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Sold/Expired siezed!!!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
Stilwell, KS
My brother's motor siezed up while he was ridin in my yard... We just got back from a long ride where we were running WOT 3rd gear for ~5 miles of roads---we went ridin' at a friend's land, just took surface streets there... Ryan was either WOT or riding wheelies--and he's good at the real long ones... Wondering if that had anything to do with it? (oil going to the back of the case and not lubing the cylinder)... Anyone else had this happen?

BTW friend paced us at 50MPH on mission in between 199th and 213th...
Shoulda bought a Honda :flipoff1:

that sucks ass... did he have plenty of oil was at the right level and whatever ? Im amazed none of us ( Miles... ) have locked up an engine yet. With the road runs at WOT you know that lil motor has to hate getting zinged like that for so long laughing1
P said:
Shoulda bought a Honda :flipoff1:

that sucks ass... did he have plenty of oil was at the right level and whatever ? Im amazed none of us ( Miles... ) have locked up an engine yet. With the road runs at WOT you know that lil motor has to hate getting zinged like that for so long laughing1

Miles pulled the dip stick out of his motor the other night and was like do you see any oil on there. I said yeah just a little, his reply was Let it eat then. I am truly amazed at the abuse the honda 50's take. There is no way a boyang or any other chinese knock off will stand that kind of punishment.
They are tough as ****... hell I've had the head on mine almost ready to fall off, the 4 cap screws that retain it were backed off from vibes , it was literally spitting dust out on compressoin from the mating surface between head and jug while it was running and sounded like an exhaust leak BUT WAS STILL RUNNING... I didnt do anything but tighten them up and rock out... that was MONTHS ago. laughing1

I love that lil bastard. I rode all night Saturday with like 1 strained remaining on the throttle cable its all frayed and about to let go inside the carb, that is what was hanging the throttle WOT Cable's are less than 10bux, no worries. thumb.gif
you truly cannot beat A CRF50.... My brother and I put our 05's though HELL when we had em... then sold mine for $50 less than I paid for it brand new thumb.gif... Fuggers are awesome :afro:

I REALLY wanna get another one and set it up w/ pegs and street tars for stuntin laughing1 and have this one ready for the sho-me pit bike series and backyard thrashin :woody:

Side note---I love my new 'hood... we rolled 5 miles each way to my friend's property... rode back, wheelies---dippin into ditches jumpin driveways.. damn so much fun... Stilwell is the ****... Wheelies by a JoCo sherrif on Friday night, stopped and helped them jump a lawnmower that had a dead battery (yes had to help them, they couldnt get the connection right---must have never heard of corrosion)and he was BSing w/ me about my kid bike w/ big bars laughing1 pepper.gif thumb.gif

Friday night we cruized around on the bikes... Definetly need to get the baja designs kits because night session would be fun if you could see... and if people could see you... metcalf in the dark isn't a good idea always molaugh seemed like it at the time tho :eat:
P said:
Hell yea man, night rides on the Booyangs is the **** ! laughing1

booyangs---is this the new term for non fiddys? :dunno: laughing1 Edit: saw other thread im retarded laughing1
symptoms sound like output shaft---so maybe the motor isn't cash'd out.. either way we'll be splittin the cases to figure it out. Time for 4 speed "while we're at it" :woody:
Ryan took the cover off, looks like it's just the clutch that exploded booyang then lock'd it up... $100 by the time he got HD springs in the clutch (stock there's 4 and 2 more open slots) plus clutch discs as well as new hardware for the cover since the OEM screw are junk and heads stripped upon removal.

Shouldn't be long before he's back in biz-nass booyang
Ryan goin for the pass... tryin to catch up of course (im up by the driver's mirror barely see ) booyang


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