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To The Trolls......

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If you troll here, you likely do not have FB. Ironic? I think not.

And for the record, I've always associated "trolling" with the boating term... meaning going slow in a certain area. As in web surfing as it used to be called.... you trolled through a message board and by going slow, you commented and posted on everything. Just my answer, but I've only ben usin' the innernets now for 21 years so what do I know.
I think I might be a troll. What's the use on being part of a forum if you don't comment on stuff? :woot:. But I'd rather be a troll than a :Tc any day.
johneddie said:
Alright,my bad...wasn't trying to start ****. But wasn't it "General Discussion" before??? ....or am I just retarded? :dunno:
If so,when did it change?
Quiet possibly it did but I wanted to point it out
June dog said:
I think I might be a troll. What's the use on being part of a forum if you don't comment on stuff? :woot:. But I'd rather be a troll than a :Tc any day.

I guess I'm a troll to? :dunno: I comment on stuff? Maybe I should just read it and not log in? Honestly I really don't know what the real definition of a troll is? ???
The term "trolling" is associated with the fishing lingo. It usually starts with a person, ie the troll, making a statement that they know is going to rub people the wrong way. They just put it out there, not picking on anyone in particular. And they wait, hoping to bait someone into a response. Similar to trolling while fishing, just throwing a baited hook out and cruise around, waiting for a bite. An example would be going on youtube and watching a 4x4 video. Then commenting something like "obama is the BEST prez ever!". The comment has no real place in the discussion, they're just trying to get a rise out of anyone willing to argue back. Calling this person a troll and saying not to feed the troll is kinda not right. Just people getting their homonyms mixed up.

So, in conclusion, a troll is just there to make trouble and start ****. Usually not aimed at 1 particular person to start but if you take the bait, they'll **** with you until you stop responding. If you do this, you might be a troll.
Thank you beerj. You explained it so my dumb ass actually understands what it is. Sometimes I need it spelled Out on the kindergarten level.
Beerj said:
The term "trolling" is associated with the fishing lingo. It usually starts with a person, ie the troll, making a statement that they know is going to rub people the wrong way. They just put it out there, not picking on anyone in particular. And they wait, hoping to bait someone into a response. Similar to trolling while fishing, just throwing a baited hook out and cruise around, waiting for a bite. An example would be going on youtube and watching a 4x4 video. Then commenting something like "obama is the BEST prez ever!". The comment has no real place in the discussion, they're just trying to get a rise out of anyone willing to argue back. Calling this person a troll and saying not to feed the troll is kinda not right. Just people getting their homonyms mixed up.

So, in conclusion, a troll is just there to make trouble and start ****. Usually not aimed at 1 particular person to start but if you take the bait, they'll **** with you until you stop responding. If you do this, you might be a troll.
So after explaining that and I agree with you what would mudinmetal ibrokeit joc and the others threatened with a time out be called just wondering because they answered the troll?
al1tonyota said:
So after explaining that and I agree with you what would mudinmetal ibrokeit joc and the others threatened with a time out be called just wondering because they answered the troll?

A fresh catch of the day?
Well I guess a lot of us here could be considered "trolls".....I was guilty of one particular thread that went several pages and got pretty nasty. Not my original intent but it happened.
Can't we all just get along?? ;D
June dog said:
Thank you beerj. You explained it so my dumb ass actually understands what it is. Sometimes I need it spelled Out on the kindergarten level.

Same here, thanks beerJ
Well that's just my opinion. But in my mind it makes sense. I don't think anyone that responded to a "troll" should be held accountable. Just the same as you don't blame a fish for taking the bait. It's right there, in your face, just begging to be swallowed. (man, I should write porn scripts) Blame the person who cast the bait and set the hook. In my short time here I haven't seen many trolls. The other Arkantard© with the d30 was a troll, prime example. The "RCV is the Best" thread is borderline. On it's own it would've been fine, but within context and current circumstances with the other thread, it was just put there to continue an argument. That argument could've stayed in the first thread. Again, in my opinion, call someone out when they're being an ass. But there's no need to do it out of context. Keep it in the thread where they proved themselves to be said ass.
June dog said:
I think I might be a troll. What's the use on being part of a forum if you don't comment on stuff? :woot:. But I'd rather be a troll than a :Tc any day.
That's called a "lurker" if I have my terminology correct.
Beerj said:
Well that's just my opinion. But in my mind it makes sense. I don't think anyone that responded to a "troll" should be held accountable. Just the same as you don't blame a fish for taking the bait. It's right there, in your face, just begging to be swallowed. (man, I should write porn scripts) Blame the person who cast the bait and set the hook. In my short time here I haven't seen many trolls. The other Arkantard© with the d30 was a troll, prime example. The "RCV is the Best" thread is borderline. On it's own it would've been fine, but within context and current circumstances with the other thread, it was just put there to continue an argument. That argument could've stayed in the first thread. Again, in my opinion, call someone out when they're being an ass. But there's no need to do it out of context. Keep it in the thread where they proved themselves to be said ass.

Sometimes the fish needs to look at the bait and see it's clearly not a real worm and swim away.
kushKrawlin said:
Wtf? Lost me there...

Should have quoted. That was in response to: "I don't think anyone that responded to a "troll" should be held accountable..."
lowbudgetjunk said:
Is DPJD200 a troll? Hath he or she or shim been banned yet :flipoff1:

Not banned yet. I don't see why I would be either. I'll admit I took the bait by pointing out the obvious after several unhelpful posts that I personally felt were unnecessary and antagonistic when I was actually looking for people's help and opinions. Then, I was flamed and my experience and work history were questioned and the fact that I posted the same topic in similar forums was brought up like I'm trying to spam or do something illegitimate for some reason. What does it matter if I posted the same question on other forums? In my thread, I asked very specific questions with very specific parameters that were ignored and I was fine with that and even thanked people for their opinions and I felt that I continued to get baited. Obviously this site has been having problems with trolling since this thread was created before my thread was and some people are continuing to disregard the rules. That is very unfortunate for the people that try to actually help newcomers and for the site because people will feel unwelcome and simply won't come back. I hope these issues are going to be addressed further and would appreciate it if my thread was reopened for the intended purpose or I would like permission to open a new thread for the same topic please..
djpg2000 said:
Not banned yet. I don't see why I would be either. I'll admit I took the bait by pointing out the obvious after several unhelpful posts that I personally felt were unnecessary and antagonistic when I was actually looking for people's help and opinions. Then, I was flamed and my experience and work history were questioned and the fact that I posted the same topic in similar forums was brought up like I'm trying to spam or do something illegitimate for some reason. What does it matter if I posted the same question on other forums? In my thread, I asked very specific questions with very specific parameters that were ignored and I was fine with that and even thanked people for their opinions and I felt that I continued to get baited. Obviously this site has been having problems with trolling since this thread was created before my thread was and some people are continuing to disregard the rules. That is very unfortunate for the people that try to actually help newcomers and for the site because people will feel unwelcome and simply won't come back. I hope these issues are going to be addressed further and would appreciate it if my thread was reopened for the intended purpose or I would like permission to open a new thread for the same topic please..

If your post ain't about the tits, politics, or dumb **** for sale, then it must fall under the title heading of "Hardcore Southern Wheeling and Fabrication".

Your post about what street tires to put on your grocery getter is irrelevant to all those topics.
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