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Student Walk Outs

We talked about this at work after the shooting. No one knows how they will truly react in a situation like this. Unarmed, mass confusion, people screaming, blood everywhere, gun shots ringing out, its in a school so the hallways are making the echo ring loud and making it hard to tell which direction the gun is….. so saying "I'd tackle the sum bitch and hold him down" is kind of a bold statement. Don't get me wrong I'd say it to, but in the situation would I really?? My honest thought would be how do I barricade my self some where hard to get and how many friends can I get with me. I'm unarmed, he's got a weapon of war, how can I help save more lives. I'm by no means saying no one would charge straight at him and get him to the ground, if it happened and someone did that then that person truly deserves to be a national icon. Another guy in the discussion brought up a good idea though, anything becomes a weapon in that situation. A ****ing jacket being thrown at the face or a cup of water what ever to break his concentration to give people a chance. TBH I had never really thought about it like that.
I have told both of my boys on locate and remember where every fire extinguisher is in their school. It can be used as a weapon and not ever have to touch the attacker.
Hell this goes for any gun free zone not just schools.
RustyC said:
I have told both of my boys on locate and remember where every fire extinguisher is in their school. It can be used as a weapon and not ever have to touch the attacker.
Hell this goes for any gun free zone not just schools.

Now that's using common sense. thumb.gif
Our daughter, who is a senior this year, told us that at school they were told they couldn't participate in the walk out.

I can remember back when we were in school one of the shop teachers taught students about reloading. A buddy of mine that was in the class used to take our spent casings to school and reload them in shop. Times have changed though, most schools don't even have shop classes no more.
RustyC said:
I have told both of my boys on locate and remember where every fire extinguisher is in their school. It can be used as a weapon and not ever have to touch the attacker.
Hell this goes for any gun free zone not just schools.

It's kinda fun to hose somebody down with one too... not that I've ever done that... ;D