sec 24 junction with Road No. 1705)
Milk Creek Road No. 1708 is closed for 10 miles from the junction of Road No. 1708 and State Route 410 (T17, R14, Sec 9) to the junction with 4 wheel drive trail No. 688 (T17, R15, Sec 5)

this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and talking to the forest service officer who stopped by camp as we were getting ready to head out, forgot his name but he was friendly and more than willing to answer all of our questions:awesomework:
How do you know what section is open? Are there baricades on the upper part of the road?

They put ecology blocks across the entrance and big signs off 410. Run the 676 to the rocks while you still can, I dont think whats left of the road section will be there much longer without some redirecting of the water....
I know about the closures at 410 but the FS is required to post the other end of the closure as well. I see it's about 10 miles but is it posted there?
I know about the closures at 410 but the FS is required to post the other end of the closure as well. I see it's about 10 miles but is it posted there?

As with many things in life you may or may not have a sign telling you what you can or can not do. In the case of coming to the National Forest the ultimate responsibilty of knowing the whats and whys is on your shoulders.

Comes down to "Know Before You Go"

Enough info has been posted on this very board and in this very thread to help you.

The Naches Ranger District Info desk # is 509-653-1401. They can send you to my voice mail at the OHV Desk.
My Thanks to the many I met over this weekend. Always a pleasure.

The info I passed to ones I met came from others I met during the week. It can be very difficult to get accurate and up to date info. Things change hourly as more folks pass thru trails.

Again my Thanks to those who helped by clearing trails of windfall. If you like pm me with your contact info as I would like to record volunteer hours. Having these hours helps us track whos doing what where so our programs can better serve those helping us and the trail users as a whole.
As with many things in life you may or may not have a sign telling you what you can or can not do. In the case of coming to the National Forest the ultimate responsibilty of knowing the whats and whys is on your shoulders.

Comes down to "Know Before You Go"

Enough info has been posted on this very board and in this very thread to help you.

The Naches Ranger District Info desk # is 509-653-1401. They can send you to my voice mail at the OHV Desk.

I'm not trying to bust your balls but I don't agree.
From .here
In red......
Forest Service, USDA
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Talked to someone who went over this weekend from the 410 side. He said not much snow on the trails but lots of downed tree's. Bring a saw if you go.
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I'm not trying to bust your balls but I don't agree.
From .here
In red......

The issue is a person could enter the trail system by one of the open routes, double around and end up looking at the back side of one of the signs on the closed roads. A 10 mile section of closed road needs to be posted at both ends.

Funny how you have driven, walked or otherwise gotten past the kiosk where the orders are/were posted. You were afforded oppurtunity to be informed and chose not to become imformed.

Responsibilty still falls on you to "Know Before You Go".
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Binder, It comes down to this.

I try to come here to answer questions concerning use of the National Forest.

You apparently come here to voice an opinion that seems to want to differ/argue with that infomation.

I have no problem leaving the public to seek this info on their own. Then I can focus my attention to my job on district.

I think that's the direction I"ll go.
Funny how you have driven, walked or otherwise gotten past the kiosk where the orders are/were posted. You were afforded oppurtunity to be informed and chose not to become imformed.

Responsibilty still falls on you to "Know Before You Go".

Who says I went past any kiosks? And the law I posted clearly says the responsibility is on the FS to post this information and get it to us. Several people have asked for more specific information and I've explained why the information is needed.
The FS expects citizens to follow the rules so why should the citizens not expect the FS to follow the same set of rules?
Binder, It comes down to this.

I try to come here to answer questions concerning use of the National Forest.

You apparently come here to voice an opinion that seems to want to differ/argue with that infomation.

I have no problem leaving the public to seek this info on their own. Then I can focus my attention to my job on district.

I think that's the direction I"ll go.

It's up to you if you want to go a different direction but if you can provide information it is appreciated. I don't come here to differ/ argue but when it needs to happen I do. Better to get it all out now then after a bunch of people get into trouble.:cheer:
Who says I went past any kiosks? And the law I posted clearly says the responsibility is on the FS to post this information and get it to us. Several people have asked for more specific information and I've explained why the information is needed.
The FS expects citizens to follow the rules so why should the citizens not expect the FS to follow the same set of rules?

Not everyone is a web-wheeler. :awesomework: We are sheeple created by the gubment.

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