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Weapons of war


Yep, the kids on CNN are really hitting nerves. It feels like more of a possibility now than it has before to me, even with Trump in office.

As for carrying teachers, that's cool until a feeble teacher decides to start carrying and some of these inner city punks jump him/her and take the teacher's gun. Initially, I was for armed teachers, but after much thought, it brings a bit of a risk inside the school. Also when swat is sweeping the school when one of these **** shows pops off, the less people inside with a gun that's not law enforcement, the better.

They need borderline airport security and controlled access at every single school period. How many shootings happen at airports? This would also stop a lot of drugs and such from making it inside schools as well, if all the kids **** was checked prior to entering.

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Re: Re:

TacomaJD said:
It feels like more of a possibility now than it has before to me, even with Trump in office.
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Trump being in office doesn't make me feel any better about gun control. He supported the last assault weapons ban and seemed to change his mind before running for president. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt during the primary on this because people can change their political views but when he started backing the No Fly No Buy program like Hillary as soon as he got the nod from the NRA, I started to realize that he really wasn't the big 2nd Ammendment supporter he claimed to be. Scared me even more when his supporters were cheering for No Fly No Buy instead of calling him out on it. That **** is really just some backdoor gun control they're trying to pull.

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I always wonder if gun control advocates realize that the biggest reason this country has sooo many guns is because people hoard them when they start hollering to take them away. Obama was probably the best thing that ever happened to gun manufacturers. Sales seemed to go through the roof once that dude got in office.

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This is the detail in this story that I cannot move past. The FBI had already been informed of this kid and the potential for him to do something this heinous. The cops had been called to his house 39 times or something like that. There were warning signs literally everywhere! The government agencies ( FBI and local LEO's) didn't stop this from happening, why in the hell should I trust them to protect my family if they want us to surrender our arms? Like hell, I do believe that there are so many firearms in society that never will all of them be removed. The gubment probably only knows about 40% or so of them in existence. As far as the AR-15 being treated as a weapon of mass destruction, HAHAHAHA! I'd much rather take a FMJ 5.56 round than a 180 gr 30-06! The only thing that an AR has over most other semi-autos is mag capacity. I can assure you, if it came down to it, I could source a 30 rd mag for my BAR 30-06. That would be a WMD! :flipgotcha: to the gubment! Enforce the rules and regs you already have, then we can move on to other things if needed.
One last thing, if anyone doesn't know, research the NATO 5.56 round and what it is. These are the most common rounds people use in their AR's due to the cost. There is a reason MOST of them are FMJ's. There are much more deadly rounds out there for a .223. but the cost is much greater.
Re: Re: Weapons of war

jayphizzle said:
One last thing, if anyone doesn't know, research the NATO 5.56 round and what it is. These are the most common rounds people use in their AR's due to the cost. There is a reason MOST of them are FMJ's. There are much more deadly rounds out there for a .223. but the cost is much greater.
5.56 cheaper than .223? I thought it was the other way around? I've never owned any 5.56 rds. Always just buy the standard fmj .223 in whatever brand Walmart carries at the time - American Eagle, Federal, etc.

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I'm referring to FMJ rounds in a 5.56 NATO v .223 Expanding type bullets. The .223 FMJ's are the cheapest. The NATO spec round is a FMJ bullet that isn't the greatest expanding type. From what I've read, some rifle manufacturers use a high twist barrel to cause the bullet to "tumble" causing greater damage at longer range. When using a better expanding bullet, the slower rotation is better.

Ah, gotcha. By expanding you mean hollow point, critical defense type rounds? Not seeing why we're comparing fmj to critical defense type rounds of different calibers? Maybe I will learn something here?

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Boy I'm glad we don't have these issues here in our county the only thing we have to worry about is being killed by our sheriff dept.

On an other note these ****er will never understand and they don't want to they just want to take our rights from us :flipgotcha:

TacomaJD said:
Ah, gotcha. By expanding you mean hollow point, critical defense type rounds? Not seeing why we're comparing fmj to critical defense type rounds of different calibers? Maybe I will learn something here?

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I was simply comparing the most likely ammo used in these shootings (FMJ) to the other options available and how much more destructive they could actually be. As the media is making the AR out to be the next best thing to a nuke, I was just trying to make a point of how much more destructive other guns could be when compared to a FMJ 5.56. That's all. The narrative moving forward seems to me, to alienate the AR-15 rifle because it's such a weapon of mass destruction when in reality, it's pretty tame.
I think schools should hire small private security firms that take their jobs serious. I'd gladly pay extra for that.

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Re: Re:

jayphizzle said:
I was simply comparing the most likely ammo used in these shootings (FMJ) to the other options available and how much more destructive they could actually be. As the media is making the AR out to be the next best thing to a nuke, I was just trying to make a point of how much more destructive other guns could be when compared to a FMJ 5.56. That's all. The narrative moving forward seems to me, to alienate the AR-15 rifle because it's such a weapon of mass destruction when in reality, it's pretty tame.
Yep, that's what kills me. Fake news!


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Eating lunch at McDonald's and they have msnbc on. They were interviewing two high school age kids. They no one needs a assualt weapon, that can fire 200 rounds in one clip. He did not say anything about a 100 round drum. Kept saying 200 round clip.

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jayphizzle said:
I was simply comparing the most likely ammo used in these shootings (FMJ) to the other options available and how much more destructive they could actually be. As the media is making the AR out to be the next best thing to a nuke, I was just trying to make a point of how much more destructive other guns could be when compared to a FMJ 5.56. That's all. The narrative moving forward seems to me, to alienate the AR-15 rifle because it's such a weapon of mass destruction when in reality, it's pretty tame.

One of the main reasons you see so many wounded compared to killed is because most shooters are little pussies who know nothing about actual terminal ballistics. Could you imagine the death tolls if someone had used a good ol soft point during all the massacres?

ROKTOY829 said:
Eating lunch at McDonald's and they have msnbc on. They were interviewing two high school age kids. They no one needs a assualt weapon, that can fire 200 rounds in one clip. He did not say anything about a 100 round drum. Kept saying 200 round clip.

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I can't find any assault rifles that take clips :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Re: Re:

muddinmetal said:
I can't find any assault rifles that take clips :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Yep, the same age group of kids eating tide pods,are trying to show us how much they know about guns. They kept saying only fix is to take away the evil ar-15.

Sad part is i do not think any of this is a true grass roots movement.

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muddinmetal said:
One of the main reasons you see so many wounded compared to killed is because most shooters are little pussies who know nothing about actual terminal ballistics. Could you imagine the death tolls if someone had used a good ol soft point during all the massacres?

No doubt. My point exactly!

Clips....................man I can't stand people

I have realized that I cannot explain my thought process to anyone. If I were to map my thoughts I'd probably confuse myself. It's even worse with a keyboard. If I ramble on about some random junk, it's usually because my mind is operating about double the speed of my fingers/mouth. :****:

ROKTOY829 said:
Eating lunch at McDonald's and they have msnbc on. They were interviewing two high school age kids. They no one needs a assualt weapon, that can fire 200 rounds in one clip. He did not say anything about a 100 round drum. Kept saying 200 round clip.

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That's where you messed up...............McDonalds!

When I was 18 got got to play with M-16s, M-60s, M-2 Brownings, M-72 laws, Claymore mines, threw grenades, set anti tank mines and blow **** up with c4........And I never killed anyone.