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owl holla

So far it's open, just waiting to see what happens next, climbed a few old hills, but going to need a chainsaw for sure.
ya i left right before you got their. We rode around on 4-wheelers but i agree with the chain saw. When are yall gonna head back out their
yeah i took my buggy over there last saturday and it was all open we are prolly going to get a few buggies together and go over and check out some of the old hill climbs I remember there used to be some monsters in there
Yea thats it .Rode it for about 20 yrs,then they closed it to deer hunt ,Ithink they must have killed all the Deers and abandoned it .The only prob is people don't take care of it ,leaving beer cans and garbage everywhere,also a lot of burn't cars.Maybe if we can control this prob they will leave it open so we can ride.Great riding and easy to get there.Love to be able to open it back up for wheeling.
454tbacon said:
Yea thats it .Rode it for about 20 yrs,then they closed it to deer hunt ,Ithink they must have killed all the Deers and abandoned it .The only prob is people don't take care of it ,leaving beer cans and garbage everywhere,also a lot of burn't cars.Maybe if we can control this prob they will leave it open so we can ride.Great riding and easy to get there.Love to be able to open it back up for wheeling.

and 10 mins away from the house
We used to ride back there in the mid 90's, place was pretty fun. Which way is everybody going in? We used to take Mahan Gap Rd to Fire Tower Rd to get in. Is that the way yall go or is there another way? Love to go back there, its been years.
motofast said:
and 10 mins away from the house
yep, 5 miles away for me. I was riding there back about 1980 on a little Honda 50 mini bike booyang. Went there every weekend on bikes growing up, then in Jeeps once I started driving. :driving:

Hit everything from Widow maker, Scenic view, Stairsteps & all the rest

Even got my 1st piece of :cougar: at the Overlook :****:
I was there saturday and camped the night and like tim was saying a chain saw is a must but its still looking good. After a few weeks of riding it should be somewhat back to normal but we all need to do a clean up on it. Anyone interested in setting up a weekend to clean let me know and ill be there. Or just do like we did and clean when riding.
im wit you billybob we need to try an get a clean up planed for out there cause theres some great riding....