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Sold/Expired BurnTables CNC Tables with Tracer Technology

Wow, this must be a record. 122 posts in this thread. Has been responded to 7 times by 3 individuals. That means BurnTables has bumped their own thread 115 times. Just when does it turn to spamming, or has it already? :fish:
Can y'all let us know about this? Any why they all feel you have a sub par product?


Quote " Having posted my terrible experience with Burntables on this and several other forums, I have been contacted privately by many, many other victims of their sub-par product. In an effort to consolidate all of these parties in one location so that we can communicate freely with each other privately, I have created a Google Group that all interested parties are free to join. This is completely private and I am in no way profiting from it, but rather am interested in simply bringing together others to share their experience and recommendations. Any customer, former customer, potential customer, vendor, or simply interested party may request to join. If you are interested, please simply visit:


to request your membership. Again, this is completely private and is simply an attempt to consolidate the many individuals who have previously contacted me about their experiences, as well as those other parties that may have an interest in learning or telling the truth about this abysmal product line and in no way is meant to replace this or any other valuable internet forum.
Price on a 5x10 plasma table with the engraving set up also please.

Also price me a 5x10 water jet table
JohnG said:
Can y'all let us know about this? Any why they all feel you have a sub par product?


Quote " Having posted my terrible experience with Burntables on this and several other forums, I have been contacted privately by many, many other victims of their sub-par product. In an effort to consolidate all of these parties in one location so that we can communicate freely with each other privately, I have created a Google Group that all interested parties are free to join. This is completely private and I am in no way profiting from it, but rather am interested in simply bringing together others to share their experience and recommendations. Any customer, former customer, potential customer, vendor, or simply interested party may request to join. If you are interested, please simply visit:


to request your membership. Again, this is completely private and is simply an attempt to consolidate the many individuals who have previously contacted me about their experiences, as well as those other parties that may have an interest in learning or telling the truth about this abysmal product line and in no way is meant to replace this or any other valuable internet forum.

We posted this two pages ago:

We are aware of the exact person that wrote the post you are referring to, he is a customer we wish we never had. He had zero knowledge of CNC plasma tables when he bought our table, had difficulty running the table, as many do with any CNC table because there is a steep learning curve. When we didn't tell him what he wanted to hear for the questions he had but what he needed to hear on the operation of our table, he went to the internet and "educated" himself to a point the he now knows more about CNC plasma cutting than us. He is still out there voicing his opinion on our tables after we even refunded his money and repaired his broken 4 year old plasma cutter at our expense that he accused us of breaking. A no win situation.

We have hundreds of tables out in the world running with the exact motors and controls for over 5 years now. If the table is not setup per the instructions, the table is in a bind and wont work properly, if the table is adjusted correctly, the table runs smoothly and has plenty of strength to router woods and plastics. The same strength motors and controls are used from our 4x2 table to our 5x12 tables and even WaterJet tables.

In the end, the table moves exactly to the drawing, if the drawing is bad, the cut part will be bad, trash in trash out. You can visit our Facebook page and see all the projects our customers make with our table, we only post up customer photos on the time line. www.facebook.com/BurnTables

If you are every in the Austin TX area, please feel free to come by and we will show you around.


Even with that said, we took the steps to put dual motors on our new gantries, which ended up raising the price on the tables, for the reason that it wasn't worth our efforts to fight the perception that the single motor wasn't strong enough. We have 500+ tables out in the field and with a couple of upset customers that are very vocal on the internet to the point of being vindictive, we still are at a 99% customer satisfactory rate and strive everyday to support our product and customers.

rednecklights said:
Guess not :flipgotcha:

Jon Piper


Sorry but just saw this post and your PM. At this time we are going to pass on your opportunity as its not in our marketing budget at this time. Thanks
BurnTables said:

Sorry but just saw this post and your PM. At this time we are going to pass on your opportunity as its not in our marketing budget at this time. Thanks

What a dickhead post. You could have just PMd him back.
Burntables, please only post new products and updates to your products to this thread. You posting daily of parts your customers make, many not even related is pure spamming. Spamming is not allowed in our vendor rules.

This is your warning.


I understand your policy, just following how other vendors on this board are posting up customer pictures like Rednecklights and others.

BurnTables said:

I understand your policy, just following how other vendors on this board are posting up customer pictures like Rednecklights and others.


To compare yourself to Jon Piper, who is a contributing member of this board, attends our rides, contributes to our charity events without asking, knows many on this board in real life is pretty self serving if you ask me. How have you positively contributed here?

I see you as the worse spammer here, and have ignored it way too long.

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