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Selling a truck gone wrong.

halcat said:
What ever went through that motor is bad ****, but that piston will compress air just fine.no telling how many motors out there have pistons just like that. That motor could have eat a turbo some time in the past. he could have unplugged a wire to make the truck run rough, might be carma.


As is is as is.... As is is as is...... As is is as is...

Three times fast! N tell him maybe used vehicles aren't his thing... New ones come w warranties.
something went in that engine and it doesnt look like rings. Id have to know what those peices are before Id go any further. It could be pictures of another engine, seen people try to pull stuff like that before
He gambled......he lost. Game over. His problem. I had an ordeal very similar once. I had a slide in truck camper. Hated it. It sucked to load and unload. Put it on Craigslist. A fella came and looked it over for about 2 hours. It had some water damage. I pointed it out. He "rebuilds" campers as a hobby. He pointed out damage that I didn't know about. We haggled back and forth and came up with an agreed upon price. He loaded it, handed cash and left. A few days later he contacted me and said when he was unloading it, it apparently snagged something in the bed and he drug the damn legs off and it hit the ground. Well hunpty dumpy busted all to hell. He said it had extensive water damage and he "thinks" I knew about it. He said if I didn't give some financial assistance to repair it or buy it back he would have to do what his attorney suggested. He never said what that was, but my guess is since Tennessee is a buyer beware state his attorney told him he was ****ed. I refused to help. I mean **** he showed me damage I didn't know about. I hated he ****ed it up but I loaded and unloaded it a dozen times or more without incident. You cannot worry about this. It's not on you. You presented the truck as it was, he took a guess about what was wrong and gambled. It's out of your hands. Apologize, tell him you cannot help him and block the number. It definitely makes you feel as if you did something wrong simply because of empathy but you didn't. Move on and don't sweat it.
Do you know for a fact those are the Pistons in the engine of THAT truck? Might be from some other **** and trying to get money. But either way. As is as is. Sorry bout your luck. Someone bought a truck from Me On here not to long ago. A few things went wrong shortly after that I never had an issue with. I felt horrible. Offered to help fix it too. If it was some Joe blow on Craigslist I would have told them get bent but being on here. I offered to help anyway I could. Believe he got it all sorted out. But still made me feel bad
Thanks for the words guys. I was starting to feel like a **** about the situation. He's given me sob story and I guess he thinks I'm a fool because the crap he has been spewing recently doesn't add up. Apparently he is losing a $200k contract over this. I'm no hot shot trucking expert but if I had that fat of a deal lined up I would be shopping for something that blows Ac through the seats and has a pretty substantial warranty. I guess that's what I get for being calm and and pretty civil about the ordeal.
If your're a hotshot driver pulling in 6 figure contracts, you have a newer truck bottom ****in line. That dude blows goats :****: **** that guy. Keep your money and don't feel bad about it.
RioYJ said:
... I'm no hot shot trucking expert but if I had that fat of a deal lined up I would be shopping for something that blows Ac through the seats and has a pretty substantial warranty.

I have nothing more to add that hasn't been said, but I LOL at this. molaugh
Re: Re: Selling a truck gone wrong.

jpony645 said:
Sounds like it was running fine and didn't start running rough until he test drove it, correct? Maybe HE caused the damage during the "test drive"? :dunno: thumb.gif
This was my first instinct. He test drove the dog **** out of it, then snap, "now I can get a deal..."

I know that if I was gonna buy a truck to make 200k with I'd certainly look for one that had problems i could buy cheap instead of just making a down payment on a new one n getting to work the next day..... LOL.... Some people
He said he thinks the turbo is bad and wanted to buy it as is for a substantially lower price which I didn't want to do because there was no guarantee that was the issue. After he asked me to sell it numerous times i gave in and we agreed on a price as is and he had a roll back pick it up.

You already agreed to reduce the price for the sale agreeing there was some sort of issue, therefore consider this your portion of the payment towards the repair. Nuff said.... :indianajones:
I sold an 83 Toyota to a 19 year old kid back in 2011. It had probably been in the woods since 1995, and was sold as a wheeler not a DD. The kid drove test drove it and agreed everything was how I said it was, paid me and left with the truck. At 4a.m. that night he starts calling and texting saying the tail lights don't work and his dad will kill him for buying a truck like that and wants his money back. I rolled over and went back to bed, he apparently delt with that issue because it never came up again. However about 3 weeks later I get a picture of the truck with a busted windshield. Then he calls and tells me the steering wheel came off and he crashed the truck, says I knew it was unsafe to drive and if I didn't pay for everything he was going to sue me. I told him to go ahead and sue, and that we would no longer need to communicate with each other since he's filing against me and that his lawyer can contact me for anything he needs. Nothing else was ever said, I didn't get sued, and he is probably still an idiot. People make bad choices and try to pass the effects of them off to someone else. Sucks for the dude that bought the 7.3, but don't sweat it. If he had a $200k job lined up he wouldn't have been looking at 7.3 in the first place.
Literally just bought a dirtbike that needed "just the valves adjusted". I got it at a deal that I was OK with, loaded it up and hauled it to my buddies bike shop for a valve adjustment. He calls the next day saying that the valves were on their last shim and the timing chain was shot. Did I bitch? Did I call duder crying because it went from a $50 fix to a $500+ fix? Nope I am a grown ass man that makes decisions and lives with them. I also go into a deal figuring my investment in a vehicle as worst case scenario and am happy when it is "just an adjustment" but still not losing when it is alot worse. Ole feller needs to catch the bushes.
I was talking to dad about his thread last night he brought up a good reminder. When i bought my truck (95 Dodge Cummins) the trac bar was shot (shocker) and everyone that test drove it couldnt figure it out because the guys drive way was kind of on the side of hill and not very flat. My dad bet him (with my money on the truck) we could fix it in 30 minutes and if we did he would sell the truck for $1k under asking price or and if we couldnt then we would buy it for full asking price. Long story short we fixed it and drove it home. The old man never said anything negative just laughed it off and told me to enjoy the truck.

Sometimes you gamble and win.
redneckengineered said:
Block his number and move on.

Time = Money

By allowing him to waste more of your time you're spending more money on that truck whether you like it or not.
Have myself or another smartass like Tyler call him. HaHaha he'll never call back then... Wata dipshit. Kills me how folks wanna call like they have return policy. Ha. Tell him you'll give him half of wat he paid. Hell he lowballed you. Actually don't even answer like redneck said. Pisses Em off even worse.
Block him and walk away. You did everything right.

I had an idiot from here buy my 258 from my CJ, even drove 3 hours to drop it off for him. It rained on the way down. The asshat never even inspected the damn thing even though he knew it was drenched from when I brought it down. Claimed I sold him a **** motor due to water damage.................even though I had just pulled it from my CJ when it was running.

Some people just don't have a clue.