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Oklahoma Tornado in Moore


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
Sunbright, TN
Thoughts and prayers go out to all that was affected. USNEWS Reports 6 confirmed dead.

KFOR Channel 4 just said it looks like they have 24 kids as victims as well. :'(
You seem these interviews with these teachers COVERING these kids in that school. Those are heros not these folks that wear those "madram11" shirts. Some folks need to know what a real hero is. :drinkers:
DrankinInTheWoods said:
You seem these interviews with these teachers COVERING these kids in that school. Those are heros not these folks that wear those "madram11" shirts. Some folks need to know what a real hero is. :drinkers:

For sure. But to take up for MadRam, Hero is the name of the GoPro camera he uses so much.
DrankinInTheWoods said:
You seem these interviews with these teachers COVERING these kids in that school. Those are heros not these folks that wear those "madram11" shirts. Some folks need to know what a real hero is. :drinkers:

I agree those people were heroic.............. but that's a stupid comparison/conclusion to come too...

It's not like anyone has EVER implied that a person who drives up rocks is better than a someone trying to protect human life. WTF man.
When I see the word hero I think of military personnel, firefighters, police , and all others who put others first in the face of danger. Not sports figures or musicians or even a camera.
being a fellow okie and a Marine i am thankful for all the heroic actions i have seen in natural disasters, war time, and in vehicle roll overs to make sure fellow humans are safe from no matter what event took place or how they where put in to the event. so if your going to keep your trollin up :gtfo:
DrankinInTheWoods said:
So using the "hero" name isn't a copyright infringement? Not trying to get off topic on this thread.
DrankinInTheWoods said:
When I see the word hero I think of military personnel, firefighters, police , and all others who put others first in the face of danger. Not sports figures or musicians or even a camera.
I don't think you could copyright a single word from use (especially one that has been in use in the English language forever...)

I guess if someone started marketing a line of cameras and called them "Hero".... then GoPro would have a copyright to that, but not just putting the word "Hero" on a T shirt.

I think everyone would agree that others who choose to put others before themselves are in fact REAL Heros...

It may just be semantics or whatever, I just think the fact you made a point to specifically "call out" people who wear a "madram11" shirt was pretty stupid. ::)

Either way, what is going on is OK is terrible and I couldn't imagine having to go through that loss and despair.