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Blase said:
To anyone saying this is unconstitutional I say:


quoted from fb.
They sent my Census form back! AGAIN!!! In response to the question: "Do you have any dependents ?" I replied - "12 million illegal immigrants ; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployable people, 2 million people in over 243 prisons; and 535 IDIOTS in the U.S. House and Senate. Apparently , this was NOT an acceptable answer.
The other day I was in the grocery store check out line and a young attractive girl in front of me pulled out food stamps to pay for everything. At first I felt sorry for her until I walked out to my truck and noticed her putting her stuff in a brand spankin new Mustang. :dunno: True story.......
Clinton tried to pass the piss in a cup bill and they wouldn't go for it said it was a violation of rights.I say they should do it and put a 2 year limit on any kind of help. AND stop calling help an entitlement, no one is entitled to ****, you get what you work for, if you don't want to work as hard as I do you shouldn't have what I have.
Zukini said:
The other day I was in the grocery store check out line and a young attractive girl in front of me pulled out food stamps to pay for everything. At first I felt sorry for her until I walked out to my truck and noticed her putting her stuff in a brand spankin new Mustang. :dunno: True story.......
Truth.... hell they should judge welfare on what kind of car these lazy ****s drive. If your rolling a jaguar or a caddy you shouldnt get **** from the goverment.
Zukini said:
The other day I was in the grocery store check out line and a young attractive girl in front of me pulled out food stamps to pay for everything. At first I felt sorry for her until I walked out to my truck and noticed her putting her stuff in a brand spankin new Mustang. :dunno: True story.......

Did you ask her about it? .......might have wanted to make a quick $20 cash
without seatching, there was a wierd news story in the KC Star a few weeks ago about a man in Florida who won like 3 million in the Florida lotto. he was on gov assistance before and still was after due to a bullshit Florida law that stated their welfare system goes off of annual income. since he won a one time lump sum, it didnt account for his annual income. therefore, he is still gettin a check from us :wtflol:
Consumption taxes are what we need. All these nig-nogs and illegals are buying **** and not paying income taxes. I am not one to say we need new taxes but this is a SMART way to reform our tax code.
cash talks said:
without seatching, there was a wierd news story in the KC Star a few weeks ago about a man in Florida who won like 3 million in the Florida lotto. he was on gov assistance before and still was after due to a bullshit Florida law that stated their welfare system goes off of annual income. since he won a one time lump sum, it didnt account for his annual income. therefore, he is still gettin a check from us :wtflol:
It's actually worse than that, the law states that "assets" are not considered for eligibility for whatever assistance he's getting. In other words, he could own a 5 million dollar house and have 15 cars and still get his sugar tittie. flashemifyougotem
wngrog said:
Consumption taxes are what we need. All these nig-nogs and illegals are buying **** and not paying income taxes. I am not one to say we need new taxes but this is a SMART way to reform our tax code.
Only in conjunction with a balanced budget amendment to the constitution and the elimination of the income tax along with exemptions for food, gasoline and other necessities. :dblthumb:
doctordick said:
Only in conjunction with a balanced budget amendment to the constitution and the elimination of the income tax along with exemptions for food, gasoline and other necessities. :dblthumb:

Correct. Gas is already taxed to death.
wngrog said:
Consumption taxes are what we need. All these nig-nogs and illegals are buying **** and not paying income taxes. I am not one to say we need new taxes but this is a SMART way to reform our tax code.

I agree somewhat in part with you Nolen. But before you try to overhaul and go to a "Spending Tax" you need to close corp. loopholes.

Since 2006 General Electric has made $26billion, since that time it has also collected Tax Refunds of $4.1billion. Say what ******??? In our world that's +$9billion in taxes that should have been paid not a $4billion refund. That is a $13billion swing. WTF!!!

Thats just GE!

From just one article that popped when you google "corporation not paying taxes"

"GE's partner in the telecommunications category, Verizon, is no less absurd. PC reminds us that last year the company caused an outrage when it "exploited a tax loophole to sell 4.8 million rural phone lines at a profit while avoiding $600 million in taxes." The shocking amount it ponied up in federal taxes? Zilch. And like GE, Verizon’s quite generous when it comes to contributions to committees that control taxation and regulation: in 10 years, it's dropped $12 million in campaign contributions, and another $131 million on lobbying. That’s a lot, but still less than it would have had to pay in taxes if it was held to the same standards as the rest of us.

