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EVERYONE! please take the survey at aetna nation! even if you never go there!

Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

I'll be there sat for the clean up, I've got a blue grand Cherokee w tons and 39" krawlers
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

is werock opening the lease for everyone to help, or is it members only?
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

Lawson said:
is werock opening the lease for everyone to help, or is it members only?


But you can go in any other way there is on the MTN and help .
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

I went to the clean up and saw all the muddy work and the new ditches. also saw all the new boundry and no motorized vehicles signs ! I'm afraid to sign up for the lease for a year when there is so much controversy on the mtn. What does everybody else think! 200 or 600$ it is hard to give it away! I may give half for 6mo. at a time?
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

if you are trailering ur rig id prob pay the money. mines streetable i drive right up the cummings cove side. there is a very steep hill they built to deter us from goin up, but my hardbody on at's makes it up with sum skinny pedle, im sure my blazer will make it look stupid when its finished. it has a trail up it now and a sign that says mountain access.
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

I was up there this weekend and saw nothing but a bunch of people picking up trash and having a good time ! We Rock has done a lot of work up there the past few weeks. From the lease to the PBH has been smoothed out all the big ruts are gone. The have also done some work around the PBH and have posted signs about what they are working on. As far as the lease people are talking that they are going to go ahead and resign up for this year thats its going to be a while before anything is going to be enforced by TWRA so there thinking there good for a least a while. But really who knows it's your own call on joining for another year. I heard the the hill at the subdivision side is really not that big people are having no trouble getting up it at all.
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

billstoy said:
I went to the clean up and saw all the muddy work and the new ditches. also saw all the new boundry and no motorized vehicles signs ! I'm afraid to sign up for the lease for a year when there is so much controversy on the mtn. What does everybody else think! 200 or 600$ it is hard to give it away! I may give half for 6mo. at a time?
Not even a question for me, I'll be handing another 600 too the Perkins Saturday.
I know most spend more than 200 per trip else where, it's like sacrificing one trip per yr for a key.
Lifes a gamble any way, stop whining and go get a key. :flipper:
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

see you saturday steve you get that sticker
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

peanut said:
see you saturday steve you get that sticker
Yes sir, they will be no riding for me less I found a empty shotgun.
Still haven't hauled my junk out and fixed it. Lol.

And btw, governer Haslam sent Blevins a letter that was very encouraging about the twra land wensday. :****:
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

billstoy said:
aetna doing keys 4-7 9am to 6pm
This is a good man right here, he'd never met me and yet spent 4/5 hrs helping us get my broke junk back too camp last night thumb.gif
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

It's easy to say things on a webpage but you never know a guy till you need help!! No trouble at all. Hope you would do it for me!!
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

No nothing new. TWRA is taking letters from people up until May 15th so I would think it will be after that date if anythings going to happen.
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

love to my b-day today but have to work this sat. don't know about sunday. I laid mine over in the yard last weekend no damage just :drinkers: and hey watch this!! Seeya when I can!
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

I got to spend a little time at Aetna Mountain, Saturday. Y'all have a great place to ride, I wish that I lived closer or had some like this in Kentucky.
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

they have blocked the main intrance on the cummingscove side. at the end there are rocks much bigger than my jeep. just go to the left and follow the road its a camery road and i saw a couple tow rigs and trailers there last week
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

Heres the latest on Aetna and it's NOT looking good .

TWRA spokesman Dan Hicks said his agency just closed a public comment period on the issue, and the majority of people want the extreme four-wheeling to stop and the damage repaired.
TWRA had a staff committee meeting Thursday and decided to take that course, though more meetings will be needed before a formal decision is announced.

Also the same ones that closed Tellico down is getting involved to !
Re: Whats going on with Aetna?

yota said:
Also the same ones that closed Tellico down is getting involved to !

I am guessing not Trout Unlimited, as there are no fish there. If you are talking about the law firm, SELC (Southern Environmental Law Center), they are a strong force, and that is not good news. I wonder who they represent?