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Back to square one.......


Here's progress from the other night, i'm about to head back tonight and slowly make more progress.



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Clark when will this be finished :corn:

for someone who has a lot of expendable income you'd think you would be wheeling by now. :eeek:
Yeah, i'm planning on making 1st to R open, but will worry about it later once it actually runs and drives.

My goal is to be done by Jan, so i can get a run or 2 in before attempting a trek to KOH 2010.
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That might be tough to do.
If it were mine, I'd try for 2nd to R.

well where it says 3 is really 1st gear, i have a reverse manual valve body, so the shift pattern isn't what the gate says. So R to 1(what says 3) will be easy, and effective.:awesomework:
well where it says 3 is really 1st gear, i have a reverse manual valve body, so the shift pattern isn't what the gate says. So R to 1(what says 3) will be easy, and effective.:awesomework:

Technically, No. It's still a 2 to R, or a 3 to P.

But please don't let my worthless drivel distract from a phenominal build thread. Keep up the good work. Keep up the pics. :awesomework:
your right, i remember now you can buy a gate, that's setup for a different pattern. Maybe i'll try to burn one out, either way, got bigger fish to fry for now, heading in tonight to pick up where i left off, side jobs have been taking up all my buggy fab time all weekend.:mad:
ok, had a hiccup but it's over with. I noticed when i tried mocking up a driveshaft for the front that i had some major interferance with the starter, so i had to raise the engine 1.5" . I went ahead and junked the old mounts, and made some new ones. On the upside i now have more room for headers, and my hydro pump. Anyways glad i found that little mistake before i got too far ahead of myself.









