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Fri-4/24. Anybody up for Evans/Elbe??? Or somewhere?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
Hey fellas....I've got this Friday off. Thinkin' of taking my son (almost 3)up 'wheelin' for the day, as my wife will be off doing her own thing.:cheer:

Anybody want to get together and head for Elbe? Evans? Or?
I'd like to go to Reiter sometime, but being in Spanaway, I don't look forward to the long drive and the "drama" that seems to go on up there, ya know?

Not looking to get into the really hardcore trails....I'm not locked up (yet), but am runnin' 35's and a winch. And it's my daily....:redneck:

Any others guys got the day off??? :corn:
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I've taken Friday off as well and looking for the right wheelin. May end up at Reiter but Elbe is a possibility. I don't think I'd make the drive without hitting the Busy though...
Evan's on Friday?

What times good,? We, could meet saay, at the chevron 0:00 ? I, don't have friday off, but I also don't start utill 9 :00p.m. WE , could meet eny time after 10:00 a.m
Hey yo dudes. I will be rolling into the Elbe campground around noon as I am staying all weekend for the cleanup.

I've been trying to find people who would want to wheel the Busy Friday afternoon. The plan was to hit the trail around 2 or 4 pm but if you guys want to do it earlier I could plan around it.

Whacha think? Conditions on the Busy look perfect right now.

OK then....Elbe. Maybe meet at the Chevron @ 10:00 and then catch up with any others at the campground???
Whatdayathink fellas?

I haven't been on the Busy trail.....yet. So busy haven't had time to swap in the 5.29's and rear locker.
Are there more trails at Elbe other than the Busy? :redneck:

My rig just isn't up to it, plus, I will have my son, who is almost 3.....I just wanna get out there, any trail will do. And going with a couple of others with similar rigs makes it more fun.:awesomework:
36"+ tires, buggies, twin locked up rigs need not apply....I wouldn't want to bore ya.:fawkdancesmiley:
Yes, there are other trails certainly. I'd be willing to go check out some of the others as long as Mike plans on showing up at some point (not too late) so we can go run the Busy... Mike?
I really do want to run the Busy Friday Jay. Let me get back to you tomorrow or later this evening with my confirmation.

Reason being is I'm still tracking down parts to fix my junk from last weekend at Reiter. I killed another tire and two 1 ton TREs. The main problem is the tire. Discount most likely will not have a replacement for me till next Tuesday. 35 inch KM2s are on nation wide back order.

I'm headed out to Discount now to see if they will patch the sidewall so I can wheel on it. They are not allowed to do that but they know me well. I have brought no less than four tires back to them with fist sized holes in the sidewall. They know my rig never sees pavement so hopefully they will hook me up.

If I get the tire fixed then yes, I will run the Busy on Friday. :awesomework:
Im out for the weekend, I was waiting for a part, came in today and its the wrong one.
Partially my fault.

so, im sitting for another week or 2.

Thanks Chop.

So I'm gonna shoot for 10:00 but it'll probably be more like 10:30 or 11:00 before I roll in to the parking area. HotRod, if you're there and want to, I'd be willing to check out SunRise or Rainier Vista and then go run the Busy when Chop and (maybe) Horus shows. Figure 1:00 - 2:00pm ???
Im out for the weekend, I was waiting for a part, came in today and its the wrong one.
Partially my fault.

so, im sitting for another week or 2.


That sucks......looks like it'll just be me and Mikey. Unless Timothy chimes in.:beer:
Evans , :awesomework:for sure. Elbe?,,,aaa,:rolleyes: wel,,,,,:eeek: iduno. This weekend yes:cool:, not on :booo:friday, I work graveyard :mad::mad:up in swellvue:redneck:.