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Ninja's Get P And Miles 35% for bad cut to an ass cheek.

Re: Ninja's Get P And Miles 35% for bad cut to an ass check.

We had ninja war's and it has been determined that my Ninja skillz are much greater than Miles Ninja skillz.

Also decided " That was awesome , lets never do that again ! " laughing1

Miles being the sloppy waffle he is could hardly hit my ass let alone hit it hard enough to cause damage... me on the other hand well, Miles shoulda got stitches but thanks to Randy's quick actions on the scene and my wifes super duper nurse skillz from years of "in the field" work on my dumbass. We know Miles ass cheek will not fall off. I have some superficial wounds and alot of bruising, Miles on the other hand has a lifetime of story telling and a sweet ass ninja star scar ! laughing1

These are pics from two days after the fact, and Amber cleaning the wound properly so he doesnt have to go get a co-pay.

First the area of operation. We are all happy there was no damage to the bad ass tattoo...

A closer shot at the 1" long by 1" deep new hole in Miles butt, Also reffered to as "The Butt Hole"

Now granted this isnt the "best" representation of how deep it is, but I will say " The Butt Hole" could easily take all the tip of the Q-tip and the clotted wonderfulness that Amber dug outta this wound was very impressive. Muchado got some good film of the process and Im certain it will leave alot of folks wanting to hurl because it just isnt right to have a hole in your person that deep and open.

Nurse Ambo, after calling us lots of bad names questioning our intellegence and lots of outher encouraging words summized that the ass cheek in deed would make it to see another RBD, but it was not a wise decision to puncture said ass cheek with sharp objects anymore. I want to thank Randy for his quick work at the scene to help me save my buddies ass cheek. With his help as I held Miles ass together and the antibiotic ointment I administered periodically through out the weekend to my buddies ass cheek, Miles will surely continue to be a "Bad Ass" for a long time to come. Since your not supposed to put stitches in a Miles and because of the risk's medically of stitching after days have gone past since the initial trauma, Nurse Ambo used steri-strips and that cartorizing powder that burns like hell to clean and secure the laceration.

someone posted the shocking and star throwing vids like 2 years ago and I though it was ****ing stupid, that close to a tail bone/backbone and ****. Even I am not down for that. I'll break myself in half on a bike or quad or crawler, but no throwing stars, no fawking thank you
I also need to add, when Miles was asked about the wound care he recieved he was quoted as saying.

" Stiches are for Bitches ! ...................... and Paul " laughing1
That was ****ing great molaugh

The same people who thought it would be a good idea to encorage the star throwing will also bring you tales of the Flaming Flat Biller :eek:
Ahhh yes, Muchado did lose a good number of eyelashes this weekend as well.

Hell Dragbody lost 56% of his forearm hair yesterday... it smelled wonderful ! laughing1
InDaShop said:
good god Paul, you tried to hurt a perfectly good Miles, and though he doesnt break he does bleed a little every now and then.

Dont worry , he tried to hurt me too laughing1 It was terrible, that is all.

the silly bastard was riding his cheater bike all day the next day , I was like Miles... you know that's tearing "The Butt Hole"... and you already know what he said....

" I dont breaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak "
It did pretty good , it didnt "wax" but it would beat mine thanks to and ONLY to the NOS.

It still had nothing for JRich's ****, its juts fast as ****... Im starting to think he has a 110 or bigger kit then what he claim's is an 88CC kit like mine. I dont know for sure though, but his is stupid fast and will smoke a booyang all day long.

I was killing the booyangs at first with 2nd gear start's ( Miles too for that matter ) until the caught on to my 2nd gear skillz. :flipoff1:
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
Where's miles' new avatar pic? The only person to pass out standing up! ;D

Mason tried to email it to me, I think he put in the wrong email address though... got damn that pic is HEEE Larious though ! molaugh
P said:
It did pretty good , it didnt "wax" but it would beat mine thanks to and ONLY to the NOS.

It still had nothing for JRich's ****, its juts fast as ****... Im starting to think he has a 110 or bigger kit then what he claim's is an 88CC kit like mine. I dont know for sure though, but his is stupid fast and will smoke a booyang all day long.

I was killing the booyangs at first with 2nd gear start's ( Miles too for that matter ) until the caught on to my 2nd gear skillz. :flipoff1:

oh no.. its an 88cc pure bred son....
carl is just a beast, what can i say...

I did yardsale down the pavement shifting in a wheelie...
some unfortunate bruises and carl lost a break lever....
o well..
CheapJ7 said:
oh no.. its an 88cc pure bred son....
carl is just a beast, what can i say...

I did yardsale down the pavement shifting in a wheelie...
some unfortunate bruises and carl lost a break lever....
o well..

Carl= Carnage> molaugh molaugh
Good lord, I keep thinking you guys are right on the brink of getting old and wise but I'm continually proven wrong. It will happen at some point but my hat is off to you for avoiding it this long. molaugh

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