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Evans Creek Opening


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Apr 3, 2011
St. Augustine
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I was up there a few weeks ago and thought I saw a sign that said it was closed till March 15th. Am I mistaken?
I must be loosing my mind. I swore it was till April?

you may be partially correct. I thought it was the 15th to the 15th but I see my post on the PNW4WDA site says march 31st so I will double check tomorrow.

edit opens on April 1st as per the USFS website. my bad :looser:

Route Number Special Vehicle Designation Dates Allowed
Beginning Mile Post
Ending Mile Post
1175 Trails open to motorcycles, with Seasonal Designation
Seasonal Designation 07/16-11/09 0.700 5.700
311, 311A, 102, 196, 197, 198, 199, 519, 520, 920, 930
Trails open to vehicles 80" or less in width, with Seasonal Designation
Seasonal Designation 04/01-12/15
7000000 Roads open to highway legal vehicles only, with Seasonal Designation
Seasonal Designation 03/16-12/14 10.323 17.057
7010000 Roads open to highway legal vehicles only, with Seasonal Designation
Seasonal Designation 03/16-12/14 0.100 8.692
I drive by the sign in burnett everyday. Opens April 1st. I see alot of wheelers heading up there anywayz. Im guessing they either know a bat cave entrance, or just driving over the gate because of snow depth or something.
Still lots of good snow wheeling on the logging roads still open up there as well as the Cedar lake route. (my clubs there today)
Is the snow still sugary, or was it packing?

Down low it packed pretty well, once we got up a bit higher there was some fresh snow, probably 8-10" of fresh stuff on top, that stuff didn't pack at all. I ran my Iroks down to about 3-4 psi in the rear to really make them bulge and it helped keep the rig from sinking as much.
I was putting together a run to go up on Monday for the opening but I am not going to be able to make it. I have to work Monday to finish up a big project. I will likely be able to go up next Thursday or Friday.

Figured this was the fastest way to let everyone know that I was coordinating with.
packing! well for the light weight samurai. everyone behind me still sank a little but was the best ive seen this winter.

Down low it packed pretty well, once we got up a bit higher there was some fresh snow, probably 8-10" of fresh stuff on top, that stuff didn't pack at all. I ran my Iroks down to about 3-4 psi in the rear to really make them bulge and it helped keep the rig from sinking as much.

Thanks for the replies, forgot that I asked :eeek:
Nobody had showed a interest in being there at midnight so I didn't ask the LEO to open the gate at midnight on Easter Sunday. I would call on Monday before going.

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