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Tri-Cities Comp Nov. 7th

I HATE THE MUD but you know a few heavies and what the hell, lets play in the mud. Seriously I honestly think its going to be hard to make it thorough in set amount of time. The way it is and dennis and i being A-holes, i think it will surrprise people how tough it is going to be. the 36 and under guys might be few and far between! Now if someone in that class makes it, they can drive! Should be fun, hope to see you there. Yes i remember you and your black POS! I have watched you have a nice flop up at funny rocks on youtube. you should fire your spotters. butters and randy can do better!

I didnt realize there were different classes for the rock crawl, interesting. I have a new spotter for this weekend, Randy and butters will probably be working together.

Did you see what the tuff truck course looks like? I was thinking of trying it too. See yah Sat.
you peeps missed out. dirt drags, mud drags, and a rock course that was time only. shitload of fun.
you peeps missed out. dirt drags, mud drags, and a rock course that was time only. shitload of fun.

I had an awesome time. The rock crawl looked easy at first but only 5 of 27 either made it through without getting stuck or breaking. A guy in a toyota truggy I think ended up having the fastest time. The event was run pretty poorly but it was thier first time putting one on. I didnt get any pics but I saw these you-tube chanels posted up.


It was a good time. I wish they would have let us run it twice, if you ran one direction once you had to go the other way the second time, then combine your total time. I hated that it was time and not points, im not a gas and shoot kind of driver. Don't want to dent my truck. :fawkdancesmiley: Stan you should have made the trip.
It was a good time. I wish they would have let us run it twice, if you ran one direction once you had to go the other way the second time, then combine your total time. I hated that it was time and not points, im not a gas and shoot kind of driver. Don't want to dent my truck. :fawkdancesmiley: Stan you should have made the trip.

:haha: Yeah timed runs made great entertainment though.
:haha: Yeah timed runs made great entertainment though.

i hated the time thing! it was really a fun time and i think march is going to be a great time. i know zach will give us more time and material to make the course even better. i was still happy with how hard it turned out to be.
I posted up some videos on youtube.... first time I've ever posted videos and have no idea how to get them here but if you search for Pasco Mudfest rockcrawling and Pasco Mudfest rockcrawl on youtube there should be 4 videos I posted of some of the crawling action sorry about the crappy videos but they aren't to bad. Good luck :corn:

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I had a blast,I was told I won the small tire class in the rock crawl i didnt stick around to see if its official.I was the very first rig to run the crawl,was kinda cool I got to kick off the show.The sj 410 performed weel for having lil tires.



Pic of buddys rigs,sorry jeaton,Craig I didnt get any of you I was busy getting lined up for the mud race when you ran.



black cloud blowin grocery getters where very impressive.


zoom...thunder in the desert


Great day of fun!!!
I just called the folks that put on the show and YES!! I won my class in the rock crawl...whooohooo I got to run down there and get my trophy and check!!
So there is gonna be another event in march?

I asked him hes not sure just yet.He needs to sit down with the county guys and deside what needs to change before they will allow him to do another event.

The County is concerned about the blocking of rd 68.He needs to come up with a better plan to get people off the road and on to his property faster.
I asked him hes not sure just yet.He needs to sit down with the county guys and deside what needs to change before they will allow him to do another event.

The County is concerned about the blocking of rd 68.He needs to come up with a better plan to get people off the road and on to his property faster.

Thats an easy one. Let people park and unload their rigs, then tech them when they register. Just like drag racing and motorcycle sound checks. Problem solved.
It was a good time. I wish they would have let us run it twice, if you ran one direction once you had to go the other way the second time, then combine your total time. I hated that it was time and not points, im not a gas and shoot kind of driver. Don't want to dent my truck. :fawkdancesmiley: Stan you should have made the trip.

Looks liek a good time, I would have come on over but had a scuba diving trip planned for that weekend. You guys need to plan one when its a lil warmer for us sissified west siders:redneck:
Damn I forgot about this thread. my rig would have won it's class if the fricken battery box didn't fail :mad:

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