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Critical Critique

Boonie Buster

Stuck on a Curb
Mar 27, 2006
Your Mom's
Looking for some feedback on this setup, i know it's vanilla, but i'd like some input on what cna be done to make it better. I want to get a different battery setup and motor, but i don't know what works best or better. It seemed really tippy with the soft shocks in so by chance i took the lower coil buckets out and it sits slightly lower and actualy performs a little better...


The body can be set lower into the second set of holes:

It still doesnt like to side hill very well even with the battery sorta lower than stock...

Stock Axial motor I have another motor, but it didnt seem as powerful, BUT the trade off was braking, it wouldnt roll back on hills.:mad:

Close up:

Doesnt show the coil buckets out in this one, but you get the idea.
like crash said do a split pack and a four link also look into alumminum adjustable shocks and do some tires and you wll be way more happy :awesomework:
Lowering the center of gravity will help alot. You can use plastic container lids to make mounts for electronics on the upper links. Cut the plastic and zip tie it on. Use velcro to attach the electronics. In the mean time while you look for a better battery setup, you can move the battery down on top of the steering servo.
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Hey man build looks just fine, We all start somewhere.:D

Here are some tips,
Like everyone said lower the battery. You can get a 2/3c pack that is split and will fit on each side of the servo. OR you can get yourself a nice little 1300 mah lipo batter that can fit on TOP of your upper links or have an elongated servo mount.
Here are a few links from a vender with a good reputation.

What i recommend for the Y link is to replace it with a 4link adapter. THese can be had cheap but they are even easier to make if you got a hacksaw and some patience. With the 4 link adapter it spreads the upper links and creates less torque twist.(the picking up of one wheel)

You can search around and find 100 different types of 4 link mounts.

Tires are also something that will be worth their weight in gold, i recommend going with a Hot Bodies White rover. They hook up well in the PNW and are world champion tires. They can be had for like 20$ for 4.

Any other questions dont be shy I know there are tons of guys on here with some experience.:awesomework:
You should definitely do some type of 4 link setup on the uppers, get rid of the three link. You could also trim the skid plate and move the lower links to the inside of the chassis plates. The full size battery is hurting you as well. A setup similar to this axial part would help you a lot


A tire upgrade woudn't be a bad idea either, and How much weight are you running in your wheels?
no weights in the wheels, I'm going to but I just dont know what yet.

What is run time like on the saddle packs, I was told it's not great. But I want to get it setup a little better....
that's not bad, i'll probably pick up two then, can i use them on my quick charger? :eeek: I dont remember what charger i have, but i think i need one that trickle charges for those right?
If you can use your charger or not depends on what the charge rate is. Like mentioned above, a low charge rate is better, at .5 - 1 amp, they will take an hour or so to charge.

If you're facing replacing your charger as well as the batts, you should really look into if you can afford to upgrade to LiPo packs. If you compare prices, I'm guessing there won't be a ton of difference. If you're on a tight budget, ask around, you should be able to find these cells used for next to nothing.

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