So who else made the hotlist? Aside from the lucrative oil industry â€" ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Valero â€" there were a few surprises on the transportation list â€" Boeing, sure, but also FedEx and Carnival Cruise Lines? But perhaps the most infuriating corporations included are big-time recipients of corporate welfare â€" Bank of America, Citi, and Goldman Sachs, which helped decimate the housing market, were all rescued by the taxpayer-supported bailout but managed to pay little to no taxes in 2010. Last year, Bank of America made $4.4 billion...and received a refund of $1.9 billion"

Fix the problem and stop taking lobbied handouts congress. Buncha motherfuckering crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree that corporate tax structure needs to be reformed. First, end all subsidies for ALL businesses. Establish a fair, flat tax rate at as low as possible.. I would guess that most corps. would be thrilled to have that kind stability so that they could plan long range in confidence. Repatriate overseas profits at a low or even zero percent rate. Just imagine what that influx of cash (2 to 3 TRILLION ) into the economy would do. Let's suck a little out of someone else's economy instead of having ours sucked dry. Unfortunately, most people don't know what a corporation is. I think it was Romney who got hammered in the press for saying that corporations are people, too. He is absolutely right. French corporations are called anonymous societies or S.A. which is probably a more accurate description. A corporation is entirely owned by it's stockholders and profits are paid out in the form of dividends. Who are the stockholders? YOU ARE. If you have a 401k, if you have medical insurance, if you have a mortgage or a car loan or life insurance, you are an owner. The role of big business in the American economy is way to complex to go into here, so the short and sweet is to not assume that all big business is bad.
doctordick said:
I agree that corporate tax structure needs to be reformed. First, end all subsidies for ALL businesses. Establish a fair, flat tax rate at as low as possible.. I would guess that most corps. would be thrilled to have that kind stability so that they could plan long range in confidence. Repatriate overseas profits at a low or even zero percent rate. Just imagine what that influx of cash (2 to 3 TRILLION ) into the economy would do. Let's suck a little out of someone else's economy instead of having ours sucked dry. Unfortunately, most people don't know what a corporation is. I think it was Romney who got hammered in the press for saying that corporations are people, too. He is absolutely right. French corporations are called anonymous societies or S.A. which is probably a more accurate description. A corporation is entirely owned by it's stockholders and profits are paid out in the form of dividends. Who are the stockholders? YOU ARE. If you have a 401k, if you have medical insurance, if you have a mortgage or a car loan or life insurance, you are an owner. The role of big business in the American economy is way to complex to go into here, so the short and sweet is to not assume that all big business is bad.

Amen, amen.
X2. Business is responsible to shareholders, it's their responsibility to make that company a lot of goddamn money to pay their dividends. I am a supporter of the Fair Tax, the most uncomplicated form of taxation in the modern world. If you're not familiar with it, here's an explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FairTax It would make this country the biggest boom country in the world. Call/write your congressmen and tell them to vote for the Fair Tax!
Before me and my wife got together she was divorced not getting any child support and had a job makin very little.Some weeks she would barely have enough money to feed Emma so hating to do it she went to DHR and just ask for a little help with some food stamps to feed her child they said she made to much on her job.But the lady said if you will quit your job we will pay your bills and give you food stamps and everything.She told them thanks but no thanks.Now what the hell is wrong with these damn idiots why not help somebody that is trying to be productive instead of throw them out because they have a job.I tell you I have worked everyday of my life and god forbid if I loose my job and need any assistance and I go over there and they refuse me all I can say is everybody better get the hell outta there cause its gonna get real ugly.The illegals cover that place up and get everything the government offers and they have jobs too what the hell?Something has got to change real soon or we are going to be a starving nation.I say vote all them assholes in congress out.You wont see me voting for an incumbent i didnt last time and I wont this time.And lets get an american president this time not a muslim.
I, too, was checking out at the Pig behind a short, round, Latino, woman ( PC?). The clerk presented her with a $280 bill. She whipped out a blank check form the Great State of Alabama, filled in the amount, and headed for the parking lot.
What's up with that?
I forgot to mention she claimed not to speak English.
brother told it like it was, molaugh , :flipoff1: :flipgotcha: :flipper: all the goverment ,we trust them with our dollar for them to get us where at pisses me off ,there sitting on there asses every day trying to to figure out how to take more from the werking men an women to save threr asses :flipoff1: um all. :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: ;D :woot:

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