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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
Obama looked at Michelle , chuckled and said, " You know I could throw a $100.00 dollar bill out of the window and make somebody very happy." Michelle shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I could throw ten 10 $100 bills out the window and make ten people very happy." Hearing their exchange, the pilot of the plane said to his co-pilot, "such big shots back there, I could throw both of them out the window and make 256 million people very happy!!!!!!!
Not true....Everyone on wellfare that he is giving a free ride to would be pissed(or any other gov. plan for those that don't want to work) ! To all those people I say:

Tell me what country you want a one way plane ticket to and i'll trade you the 1st class one way Plane ticket for your us citizenship. FREE of charge. :flipgotcha: :flipgotcha: :flipgotcha:

F(*k Obama and any gov. that takes from those that have to give to those that don't want.

I'm tied of passing through the ghetto on my way to work and everyone is sitting on the front porch chilling like they are on vacation 24/7. They need to be cutting the grass on the side of the road with scissors .

"what you don't like that? Fine here's your choices: 1) Get a ****ING job! 2) keep cutting the amount of grass I tell you to per day with the scissors that I gave you to operate. 3) Don't cut the grass and you don't get a wellfare or un employment check. I'm ok with what ever choice you make but you got to choose one!"

motherfuckinglazyasshandoutcountrykillinglowlifelazyassyesisaidlazytwicecausetheyarepeoplearekillingthiscountry. :wtflol:
Blase said:
Not true....Everyone on wellfare that he is giving a free ride to would be pissed(or any other gov. plan for those that don't want to work) ! To all those people I say:

Tell me what country you want a one way plane ticket to and i'll trade you the 1st class one way Plane ticket for your us citizenship. FREE of charge. :flipgotcha: :flipgotcha: :flipgotcha:

F(*k Obama and any gov. that takes from those that have to give to those that don't want.

I'm tied of passing through the ghetto on my way to work and everyone is sitting on the front porch chilling like they are on vacation 24/7. They need to be cutting the grass on the side of the road with scissors .

"what you don't like that? Fine here's your choices: 1) Get a ****ING job! 2) keep cutting the amount of grass I tell you to per day with the scissors that I gave you to operate. 3) Don't cut the grass and you don't get a wellfare or un employment check. I'm ok with what ever choice you make but you got to choose one!"

motherfuckinglazyasshandoutcountrykillinglowlifelazyassyesisaidlazytwicecausetheyarepeoplearekillingthiscountry. :wtflol:


preach on brother

Must be nice to get free money to buy drugs or alcohol. Us working ppl have to past a drug test to keep our jobs :wtflol: :wtflol: :wtflol:
Thank you FLORIDA and KENTUCKY!!
Florida and Kentucky are the first states that will require drug testing when
applying for welfare! Some people are claiming that this is unconstitutional.
How is this unconstitutional? It's OK to drug test people who work for their
money but not those who don't? Re-post this if you'd like to see this done in
all 50 states
screamn56 said:
Must be nice to get free money to buy drugs or alcohol. Us working ppl have to past a drug test to keep our jobs :wtflol: :wtflol: :wtflol:

But now that will all change now that they have passed a law enforcing drug testing prior to recieving their stipends. :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :flipgotcha: :afro:
Bronco Buster said:
Thank you FLORIDA and KENTUCKY!!
Florida and Kentucky are the first states that will require drug testing when
applying for welfare! Some people are claiming that this is unconstitutional.
How is this unconstitutional? It's OK to drug test people who work for their
money but not those who don't? Re-post this if you'd like to see this done in
all 50 states

Not only should they drug test, but the wellfare checks should be a loan that is to be paid back in full regardless if they get a job or not after like 4-6 months or so. That way only people who need it will be tempted to use it and be more inclined to get a a job of some sort. If they get a job after getting a wellfare loan then the loan is garnished from their check using their SS number etc...

Part of my job includes pick ups and deliveries in and around the perimeter of Atlanta and people sitting on their porch, grocery store, gas station etc...all day long is very common. They act like its a hard job just waitng on the check to show up all while looking at me weird cause I'm sweating like a whore in church unloading a delivery from the truck.

If wellware was taken away cold turkey, who knows what will happen.
I drove a fedex truck for about 6 years. and drove in the ghetto for 2 years of obama's term. Every day I delivered about 6 laptop computers and 15 cell phones. All issued to these people by our gov and out TAX dollars. The laptops half to be updated every two years, and they get a new cell phone every 6 months with free min on it . What would really piss me off is the fact that they would come to the door on a cell phone,and say " thanks i have been waiting on this". LOW LIFE POS :****:
I drove a fedex truck for about 6 years. and drove in the ghetto for 2 years of obama's term. Every day I delivered about 6 laptop computers and 15 cell phones. All issued to these people by our gov and out TAX dollars. The laptops half to be updated every two years, and they get a new cell phone every 6 months with free min on it . What would really piss me off is the fact that they would come to the door on a cell phone,and say " thanks i have been waiting on this". LOW LIFE POS :****:

I call bullshit. These low lifes would never say "Thanks" You and I, yes, Obama baby check mongers, NO. :****:
How to Solve the issues of the Untied States.

