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OIL debate

So far everything has pushed toward conventional.... my plan is to use something 10w-30 with some lucas oil additive any brands better than the others excluding the cheap **** of course??
Heres a question for the synthetic crowd. How do you recycle synthetic oil? normal oil can be burned in a waste oil heater, but synthetic does not burn so well tho.

Is it harder or easier to deal with the waste of syn VS non syn?

You recycle it like conventional and burn it in your waste oil heater like conventional nothing special. Break in? old tech engine, old tech break in. new tech engine, new tech break in (zero) look how many vehicles come factory filled with syn. machining technology and engine design has vastly improved virually eliminating the need for break in. :corn:
all oils with the current ILSAC and API ratings are formulated for new vehicles. synthetics do a better job of protecting but when it comes to internal engine clearances the viscosity of the oil needs to match.

I love the "dino oil" comments :haha: there are group III base stock oils (mineral) marketed as synthetic here in america so you need to watch the cheap synthetics. your getting a highly refined group III base with a high quality additive package. you want a group IV or V synthetic amsoil, schaeffer, LAT and other high end companies offer a "true synthetic oil"

here a little tidbit for you guys.
O riellys= Valvoline
Napa= valvoline
Super Tech= chevron
Auto Zone= not yet tested might have to go open a bottle and smell it :haha:

that is all for now :corn:[/QUOTE

CarQuest is also Valvolie.
what about the guys at the swapmeets and fairs back in the old days that would have an old engine running with the oil pan off after it had been "treated" with some super oil.

I even remember one where the guy would spray it with water while running with no valve cover or oil pan in an old camaro.

Hey! I'm not quite as bad as my old man!:redneck::fawkdancesmiley:
Ive been running 3-7000 mile old black dirty oil in my toyota since i can rememeber. I take the oil change from my cummins and put it into my wheelin rig. only...i havent changed the oil in over 5 years, It burns it.

PS: aimsoil marine version has the highest zinc levels :) ...zinc is what counts! ...and viscosity, if you drive a 2010 prius!