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Boys, it might look like hell, but I've rode with Big_Dodge before, we rode all day and all that got broke was a pinion (I think) on the Ranger, Brice's buggy had a Fox shock came apart at the bottom (but the tabs held like a motherfucker), and Psycho's propane carb thing **** the bed. But all 3 vehicles held up structurally very well, even when we flopped one over into a rock on the side of School Bus. Hell, I dunno, my papaw's welds looked the same but everything on that '53 John Deere only had to be fixed once. **** held up.

I've known these fellers a long time now, and I can't go against 'em now after how nice they are to me, but I hope all parties involved come out happy at the end of this. :dblthumb:
5BrothersFabrication said:
Boys, it might look like hell, but I've rode with Big_Dodge before, we rode all day and all that got broke was a pinion (I think) on the Ranger, Brice's buggy had a Fox shock came apart at the bottom (but the tabs held like a motherfucker), and Psycho's propane carb thing **** the bed. But all 3 vehicles held up structurally very well, even when we flopped one over into a rock on the side of School Bus. Hell, I dunno, my papaw's welds looked the same but everything on that '53 John Deere only had to be fixed once. **** held up.

I've known these fellers a long time now, and I can't go against 'em now after how nice they are to me, but I hope all parties involved come out happy at the end of this. :dblthumb:

So are you just vouching for character, or actually defending this as acceptable fab work to pay for ??? ::)

And your papaw was probably fixing that 53 John Deere as fast as possible with a AC tombstone buzzbox and some ****in 6011 rods that he found under the truck seat, just to be able to get the crops out before a big rain...... NOT charging people for that kind of work,
big_dodge said:
Uh, that tierod is a factory bar from an F350. Those indentions are there from the factory. So is the offset that's made into it.
If you would of asked, I could have told you that. But it's easy to just assume and bash.
hjpcummins said:
Besides welds


My " new hood cage" tubing has a half dozen creases like this.

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Why are you using tie-rods for a hood cage?

I'm just glad Robby Bobby chimed in to let us know that Jon-Jon is currently employed somewhere during these shitty economic times. I was wondering where that little ****er went off to with his helmet and crayons.
TBItoy said:
So are you just vouching for character, or actually defending this as acceptable fab work to pay for ??? ::)

And your papaw was probably fixing that 53 John Deere as fast as possible with a AC tombstone buzzbox and some ****in 6011 rods that he found under the truck seat, just to be able to get the crops out before a big rain...... NOT charging people for that kind of work,

Charachter and work performed, not sold. Like the tattoo guy that showed me pictures of his work then butchered my shoulder. I was not happy, didn't get what was promised, same as OP.

And yes, it was a tombstone, the rods were most likely cold and moist, and he would fix **** in a hurry. But dammit, **** held for some reason. :****:
Big Dodge informed me this did not belong in his build thread, so I cross posted. Sorry if you read it twice.

I've driven some janky **** in my day. But, these two threads are going to cause me to change my name to lowbudgetjunk to lowbudgetfab. I am going to change from boose slanger to expert frabrimicator. Batteries, check. Jumper cables, check. Hangers, check. Foakleys, check. Poop pipe, check. Stevie wonder inspired drawings, check.

WTF? At what point do you two address the GIANT WHITE GODDAYUM ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM? Who in the **** let that happen to his FTOY and who is going to fix it? I don't give a **** if you two's personal vehicles look pristine. Your name is attached to an abortion. Do you not want that cleared? Quit posting up **** and start reading some Billavista articles, get a good night sleep, pick up the FTOY and swallow your pride and make it right.

I am not a fighter anymore and I don't believe in suing either. I do believe in being fair. I got hosed by a guy in the commercial refrigeration business. I just cost the tool bag a 50k job by showing the before and after pictures to a potential client. If you don't think I smiled like a ****ing Cheshire Cat, you are mistaken. I take personal pride in seeking out people he is trying to work for and making him lose the account. He cost me about 56 thousand dollars, I am closing in on 3/4 of that and won't stop until he pays up or I push him out of the area.

Find one guy that fights as hard to ruin you as I would, and you'd have already made it right. Business is business and ****ing is ****ing. Take care of your business and quit ****ing this guy over. He asked for a fab job, not a lube job.
WTF did they use coat hangers and propane to booger that **** together?