1) Welfare: Mandatory drug testing for people on disability, welfare, and any other govt program for that matter

2) Our Huge Deficit - Legalize Marijuana and tax the chit out of it! LEGAL WEED = Deficit Killer

3) Immigration- Take away all state income tax. Make all state sales tax 10%. That way the illegals still pay some taxes.
Even Dr. Seuss hates Obama.

I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like ex-speaker Nan, I do not like this 'YES WE CAN'.
I do not like this spending spree, I'm smart, I know that nothing's free.
I do not like their smug replies, when I complain about their lies.
I do not like this kind of hope. I do not like it. nope, nope, nope
BustedKnucklefilms said:
How to Solve the issues of the Untied States.

1) Welfare: Mandatory drug testing for people on disability, welfare, and any other govt program for that matter

2) Our Huge Deficit - Legalize Marijuana and tax the chit out of it! LEGAL WEED = Deficit Killer

3) Immigration- Take away all state income tax. Make all state sales tax 10%. That way the illegals still pay some taxes.

1) Agreed, but I wouldn’t do everyone, make is random and if they test positive they retest immediately and get elevated to a more routine testing cycle. Two failed tests in a 3 year period and they are excluded for 3 years from receiving any .gov benefits

2) I don’t see weed solving anything, look at Cali where it is legal with a prescription, they have taxed and permitted the hell out of it and that state is in worse shape than any other. Bunch of stoners don’t want to work, see #1 above.

3) Texas does not have State Income Tax. And we have more Illegal Mexicans than anyone 'cept Cali. "Some" taxes is about right, but they don’t spend money at all, most send everything back south of the border. I think you require valid SS# and ID to enroll your kids in school, go into a hospital, or buy gasoline and beer. That will catch enough that they won’t stay here. Now who will do all the work no one else will do? The bums on welfare? **** no!

Here is my current rant of pissed off hate:
We in the US are nearly 100% ****ed on the skilled labor front. The only people in the past 15 years who have learned to roof, build cabinets, pour concrete (tie rebar), dig pools, pave asphalt, fix a tire, etc…. Are immigrants (legal or illegal). The core population has rested on previous generations laurels and is soon going to be ****ed.
I look forward at the problems that my kids will face, and I think about things I know how to do or could do if my cush desk job went “bye-bye” I can weld, I am damn good with wood construction, I could go farm raising cattle. Many things I learned skill wise came from growing up on a farm. My kids aren’t going to have that unfortunately, so what do I need to do to ensure I leave my kids with skill sets to fall back on if **** goes south. West will be an accomplished welder by the end of high school, I promise that, but what else? That’s more of a rhetorical question, but **** to think about none the less.

We can play the blame Obama all day long game, but that’s the same game he plays blame anyone/everyone else, currently it’s the Tea Party. The blame game has to stop at us, and fixed with us. I’m not looking to blame anyone even if I want to. I’m looking to move forward and get **** done. Blame isn’t going to move us forward its just going to mire us down.

Blah blah, my thoughts that brewed on the morning commute.
I might be from the far north, but I can relate. About 15 years ago I was unemployed. Had to finally swallow my pride and go on welfare just to get by. However I busted my ass looking for a job day and night and was willing to do anything. After about 2 months, I found FT employment and haven't looked back since. Was I glad welfare was there when I needed it? Yep. Did I abuse the system? Nope, although it would have been easy to do so. They were more than happy to just give me a check every month without enquiring if I really needed it or not (or if I was even working!). Lots of lazy asses willing to take advantage of it even though they could pump gas, sweep floors, whatever.

If they did more audits of those on welfare such as drug testing, requiring financial records, requiring list of places they've applied to, etc. you'd probably solve a lot of the system abuse problems. If you choose not to be a productive member of society, feel free to leave! I'm happy to pay my taxes to help those truly disabled, those who are in tough times but are working to get themselves out, or those furthering their education to make a better life for themselves. I'm not happy to give a free ride to those too lazy to work.
Bronco Buster said:
Thank you FLORIDA and KENTUCKY!!
Florida and Kentucky are the first states that will require drug testing when
applying for welfare! Some people are claiming that this is unconstitutional.
How is this unconstitutional? It's OK to drug test people who work for their
money but not those who don't? Re-post this if you'd like to see this done in
all 50 states

Louisiana just passed this law. Not sure we are enforcing it yet but to get your welfare check you got to piss in a cup! Bobby Jindal doesn't **** around. If he ever runs for President i'm voting for him. SADLY he says that he never will. Good for Louisiana bad for the US.

To anyone saying this is unconstitutional I say:


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