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AWORC - Naches Pass Trail Run Report (July 21st, 2007)

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PPS. Kiss my ass, ****er.
Ya, that's mature. :rolleyes: I guess they removed the restriction then, because the signs were there. I saw them with my own eyes.

Did you specify the short section between 70 and 7065? This is the forest service after all...
Thanks guys for your help clearing this up. Now we all know.

It still would be nice if they put up some trail markers a long that section of the trail. What happen to all that money for that trail?

Always remember to tread lightly and help teach others to do the same.http://www.treadlightly.org
Nice job Karl. Its always nice to see someone verify the facts and know what they are talking about rather than fly off the handle and throw accusations around.
PS. For future reference, lets get the facts straight and go off THE RIGHT MAPS before we start yelling at eachother.

I was not going off any map btw, just personal knowledge of the trail. I call BS on what the rangers told you, maybe it changed but I doubt it. That section WAS signed as closed. The map from the other group that I referenced just backs me up.
Ok, I just got off the phone with Susan. Karl or anyone else, if you don't believe me then call her back and she will tell you herself. She looked it up in their rules and discovered that what she told you was WRONG. NO, that section between 70 and 7065 IS NOT open.

Maybe next time you'll put some value and trust in what I tell you. :fawkdancesmiley: :kissmyass:
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Ok, I just got off the phone with Susan. Karl or anyone else, if you don't believe me then call her back and she will tell you herself. She looked it up in their rules and discovered that what she told you was WRONG. NO, that section between 70 and 7065 IS NOT open.

Maybe next time you'll put some value and trust in what I tell you. :fawkdancesmiley: :kissmyass:
You must have called in as a concerned tree hugger is why she sided with you. :haha:

What is with you and this little stretch of trail anyway? If it isn
I just got off the Phone with Susan. And yes, she confirmed that it is Closed. She told me that she has been letting folks know it is okay for motorized use for YEARS. That may be where this problem stems from. Folks get the okay to go play there and other folks are trying to keep it closed.

If the forest rangers are gonna tell me one thing, and the same ranger tell you another? I blatantly asked her to look that up, and even confirmed with her supervisor just to make sure. That really makes my blood boil.

I do a lot of work keeping trails open; be it actually attending work parties, getting permits for wheeling activities, attending meetings, talking with FS/DNR rangers, rescue missions, trail cleanups, etc. This kind of crap where the folks in charge don't know what's going on totally pisses me off.

If you need help with a work party, let me know. I'll be more than happy to come out there and make a STOUT blockade with some signs. Until then expect that portion of trail to be run, as not only the asshats, but law abiding trail users will continue to drive on that portion of trail.

You will never catch me there again, and I admit I was wrong.

I'm done with this conversation.
Which steep are you talking about? Off to the right edge of that map? IIRC the road that leads up to that is closed off.

It's the same location as you referenced with 'pack' Is this where there's a hill climb? The route USED to start below the cliff, and up over the FS70 road, over the 7065, and up this hill.

I know that the trail off of the FS70, and across the 7065 were closed off a few years ago, but I noticed my last time through (06) there that the trail has a Y that takes you down below the hill climb, and folks have been still climbing it.

Just trying to understand, thanks for you feedback & patience
I think that was the way we when up Naches Trail in 1989. I was kind of lost when I came down the west end part last July. Nothing looked the same.

No Markers then or now. It is so much easier to know where the trails are on the East side of the past.

you're dating us, I remember when we were allowed to winch up the cliff & 33's were the BIG tires :D
It is closed!

Is this your final answer?

Yes it is closed!

I will spread the word. Our club will not use that section now since we know.

As long as this area is not posted it will be used by people by mistake. Let me know if there is a work day to make it non drivable and I will try to be there. I need to know in advance to plan for it. Anything to keep the trails open is worth the time.
You must have called in as a concerned tree hugger is why she sided with you. :haha:

What is with you and this little stretch of trail anyway? If it isn't blocked it will be used by others that aren't reading your post as it has been use heavy in the passed. If it is closed then lets talk to the forest service to close it as the next section is. That is the only way to let the world know not to drive on it. I am not sure why they would even close that part of the trail after the opening date. Maybe the signs you saw were for seasonal closers.

Let it go man!
Why are you continuing to argue this? It is not a seasonal closure. Just admit that you were wrong. If there is anyone here who should feel attacked at this point it's me. :rolleyes:
It's the same location as you referenced with 'pack' Is this where there's a hill climb? The route USED to start below the cliff, and up over the FS70 road, over the 7065, and up this hill.

I know that the trail off of the FS70, and across the 7065 were closed off a few years ago, but I noticed my last time through (06) there that the trail has a Y that takes you down below the hill climb, and folks have been still climbing it.

Just trying to understand, thanks for you feedback & patience

The trail officially begins up on 7065, there is a short section below that leading down to 70 and across that is foot and horse only. The whole area is a steep hillside.
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I just got off the Phone with Susan. And yes, she confirmed that it is Closed. She told me that she has been letting folks know it is okay for motorized use for YEARS. That may be where this problem stems from. Folks get the okay to go play there and other folks are trying to keep it closed.

