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I was at work today talking with another welder. He lives in a 3000sq ft house brand new dodge new welder 8 thousand dollar bed wife just got new tits and drives a brand new hummer but they are on ****ing food stamps for baby formula. I went off on this ****ing retard and he will be getting fired here shortly. If he wants to be a bum im going to help him along his way.
No ****, my worthless brother had 2 kids with his wife and worked 70+ hours a week, got :afro: rich, struggled, lost a couple houses, cars, etc.... Summbitch moves in with my mom for a week, files separation on his wife, gets her moved into :afro: apartments nicer than my house, moves BACK IN with her and pays 1/2 of what he was paying in rent, food, utilities in FAWKIN' CHILD SUPPORT. Karma is a bitch, though. Eventually they really did split, she got busted for pills, then married a +30 years her senior abusive prick, and brother is homeless, bouncing from friend to friend's couches. :****:

I-90 will be closed tomorrow across South Dakota.

They are hauling a 200 ton lump of coal so they can add Obama to Mount Rushmore ....

They couldn't find a 200 ton piece of ****.


  • obamacoal.jpg
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Fix the problem and stop taking lobbied handouts congress. Buncha motherfuckering crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X2

To be fair OBAMA is not the problem he has his faults but our economy which is in the **** house is due to these teabaggers not giving an inch in congress. Next time you wanna throw Obama under the bus get your facts straight. This by no means makes me believe in what Obama has done but i also know he is not the problem, and Yes I voted for Obama and Yes i will vote for him again! :afro:

Someone else said on here we need to clear house and start fresh, I think last time i checked 60 some odd percent of congressmen are lawyers? lets get some more engineers or scientist in office that did not go to school to be the best negoitiator but went to school and might have learned some common sense on how things work. I mean really lawyers dont care what the truth is in court all they care about is winning whether their motives are right or wrong it does not matter as long as they win. Pair this with congress and all we have is a pissing match as to who can win and not whats best for our country.

i know i will get bashed but it is what it is, our economy sucks and its not this presidents fault but its easy to blame him. and for the one who said lets vote for an american president this time and not a muslim......... Really?
ramills21 said:
Fix the problem and stop taking lobbied handouts congress. Buncha motherfuckering crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X2

To be fair OBAMA is not the problem he has his faults but our economy which is in the **** house is due to these teabaggers not giving an inch in congress. Next time you wanna throw Obama under the bus get your facts straight. This by no means makes me believe in what Obama has done but i also know he is not the problem, and Yes I voted for Obama and Yes i will vote for him again! :afro:

Someone else said on here we need to clear house and start fresh, I think last time i checked 60 some odd percent of congressmen are lawyers? lets get some more engineers or scientist in office that did not go to school to be the best negoitiator but went to school and might have learned some common sense on how things work. I mean really lawyers dont care what the truth is in court all they care about is winning whether their motives are right or wrong it does not matter as long as they win. Pair this with congress and all we have is a pissing match as to who can win and not whats best for our country.

i know i will get bashed but it is what it is, our economy sucks and its not this presidents fault but its easy to blame him. and for the one who said lets vote for an american president this time and not a muslim......... Really?
You mark my word one day there will be a book out that is titled How a foreigner became president of the greatest nation in the world and took it to HELL!!! :flipoff1: :****:
First pitcher of Kool-Aid hits the forum. It's all the fault of congress, the new Democrat talking point right out of the Saul Alinsky book. Obamacare socialized medicine, Bush's fault. 850 Billion dollar stimulus bill which included nationalizing student loans and accomplished nothing but more debt, musta been Bush's fault too, right? Illegal immigrants running amock and Obama's justice department wants to sue the states which are trying to enforce federal law. Did you know that the EPA just passed regulation which will shut down 20% of electrical generation in this country? Is that the fault of congress? Did you kow that before he was elected, Obama said that under his energy plan "electric costs will necessarily skyrocket"? Bush's fault, right. 20,000 jobs lost in the gulf oil industry because of Obama's illegal drilling moratorium (that's not me saying illegal, that's the federal court) thousands more jobs about to go away in Texas because Obama's EPA is afraid oil production will disturb some bogus lizard nobody's ever seen. 900 thousand barrels of oil a day being held up by the state department's holding up approval of a pipeline from Canada to Houston. Banks won't lend because they make more money in the corrupt Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme of lending the federal govt our tax money back to us at guaranteed interest. Did you know that in 2007 Obama sponsored a senate bill to give .7% of our total GDP to the UN to distribute to "poor countries"? "I sought out the radical students and Marxist professors" Quote from Barry Obama, Dreams of My Father. Do you even know who Saul Alinsky is? His book Rules for Radicals is Obama's Bible, I didn't say that, Chris (tingle up my leg) Matthews said that. Most frequent visitor to the White House...Andy Stern, public employees union boss. Who does Obama talk to daily...Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO union boss. Hate lawyers, it's all their fault, right? The trial lawyers association is one of the largest contributors to Obama. Who did Obama lend 200 billion dollars to? George Soros so he could go drill oil in BRAZIL!!!

