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Team Trophy Challege Washington 2008

come on guys, we are still only about 1/2 full!

Ask anyone who has run our event, or the one in Oregon. It is not to be missed.

We will challenge you in ways that you have never been challenged before!

Again we are going to ask you to do things that you would not normally think of but could be extrememly valuable once you learn them.

You are going to have to out think us when you are dead tired and just want to go to bed.

We are going to test your vehicle and its endurance.

We are going to challenge your ability to work together as a team.

We are going to challenge your ability to cope with unexpected situations.

We are going to challenge your ability to navigate with very minimal directions.

We challenge YOU!
You are going to have to out think us when you are dead tired and just want to go to bed.

Yeah! not counting the 24hrs I was up before the event, we were in the woods for 18hrs, thats 42 hrs straight. Dead tired doesn't come close to how you feel.

When we were done and turned around and started heading back to camp, my body just relaxed, the adrenaline was gone, I was seeing things, lots of things, and should not been driving on a side of the mountain.

But you know it was still fun.:awesomework:
Last time Mark and I ran it we had about 36 Red Bull drinks in a 24 hour period between us. We tried to keep it to one an hour!
we tried that once but Mark gets a little excited at times when under pressure and we could count the teeth coming off of his transfer case gears as we were running..

better to use caffeine and less adrenaline :haha:
We would have ran onto morning, but my fuel pump decided it didn't want to run as much as the rest of us. :D

We will be mailing in our paperwork on Monday, busy collecting signatures. :p
Those East side lightweights, how the hell did they get in before I did? Damn bunch of goat farmers I tell ya!

Quit you're whining you mold infested blackberry farmer!

HEY, who's using my "username" on this forum anyway? Is it it me and I just can't figure out my password? :) I had to put "74" in front of it just to log on. :)

I hear it's in Washington again too. Sure is nice not to have to drive 16 hours round trip for the Tillamook event.
I don't care about details of where it is but as any word been put out about generally where it's going to be. I know Washington but any word on County or area of the State?
i believe it's up to 10 now.
come on guys. put a team togther and sign up
unless you cant work well with others!!! :stirpot: :kissmyass:
Our Entry went into the mail today. We might try and put together a second team, it depends on how many rigs we have running in the club when summer get's here. :D
Dr #1Rick Newcomb
Co #1Jackie Newcomb
Dr #2Brian Nupen
Co #2Ken Kayser

Dr #1Kris Anderson
Co #1Derek Anderson
Dr #2Matt Bishop
Co #2Peter Bishop