If the forest rangers are gonna tell me one thing, and the same ranger tell you another? I blatantly asked her to look that up, and even confirmed with her supervisor just to make sure. That really makes my blood boil.
She was going to get back to you and let you know, but you didn't leave any contact info.
I do a lot of work keeping trails open; be it actually attending work parties, getting permits for wheeling activities, attending meetings, talking with FS/DNR rangers, rescue missions, trail cleanups, etc. This kind of crap where the folks in charge don't know what's going on totally pisses me off.
You and me both, trust me you're not the only one pissed off about the misinformation.
If you need help with a work party, let me know. I'll be more than happy to come out there and make a STOUT blockade with some signs. Until then expect that portion of trail to be run, as not only the asshats, but law abiding trail users will continue to drive on that portion of trail.

I have some ideas for a fix, I do not know how the lower section below this is blocked off but I am going to talk to Susan and etc at the station as soon as I can about what we can do. A lot of hikers use this trail, the last thing I want to see is it being shut down because people are driving in a closed section. I have concerns about a meadow turned mud pit up a ways which I will be asking about as well.
Why are you continuing to argue this? It is not a seasonal closure. Just admit that you were wrong. If there is anyone here who should feel attacked at this point it's me. :rolleyes:
Wow man you can't let it go can you? I posted I was wrong for being there and offered to help pass the word it was close. I posted I would help with a work party with you. What else you want me to do? :kissmyass:

You should check out all my run reports and bash on them too. Hell I never had this many post on a run report on NW-Wheelers or any other forum.:awesomework:
Good job. Who needs environmentalists to close trails when you've got skrause. If a trail is not signed closed, not blocked, shows clear signs of regular use, isn't causing resource damage and the FS says it is open (until badgered by skrause), why would you press the issue? FYI, under the current travel management rules, trails and roads are considered open unless they are signed closed, blocked, use causes resource damage, or you are within a special travel management corridor (Little Naches for example). You should be happy when the new rules go into effect where everything is closed unless it is marked open on a map.
Good job. Who needs environmentalists to close trails when you've got skrause. If a trail is not signed closed, not blocked, shows clear signs of regular use, isn't causing resource damage and the FS says it is open (until badgered by skrause), why would you press the issue? FYI, under the current travel management rules, trails and roads are considered open unless they are signed closed, blocked, use causes resource damage, or you are within a special travel management corridor (Little Naches for example). You should be happy when the new rules go into effect where everything is closed unless it is marked open on a map.

Wow. We "lost" 300' of trail that wasn't ours in the first place. Hell of a lot better than losing the whole thing. I guess by your way of thinking if we rip out all the signage and blockages then anything we want to have open is.

This has gotten fully e-tarded, some of you just don't get it. I'm done.
:wtf: is there for me to let go of? I think it's you who can't let it go, lose the attitude dude and stop taking **** so personally. :rolleyes:

Cody, stfu.
No attitude here.

Since you are so into helping save our trails come out to the Ahtanum clean-up this Saturday. It may help in saving some of the upper Rimrock Trails.

Or do you just web wheel! :haha:
Good job. Who needs environmentalists to close trails when you've got skrause.

I guess I should clarify this before skrause flys off the handle again and gets some more trails closed. (both those statements are tounge in cheek BTW).

skrause, you should really stop and look at how you handled this situation. There are no clear signs at the trail that the trail is closed. You blasted these guys for being on a supposed closed section of trail that there was no way they could know it was closed when they were there. When Karl got "official" word from the FS that the trail was open, you continued to press the issue until you were proven right. Is it that important to you to be right? Obviously there was no current problem with this section of trail. It was off the FS's radar so to speak. Now, you want to continue to press the issue and physically close the trail for no reason. Do you know why this trail is supposed to be closed? Is it causing resource damage? It seems to me that it is being responsibly used, and has been for quite awhile, if the front line FS reps didn't even know it was supposedly closed.
Wow. We "lost" 300' of trail that wasn't ours in the first place. Hell of a lot better than losing the whole thing.

I strongly think you need to reevaluate the way you handled the situation. There is no reason this 300' of trail would affect the rest of the trail. When you were making sure the FS knew the trail is closed, did you happen to ask why it is closed? Maybe there is a chance to repair it and reopen rather physically closing it and pretty much eliminating the chance it will ever be open again. This is part of the 4x4 community's problem, we are more worried about keeping people out of closed trails to "protect" what we have left than we are about finding out if we can repair and reopen those trails. The environmentalists are winning, and they already have you thinking like a greenie.

I guess by your way of thinking if we rip out all the signage and blockages then anything we want to have open is.

This has gotten fully e-tarded, some of you just don't get it. I'm done.

I don't think you understood what I said correctly. Go back and read it again. There are current federal regulations in place, its not "my way of thinking." I didn't say anything about ripping signs or blockages out, that would fall under "resource damage."
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