I'm 63 years old and I've lived through presidents clear back to Eisenhower. I've always believed that despite their faults, even the worst of them, Nixon or Carter, thought they were doing the right thing for the country. I cannot say the same for Barack Obama. This man has the destruction of the economy as his major priority with the goal of worldwide socialism as his goal. I really hate to believe that and I wish somebody would PROVE me wrong. I don't think you can.

End of Rant, my eyes start to bleed when I hear someone repeating the "parrot talk"
ramills21 said:
Fix the problem and stop taking lobbied handouts congress. Buncha motherfuckering crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X2

To be fair OBAMA is not the problem he has his faults but our economy which is in the **** house is due to these teabaggers not giving an inch in congress. Next time you wanna throw Obama under the bus get your facts straight. This by no means makes me believe in what Obama has done but i also know he is not the problem, and Yes I voted for Obama and Yes i will vote for him again! :afro:

Someone else said on here we need to clear house and start fresh, I think last time i checked 60 some odd percent of congressmen are lawyers? lets get some more engineers or scientist in office that did not go to school to be the best negoitiator but went to school and might have learned some common sense on how things work. I mean really lawyers dont care what the truth is in court all they care about is winning whether their motives are right or wrong it does not matter as long as they win. Pair this with congress and all we have is a pissing match as to who can win and not whats best for our country.

i know i will get bashed but it is what it is, our economy sucks and its not this presidents fault but its easy to blame him. and for the one who said lets vote for an american president this time and not a muslim......... Really?

You know... You're right it's not just the president. it's the DEMOCRATIC PARTY!
With a Hurricane headed for the east coast, here's my predictions for Obama's moves if it does major damage:

1. At some point during the campaign, Obama will blame the lousy economy on the hurricane.

2. Obama will try to pass more spending or restrictive regulation or another federal land grab.

3. If housing or unemployment improve because of hurricane damage rebuilding, Obama will take credit.

4. One way or another, Obama will blame Bush or global warming for the hurricane. :****:
From Facebook, so it must be true:

The Weather Channel says yesterday's east coast earthquake was caused by an unknown fault-line running under D.C. and through Virginia. It is now being called Obama's Fault, though Obama will say it's really Bush's Fault. Other theories are that it was all the founding fathers rolling over in their graves or that what we all believed to be an earthquake was actually the effects of a 14.6 trillion dollar check bouncing in Washington.
ramills21 said:
Fix the problem and stop taking lobbied handouts congress. Buncha motherfuckering crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X2

To be fair OBAMA is not the problem he has his faults but our economy which is in the **** house is due to these teabaggers not giving an inch in congress. Next time you wanna throw Obama under the bus get your facts straight. This by no means makes me believe in what Obama has done but i also know he is not the problem, and Yes I voted for Obama and Yes i will vote for him again! :afro:

Someone else said on here we need to clear house and start fresh, I think last time i checked 60 some odd percent of congressmen are lawyers? lets get some more engineers or scientist in office that did not go to school to be the best negoitiator but went to school and might have learned some common sense on how things work. I mean really lawyers dont care what the truth is in court all they care about is winning whether their motives are right or wrong it does not matter as long as they win. Pair this with congress and all we have is a pissing match as to who can win and not whats best for our country.

****ing idiot! They should take your computer away

i know i will get bashed but it is what it is, our economy sucks and its not this presidents fault but its easy to blame him. and for the one who said lets vote for an american president this time and not a muslim......... Really?
And that's why we need to CLEAN HOUSE, I don't care if your a republican or a democrat...there are a bunch a jackasses running our country into the GROUND....WAKE UP AMERICA, just get out and vote....just my opinion that's all.
Saw one of Obama's minions on the tube last nite blaming the earthquake that happened last week and the hurricane that hasn't even happened yet for the economic mess molaugh molaugh molaugh molaugh molaugh molaugh molaugh :gtfo:
bdillon2372 said:
And that's why we need to CLEAN HOUSE, I don't care if your a republican or a democrat...there are a bunch a jackasses running our country into the GROUND....WAKE UP AMERICA, just get out and vote....just my opinion that's all.

X2 :dblthumb:
doctordick said:
I voted for Kinky against Perry in the last Governers election. My favorite off the top of my head Kinky qoute is when asked how he was going to enact his policy and views if governer he said "Well, you have to break a few eggs if you want to make heuvos rancheros."

I really dont care for Perry but if he's who's left standing to run against Obama then I'll be voting for him in gangbusters!

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