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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
Anyone know **** about snowmobiles? Is it a beat the **** out of your body lke a dirtbike or quad? or is it light and fluffy if one stays on groomed trails and powder?

I see a lot of older guy riding, so I think it might be forgving on the body.

School me!!
depends on how big your balls are:awesomework:

it also depends on what type of riding you want to do, trail riding,bondocking,hill climbing, jumping, ect... it's probably the best work out you can get

trust me i have been riding since before i new how to walk and i am twenty now, you can talk to anyone i ride with/seen me ride i can ride with the best of them, love the sport, i'll ride till i die, sold my brand new sled a few months back because i am going to school now and i had to pay my tution:booo: :puke:

first ride out last year on my brand new dragon, riding at gold creek:beer:


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they purdy much wear you out while your getting the hang of it, and then once you get the hang of it to, if your doin it right:;

nothing like the ball bustin action of hardcore dirt biking though, unless you really wanna take it there, i.e. really big ballz/no brain.
Go to a bike shop and ask them if you can turn there sled around then grab the 2 front skies and try to turn it around in a circle.

But you can sled all day on groomed trails and not strain yourself to bad but then one day you will be out and it will dump 2 feet of snow on you and it will be a bitch to do anything. If you take it easy and ride with others who can assist you when needed you should be all right.
Go to a bike shop and ask them if you can turn there sled around then grab the 2 front skies and try to turn it around in a circle.

But you can sled all day on groomed trails and not strain yourself to bad but then one day you will be out and it will dump 2 feet of snow on you and it will be a bitch to do anything. If you take it easy and ride with others who can assist you when needed you should be all right.

:haha: :haha: :haha:

if i was out riding and it snowed two feet while riding i would be so fawkin stoked, and when you get stuck your on your own, unless your the bitch holdin every one else up:kiss:

as far as the work out goes, it just depends on how hard you ride, i don't own a dirt bike but i have ridin many times with a bunch of buddies, and dirt biking doesn't even compare to snowmobiling, when it comes to technical **** imo all i ride are big hills, big jumps/natural windlips and such, and deep pow:cool: and i must say it is one hell of a work out even if you don't get stuck.... get stuck a couple times on a deep powder day and your loosin some poundage for sure:haha:
I cannot pick one up. My thought about being stuck is a shovel, reverse and patience....a lot of patience. I also lke the idea of riding with a buddy.

My main question is riding the groomed and novice trails a back breaker, or with the right suspension is it comfortable.

My friend has a 1998 thundercat with a M1000 suspension and a 141" track that I can ride. I know it's a very fast machine, but can it be comfortable with theM1000 suspension? or is it to old of a machine?
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its cake if you ride with the girls and tour the cat tracks, if you are adventerous type its nasty, get stuck in powder and its like heaving around a sheat of plywood under 2 feet of mud, not to mention its friggin spendy, start buying all the good **** its pretty easy to rack up thousands, its fun and you will see some beutiful scenery, but if you get into it, even if youre skilled it takes alot of dough and phsicle strength to see the best of it
that said if you are casual, buy a used mountain max or rmk and have some fun
Everyone is right, It is not bad if you stay on the groomed trails but it sure does make your back pretty sore after a long day of riding. I have rode dirtbikes and quads all my life and also did snowmobiling for a while, I thought snowmobiling was alot more abusive on the body even staying on the groomed trails your back can get pretty sore.

Even worse when you get out in the back country exploring and get stuck. We went to yellowstone a while back and was doing some back country riding when we got stuck in this huge rivine up to our waist in fresh powder which took us nearly 7 hours to get out of. WORST DAY EVER.

 cannot pick one up. My thought about being stuck is a shovel, reverse and patience....a lot of patience. I also lke the idea of riding with a buddy.

Your thought about the shovel, reverse and patience won't quiet work in the powder snow. Usually being stuck out in the powder involves alot of shoveling, man power & some good HP lol. Well unless you have some kids to bail you out in those type of situations, thats what my dad always did to me and my brothers.

You can always go over to like cle elum & rent a snowmobile for the day to decide if it is something you would like to pursue in the future. I love it even though it can be brutal at times.
the other thing to think about is that alot of the cat-trails get pretty beat on busy weekends because everybody uses them. But for the most part if you check the groomer's report and stay on groomed stuff you'll be fine, it'll be boring but you wont get all worn out.
That OLDER sled you were asking about isn't a bad ride. The M1000 suspension is nice.

I don't know what injuries/problems you have if any so it is hard to say if you can ride or not. I just started riding again last year after not riding since the early 80's.

I have done a mix of groomed trails and boondocking last year. It is a blast and I did ok. For me I was more worried about how my foot was going to handle the cold than anything. If you have the right gear it isn't a problem. If you don't know what happened to me, I was wounded in Iraq. I got shot in the right leg and have nerve damage to my lower leg. I never thought I would snowmobile again but decided to try it last year.

So my advice as others have said is come on over here to Cle Elum and rent a sled for the day. Go out and ride and see how you like it. Or borrow that sled from your buddy and take it for a ride. If you want someone to go with just give me a shout. I don't know the area yet but I am learning. Hopefully we will get some snow SOON.

Here is my sled,

And I bought a sled for the GF this year and also got one for my daughter (6)

stevens pass, mount baker, snoqualmie pass, ect ect. what kind of riding are you looking to do?

A friend from work has 4 sleds..he normaly goes out to Cle Elum but doesnt want to deal with the pass.. so were looking for some place on the westside..

and Wide open groomed trails.. this will be my first run on a sled also..
A friend from work has 4 sleds..he normaly goes out to Cle Elum but doesnt want to deal with the pass.. so were looking for some place on the westside..

and Wide open groomed trails.. this will be my first run on a sled also..
Government Meadows...up the 70 road just past the town of Greenwater.
Government Meadows...up the 70 road just past the town of Greenwater.

I have a feeling that's where he's gunna go.. Iam backing out on this trip due to possiable wind storm...

on a side note..

Thanks Robin for starting this thread:redneck:
No offence to the thundercat but that has to be one of the worst sleds to ride if your concerned with ride quality and work out lol A newer 600 with good suspension and reverse would make life way better. Alot has to do with where you ride and knowing the grooming days also. Having raced/rode for many years it dont seem to hard to me, but I have seen some pro motorcross riders look silly there first time out riding to.
I get beatup snowmobiling but I am a very extreme rider. That being said I get more beatup trailriding my KTM than I ever do snowmobiling. If you get stuck (and everybody does) It dosnt mater how light you'r sled is when it's packed with 200lbs of cascade crud. Reverse only gets you stucker. There is a art to getting un-stuck and the only way to learn it is to do it a lot. Trails get purdy nasty after a weekend of use. Imagine the worst washboard road you have ever been on x10