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Things are changing..

The DNR is trying to start a "trail Watch program" where clubs/users sign up to watch the ORV areas on weekends and stop vandalism of the camping facilities. Most high school vandals/party people don't know that volunteers do almost all of the work at the ORV parks.

Some guys that stopped by the WOW booth Sunday told me that there was a bunch of teens(last weekend) that broke thru the gate at Elbe into the campground and were throwing a big party...

Adding to what Corey said... Nancy, the DNR rep for Elbe, is very open to having the volunteers/users put together a Forest Watch program... This is something we've talked about at the WOW meetings...
Could something as simple as putting flyers on the tow rigs (for wheelers, bikes, and atv's) to spread news of the issues, and promote an organization like RTW possibly help? IS it possible that most users are simply unaware of the dire situation their favorite use area is in?

And I'll second the question - for those who can't be there in body, how can we be there in spirit? What can we do or contribute to from afar?
If it was at all possible for me to be there, I would, and I don't even use Reiter :awesomework:

That's cool, Auburn is a helluva long way from Snohomish, I hadn't noticed how far away you were.

Could something as simple as putting flyers on the tow rigs (for wheelers, bikes, and atv's) to spread news of the issues, and promote an organization like RTW possibly help? IS it possible that most users are simply unaware of the dire situation their favorite use area is in?
This is a great idea, :awesomework:I'll bring it up at the RTW meeting tomorrow night.
Could something as simple as putting flyers on the tow rigs (for wheelers, bikes, and atv's) to spread news of the issues, and promote an organization like RTW possibly help? IS it possible that most users are simply unaware of the dire situation their favorite use area is in?

And I'll second the question - for those who can't be there in body, how can we be there in spirit? What can we do or contribute to from afar?

This is something I have wanted to do. But we RTW is a small group with limited resources both in $$ and bodies. You can only do so much with the same small group of people.
The DNR is trying to start a "trail Watch program" where clubs/users sign up to watch the ORV areas on weekends and stop vandalism of the camping facilities. Most high school vandals/party people don't know that volunteers do almost all of the work at the ORV parks.

Yes, but they've been trying to get that going for years, but the old 90/10 rule applies to the 4x4 community, 10% of the people do 90% of the work, sooner or later you run out of volunteers. Like I stated earlier it's a hobby for most.
I think part of the problem is people dont know.

I had no clue about RTW untill last week and now i'm stoked to goto the meeting, i have even told a couple of my buddies and there gonna try and come to the meeting.:beer:

how long do they normaly last because i have school at 6:00 but i am going to cut out after i take my test so i should be there by 7:00:awesomework:
They start about 7: pm and last an hour or so, then there is a BS secession in the parking lots after and we close the place.
Some guys that stopped by the WOW booth Sunday told me that there was a bunch of teens(last weekend) that broke thru the gate at Elbe into the campground and were throwing a big party...

Adding to what Corey said... Nancy, the DNR rep for Elbe, is very open to having the volunteers/users put together a Forest Watch program... This is something we've talked about at the WOW meetings...

Interesting, as I volunteered to do the same thing at North Fork in Whatcom county and DNR said that if they let me volunteer then they (DNR) would be liable of any accidents. This came straight from DNR and I asked many times with no luck. Then they shut the area down because of garbage from parties and much more. Kind of makes you think, is DNR really are friend??

I spoke with DNR and they told me that they were going to patrol Sumas Mt. very heavly this summer as their have been to many accidents. Look at all the deaths at Mt. Baker each year, is still open, how about all the accidents and deaths tubbing the river each year? the river is still open. Look at all the deaths on our roads each year, still sell cars and let them drive on the road.

My point is I don't think DNR has our best instrests at heart, their just buying their time, spoon feeding us what we want to here a little at a time until they shut Reiter down. I don't mean to rain ones feelings that are working soooo hard to keep Riter open, in fact props to you all, however, its a loosing battle. Look at Whatcom County! :mad:
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