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Naches 2009

This was posted on the WOW board today:

donimator said:
I just talked to the Naches Ranger district. The Ranger reported that currently NOTHING is open. They are not sure if they will open up anything for Memorial weekend or not. Looks like things are still up in the air for that side.

Anything on the northish side of the hills is still going to have snow on it. The road from Buck meadows to Quartz usally has a big drift on it til july near the top by Haney meadows.
This was posted on the WOW board today:

Originally Posted by donimator
I just talked to the Naches Ranger district. The Ranger reported that currently NOTHING is open. They are not sure if they will open up anything for Memorial weekend or not. Looks like things are still up in the air for that side


That's funny I called them a couple of weeks ago and I was told there may be some spot closures based on snow melt (north facing slopes, hairpins etc) but as a whole the forest is open. I guess it all depends who you talk to.
That's funny I called them a couple of weeks ago and I was told there may be some spot closures based on snow melt (north facing slopes, hairpins etc) but as a whole the forest is open. I guess it all depends who you talk to.

I heard a grip of snow fell there a couple weekends ago..Like 12? feet thru the weekend..Chinook may be closed as well...
I heard a grip of snow fell there a couple weekends ago..Like 12? feet thru the weekend..Chinook may be closed as well...

Yeah, I've been watchin the weather and the snow level dropped down again (3500-4000ft IIRC) back when we had that round of storms awhile back. Even though the WADOT is reporting clearing efforts have begun, I fully expect Chinook Pass to still be closed due to the heavy volume of late snow. As far south as I am I'm planning on White Pass anyway, it's lower and a little easier.
Unfortunately due to the large grip of snow, we must ask all recreational off-road users to postpone trail usage until further notice. Offroad vehicles also known as cars and operators known as Bunk must suspend ALL future plans in this area. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
