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What The Hell!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2007
no wonder no theres no trails open over by bellingham. People are f***ing stupid. A buddy and me went up with a tow rope and a come along in an attempt to get the car out of academy (i know its private property but still i hate stupid people) when i was up there a few weeks ago (before i knew it was private property) i noticed a car stuck off in a ditch.
Well i didnt have much to do on Saturday so me and my buddy ran up there and were going to remove the car. We got there and didnt find 1 but 3 abandant cars. There was a car flipped over in the ditch, a car drove up into the woods that was high centered and beat to ****, and a subaru wagon stuck in a 1 1/2 ft deep rut... i ended up breaking my tow rope... and the worst part of all was that some dumbshit came up the hill in subaru forester and asked if i could help him get his buddys car unstuck (the one in the ruts).

Yes i know academy is private property and isnt a place to go wheelin, i went up there to clean up the garbage. Seriously i dont understand people. I mean this subaru wagon was seriously stuck in a place u dont even have to go through...
Anyway im just venting i guess its what i get for trying to help...
I don't know that area. Did it used to be opened to wheeling? If so, think about letting those cars sit. I know lot's of people told the DNR in Bellingham that if they close parts of the Nooksack, wheelers would no longer help them keep it clean. If it's always been closed, then that's another story.
Yes, people ARE stupid
I know lot's of people told the DNR in Bellingham that if they close parts of the Nooksack, wheelers would no longer help them keep it clean...
Makes sense. Why help clean up an area you can't use. When I lived there 10 years ago we even adopted the entire public road all the way to the wheelin area on the nooksack. The neighbors on the street loved it that we picked up trash on "their" road. Guess what happened when they locked the gate...no more trash picking up. And then the complainers realized that the speeders and dumpers were their neighbors...not the wheelers.
Makes sense. Why help clean up an area you can't use. When I lived there 10 years ago we even adopted the entire public road all the way to the wheelin area on the nooksack. The neighbors on the street loved it that we picked up trash on "their" road. Guess what happened when they locked the gate...no more trash picking up. And then the complainers realized that the speeders and dumpers were their neighbors...not the wheelers.

true, i guess its what i get for trying to help though...
I know it was open at one time, but not no more...

There are plenty of places that are legal to wheel that could use your help. Keep an eye out for Walker Valley work parties for something sorta close to you.
did you end up getting those cars out? Give me a PM -- I'm in Bellingham and we could definitely help you if you want it (trailers and all!)
ill get back to u on that cause as said above it is private property and we might want to be careful about that, im also gonna call the police and report the car abandant, cause i wouldnt doubt that it is stolen.

Its now kind of a thing i look back on and say i shouldnt have touched it.
no need to get others in trouble to and like i said before its closed down and probably wont be opened again it is all owned by puget power as far as i know.
yah, another thing I just thought of was the fact that you're not going to be able to dispose of the car easily. Z's won't take the car without a title. We might need police assistance to do any clean up, and definitely the approval of the property owners.

It'd be interesting to see what parts of Academy are closed, you'd think there would be a barrier up.
that is kind of funny come to think of it academy isnt actually closed...
the main road that leads up there has no signs that say its closed, the only sign is the one of the 4x4 that leads to the main road, which that 4x4 trail sucks anyway...