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Fords new recall

That would keep the corner bums away:haha: BTW hows that dodge treating ya jeff? does it run yet:booo:
That would keep the corner bums away:haha: BTW hows that dodge treating ya jeff? does it run yet:booo:

I start a new job Tuesday. Going back to the Research and development side of Kenworth. So my pay check will go back to what it was, so it shouldn't be long now :cheer: . I just talked to the guy at the machine shop with my head. I stopped by and asked if my head was done, cause I haven't heard from him in a couple months. He said he was waiting for me to bring the valve guide seals to him... ahh hell I didn't know that. :mad:
wow, that's be kinda cool to be able to turn on when next to a ricer

The funny part is.. Chevy, Ford, Dodge, Kenworth, etc all have the same type of system to burn off the particulates in the muffler (DPF). So I don't know what Ford has done wrong... Yea the tailpipes on all of them get VERY hot. Way too hot to put your hand next to the tailpipe when it's going through it's regeneration process. But the others definitely aren't doing that.
On the Kenworths they added a switch that the driver can manually shut it off if he's in a bad area, and can flip it back on while he's cruising down the freeway again. But he can't put it off too long, because it will go into limp mode if he clogs up the DPF. Most of them will put it off as long as possible, because it just uses that much more fuel.
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It sounds like crap because it has a blown injector, which also what is causing the flames to shoot out of the tailpipe. Of course Ford's fix for that is to reflash the ECM. :wtf:
It sounds like crap because it has a blown injector, which also what is causing the flames to shoot out of the tailpipe. Of course Ford's fix for that is to reflash the ECM. :wtf:

My understanding is that the ECM reflash is to allow the computer to shut the rig down if the particle collector gets too hot (basically flame-throwing hot). Obviously they're also going to have to fix the injector too, but this is a band-aid so the risk of lighting something on fire can at least be reduced I guess?

Also, I'd assume that with the new emissions equipment that is on all new diesels, this would be a problem if an injector leaked... it just so happens the new fords have injector problems. :haha:
My dodge, My dodge, My dodge, My dodge :masturbanana[1]: :masturbanana[1]: :masturbanana[1]: ...........................................................................................................................................................Shut the hell up.
My dodge, My dodge, My dodge, My dodge :masturbanana[1]: :masturbanana[1]: :masturbanana[1]: ...........................................................................................................................................................Shut the hell up.

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

Dude it's been a long time since I've had someone that made me just bust up laughing in front of the monitor :haha: :haha:
was told fri the problem is in how ford programed the computor, it is ot suppose to active below 35 mph and something is very wrong. this guy is a so called super tech for FORD motor company working on the problem

the funny thing is he was driving a new dodge this weekend at clean up

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