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what to do with a dog that bites?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
My brother got his Australian shepard about 5 years ago as a puppy. The dog has always been very hyper but never aggressive until recently. A few weeks ago him and his wife were on their way to Arkansas to pick up his new boat from the manufacture. About half way there his wife turned around to check things out and the dog bit her on the face. She(the dog) was eating a treat and it was dark when it happened. My brother pulled over, punched the her in the nose a few times then makes his way to a doctor. After he had time to calm down he was hoping for the best and thought that maybe his wife had scared the dog and caused the attack.

Everything has been ok until tonight. My brother in law has been dog sitting while my brother is out of town with his wife. While he was watching the game tonight he jumped up after a touchdown and the dog bit him on the stomach. My brother is very attached to his dog but at this point what can you do? Personally I think she needs a healthy dose of anti freeze in her diet but I never liked her much anyways.

Dog has been good for 5 years
Bites two people within the last month
What to do with it?
Also wife will probably need plastic sugery for her face
I have heard that Australian Shepards are biters. Does he have kids? If so get rid of the dog. I am a dog guy. I have two Boxers and have had others. They are a breed I like and have been good to my kids. As much as I love my dogs, If one of them severely bit one of my kids, I would drag it out back and shoot it in the head. If the bite was bad enough that she needs plastic surgery that is going beyond just a scared nip. I would say even if he could have the dog "re-trained", just for his wife's piece of mind get rid of the damn thing.
Are the clamp down hard bites? Or are they nips? A nip is a protective space invasion deal. Was there any growling before either?

I tried the bite back on my Dalmation I had about 15 years ago. It worked that dog never bit anyone again. I bit her ear. flipped it up and clamped down.
Dont know if it will work on all dogs, but worked the one time on the one dog I've had that bit.

Good luck. I'd probably put her down if I couldnt trust her around children though.
Australian Shepards are heard dogs it is in there nature to bite. They nip and bite to control the heard (flock as they are really sheep dogs). I would say that since she is 5 years old I would have her eyes and hearing checked. She could be having issues with either and sudden movement or noise scares her into a reaction. At 35 she may just be getting bitchy it happens to alot of them.
I had a biting problem with a pure bread dog once. I called around to a couple of breeders, and gave it away to someone who wanted one for an outside only dog.
He does not have any kids yet but probably will within the next two years.

As far as the bites go I'm not sure because I wasnt there. I'm not aware of any growing before hand but she never growls before she bites his golden retriever either.

This is a few days after. The bruising is gone now but the scar looks bad
AWW F--k that! That would be one dead ass dog if it were mine. That was more than just a nip. I hope she recovers ok. Blow the dogs head off.
Poor woman , you have to be sure it doesnt happen again what ever you do. I feel for you though, i have been in the same situation before.
I could let one accidentally bite slide if it happened to me, but if my little girl got bit it would be the last thing the dog did. Now a wife or girlfriend getting bit is more complicated. If it was my ex the dog would get a steak dinner :****:
After seeing that pic, if you can't put it down, take it to the vet and have them do it. No way that dog can ever be trusted.
Nuts said:
If it was my ex the dog would get a steak dinner :****:

I dont think he knows about the second bite yet. I will find out the decision when he gets home from Tennessee.

Every dog I've had and currently have are basset hounds which don't really have a mean bone in their body.
One of my old males growled at the other male when I was feeding them. One kick to the ribs fixed that for his remaining 8 years.
Any one with a large breed dog.... Food aggression is the beginning of the end. You MUST train them at a puppy that all food is yours until you're nice enough to give it to them. It's cute or even funny to some if a wiener dog nips you over his milk bone, but when a large dog does it, it's just not that damn funny... I love my dogs and would fight for either one of them, but if they bite my family I wont think twice to send them to doggy Heaven.
Boom stick. My wife works in the pediatric intensive care unit at UT and Childrens, and 99% of the kids that get mauled the parents always say, "he never bit anybody" "he was an inside dog" "he was great with kids". Though 99% of the cases were pit bulls, there was one dalmation and a bloodhound. The bloodhound really was just a nip, but unfortunately just caught the kid in the eye. Dogs are not just a feel-good, lets get a pet decision. You gotta really keep an eye on their temperment, and act quickly if they start acting aggressively over your brother's wife or future children.
Re: Re: what to do with a dog that bites?

I agree that that's more than a nip. When I was 10 I got bit by my uncles best coon dog. He shot the dog before I went to the hospital. My sister got her face ripped open and the city she lived in put the dog down and the owner had to pay for the medical bills. We have an inside bulldog now and Ive told my wife if he ever flips he will be put down.
I'd pop that mut in the head and pitch it in a dam ditch somewhere.
Be damned if it'd share breathing air with me.
Re: Re: what to do with a dog that bites?

25 cent donation to the head. Doggy got issues and that could be some very serious problems in the future.

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