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Please Help NO HEAT Blower works

When you flushed the core, did you reverse flush it too??? You can put a fair amt of water pressure to them before they split, provided they aren't leaking to begin with...
Try flushing the core again, both ways (pull both heater hoses off at the core....use a garden hose sprayer, flush that bugger out both ways...then hit it each way with air (but be careful, don't just blast it full-on...gradually increase air until the water is pushed out...) Do that a few times (both ways), then hook the hoses back up, leaving the highest connection loose, fill the radiator til you get coolant out the loose hose, the connect it...start and run it to temp, revving the engine every couple minutes to help purge any remaining air...double check the level....should be good to go.
I have had a little chunk of scale act as a door in one of these....took three times flushing it before it finally came out....all is good on it (3yrs running..)
i flushed it both ways. but i did not try the air hose trick. when i disconnected the heater hoese i disconnected the inlet from the thermostat housing and the outlet from the water pump. also when i flushed it last week it the water was coming out all clear. ill try all that tomorrow after work

Thanks Kevin:awesomework:

LOL that hilarious LAMAR:redneck:

Thanks for all the help guys

I just want to pop in here to wish you luck on replacing the heater core. I've done a few of them in toyotas and cherokees... it's by far one of my least favorite things to do on any vehicle. Try real hard to unclog yours before you decide to dig into it, and plan on having it apart for at least a whole weekend unless you have done a bunch of the same rig before and know exactly where every nut, wire, clip and bolt come out and go back in.