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TSL? How do you like it cut?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2011
Billings Montana
I have a medium weight buggy 3300 lbs on 42 in tsls. I wheel a mix but need to be good on the rocks. What are your favorite patterns to groove them to be better but still be good in the rocks? I like the Etna and tennasee cuts but need to be good in the rocks crawling style.

I know atickies are best for crawlin and I will have them some day but for now I have brand new tsls. : ). What have you run? How do you like it and what's it work best in?

The more pics the better
I cant post pics anymore. You and I weigh the same amount. I cut the center of all my lugs in a V notch. Deep enough to the carcass. I used a sawzall. I ran 4psi up front and 2psi rear.

All I run is rocks. Almost no mud. They worked noticeably different. I would never cut another set of tires unless someone paid me to. :)
Unless your whacking off entire lugs the only options are V or straight across. Has anyone seen anything different?
I'm going straight across because a bought the chainsaw blade for a grinder. Which makes that about a ten min job per tire. After that if I want to do more I'll start chopping off every other lug.
I would like to see someone do the V pattern then cut every other lug, to see what it looks like.
This is how I cut mine, & although I never ran them, two different people that had them after me said they did great


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5BrothersFabrication said:
:eek: Where doth thou buy said miracle tool from the heavens?!?! :eek:

HF special. There is a thread I think in general about groovers that just started that has good info. I like the guard attachment for it to control depth
Pics of my two previous rigs. Mayb u can see the different patterns in those pics. I do mostly crawling and u would think the ones on the jeep wouldnt work that well but they did great! Those old tires just worked. That being said if I did it again I would cut them like the ones on the red buggy.


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I did a straight cut my buddy's SX's. Made a big difference in how that tire performed...those SX's are hard.


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1tonyj said:
I did a straight cut my buddy's SX's. Made a big difference in how that tire performed...those SX's are hard.

Old Joheep... Sniff sniff...may it rest in peace... ;D

Those cut SXs did work good.
I just did my 43s in a straight across cut...anxious to try em out.
I am running 38.5" SX. This buggy out wheels most i ride with. The builder said that the cut sx helpped this buggy night ad day.

I have replaced two of the rear tires and they are uncut but i have not ran it since replacing them. Will be a month or so till its done. I cant wait to see how the stock sx do compared to the old cut tires.
joho75287 said:
Old Joheep... Sniff sniff...may it rest in peace... ;D

Those cut SXs did work good.
I just did my 43s in a straight across cut...anxious to try em out.

Currently - 38" TSL's straight cut like the ones above. Cut dem bitches to the cords and roll out.

Past - TN cut a set of 42's and a set of 38's. I honestly like the straight cut more on rock but the TN more in the slop. One has an extra biting/gripping edge on the rock, the other cleans out better in the slop.
muddinmetal said:
This is how I cut mine, & although I never ran them, two different people that had them after me said they did great

I started cutting today. My design looks pretty similar to this one. Except I did cut the small logs and half front to back.