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has any one broke a femur


why are you taking the time to read this retard
Jul 2, 2008
leeds alabama
have you ever?

i broke mine on easter
and the same day they put 25 pounds of traction with pulled my leg close to the same length of the other :****:
and they did surgery on Tuesday and put a bar inside the bone

i came home today

how long will it take for me to be back up and walking without crutches?
I broke mine when I was 3. I was in a body cast for 4 months.

G/F said at least 2 months or longer.
xjkrawler said:
no but heard it hurt like hell!

wasn't as bad as i would thought adrenaline was still pumping
but when the they my leg dropped down when loading me in the back of the truck i was like :woot:
Cole said:
I broke mine when I was 3. I was in a body cast for 4 months.

G/F said at least 2 months or longer.
i have no cast at all
just a rod
and a non bending knee
Tell them you want Liquid Tab... drool

Broke my fib and tib couple years back and thats what they gave me...

With a femur injury id say 6-8 before crutches then rehab stage could be a month or better...
sorry to hear man... Ive had more broke bones than i care to remember...

And this was the story on all of them -------------> :****: hitit booyang :wtflol: skully
jtreeves1 said:
and the same day they put 25 pounds of traction with pulled my leg close to the same length of the other :****:

i gurantee ****ing tee that if your were awake when this happen, adrenaline or not, you either screamed like hell or passed the **** out.. .. .. Ive seen both.
I broke mine about five years ago up at gatlinburg Skiing and got air lifted to UT hospital (those damn trees just don't give to much do they). It took me about 2 months to be able to walk on my own and i also had a rod from my Hip to my knee and the damn rod hurt more than anything. After about a year I went back and had the rod taken out and now I have a cool souvenir. It might not take that long for you because i tore up mt knee pretty bad as well and had to get fixed to.
YEA.....clean broke my left femur 3 inches above the knee when I was 20.........
stupid 4 wheeler hill climb wreck...........
My leg had the regular knee movement...PLUS A SWIVEL FROM SIDE TO SIDE...

and you really know when the BIG BONE is broke.......I TRIED TO STAND UP ,AND DID,NT KNOW WHY MY LEG WOULD NOT WORK.. :****:
I have not broken my femur, but I did break my tibula (that is the second biggest bone in your body) back about 12 years ago. I had a compound fracture where the bone was completely broken into and came through the skin. My leg looked like the famous Joe Thiesman or Tyrone Prothrow break= NASTY!!! Like you said earlier, it did not really hurt that bad when it happened, I actually had to ride 1 1/2 hours to a trauma center. My buddies loaded me up in a Toyota 4x4 and hauled ass. I rode in the passenger seat with a towel wrapped around it all the way to the hospital. Later is when it really hurt like hell! I had the rod from my knee to my ankle and it was about 3 months before they put me in a walking boot. Even till this day if I twist my leg the wrong way or stand up on concrete all day it still hurts! I ended up having three surgeries within a year and like 86rocktoy the rod made my leg hurt as bad as the break. After about a year if it bothers you I would highly recommend having them remove the rod. My doctor did not want to remove it but I bitched so much he finally agreed. Anyway, good luck and get used to laying around for a while. thumb.gif
86rocktoy said:
I broke mine about five years ago up at gatlinburg Skiing and got air lifted to UT hospital (those damn trees just don't give to much do they). It took me about 2 months to be able to walk on my own and i also had a rod from my Hip to my knee and the damn rod hurt more than anything. After about a year I went back and had the rod taken out and now I have a cool souvenir. It might not take that long for you because i tore up mt knee pretty bad as well and had to get fixed to.
they where telling me mine will have to come out in a year or two and i said why
jtreeves1 said:
they where telling me mine will have to come out in a year or two and i said why

Trust me if yours was like mine the rod was always hurting me in my himp that is why i got it out and now it feels great the only thing that bothers me now is my knee

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