? I have is why on fawking earth would OP pick his rig up and accept this? Didn't you look it over to check the work preformed?

That's going to suck to cut out and redo too. Who's gonna do that?

Who in there right mind would have the balls to charge someone for that **** work? All I see is a law suit when one of those booger welds fails and somebody gets hurt over it.

Skidkid said:
WTF did they use coat hangers and propane to booger that **** together?

? I have is why on fawking earth would OP pick his rig up and accept this? Didn't you look it over to check the work preformed?

That's going to suck to cut out and redo too. Who's gonna do that?

Who in there right mind would have the balls to charge someone for that **** work? All I see is a law suit when one of those booger welds fails and somebody gets hurt over it.
Truck was delivered to his house while he was out of town. After he looked at it that is when he started talking to the guy about the work.

Pumpkin said:
Truck was delivered to his house while he was out of town. After he looked at it that is when he started talking to the guy about the work.

Missed that part.

How convenient drop it off and not have to answer for **** work. Unbelievable.

How the **** does someone live with themselves doing something like this to someone?
Ok guys me and big_dodge have talked it over and James if u want to bring the ftoy back to us we will fix the thandle and reweld what ever u like. We had a guy helping us who we let do the thandle while we were addressing some mechanical issues and we never even pulled it off to see that hole. Its our fault for not checking it, needless to say that guy will not be working anymore at our place. We want anyone who leaves our shop to be happy whether u bought something or we did work for u. And guys we did a lot more on this rig than weld and make a shity t handle. We got the rig running, mounted radiator, mounted shocks and hoops, mounted steering cooler and reservoir, replaced bad brake lines, installed tons of hoses, mounted floors, mounted seats, mounted panels, mounted harnesses, throttle cable, re routed some lines and hoses, wired volt guage and alternator, drilled steering box and mounted ram, replaced thermostat neck cause james had drilled the old one, bolted down tank bracket, bolted everything solid because every bolt on the drive train was loose, and some other small misc. stuff. Either way were willing to make this right where u will be happy with ur buggy.
buggy68 said:
Ok guys me and big_dodge have talked it over and James if u want to bring the ftoy back to us we will fix the thandle and reweld what ever u like. We had a guy helping us who we let do the thandle while we were addressing some mechanical issues and we never even pulled it off to see that hole. Its our fault for not checking it, needless to say that guy will not be working anymore at our place. We want anyone who leaves our shop to be happy whether u bought something or we did work for u. And guys we did a lot more on this rig than weld and make a shity t handle. We got the rig running, mounted radiator, mounted shocks and hoops, mounted steering cooler and reservoir, replaced bad brake lines, installed tons of hoses, mounted floors, mounted seats, mounted panels, mounted harnesses, throttle cable, re routed some lines and hoses, wired volt guage and alternator, drilled steering box and mounted ram, replaced thermostat neck cause james had drilled the old one, bolted down tank bracket, bolted everything solid because every bolt on the drive train was loose, and some other small misc. stuff. Either way were willing to make this right where u will be happy with ur buggy.

IMO you're going to need to redo every thing in your list above.
Brice, I'm not going to put any miles on MY truck nor am I going buy fuel to haul MY rig to YOU to fix YOUR bad work

This could have been avoided LONG AGO!
But you felt that you did no wrong, and in your poor attempt to make me a HApPY customer you wanted to refund " a few hundred dollars"

I gave you 48 hrs to come up with a dollar amount to refund way before this thread exploded.

Now this thread exceeds 5,000 views between the east and west coast, 200 comments & 48 hrs after this thread starts you want ME to bring you mY. Rig...

Wow.... Yeah I'll be up their the second Tuesday of next week


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Hey kudos for stepping up and offering to redo the work, I guess people didn't read the fact that when you picked this thing up it was supposed to be running and driving and you spent considerable time actually putting the thing together to even get it back to your shop. There is always 2 sides to a story but it appears most people here immediately jump on the side of the so called victim whether they know the actual truth of the situation or not. Maybe they will learn some self restraint eventually when they get tired of the taste of their feet.

HJPCUMMINS if you are refusing to let the shop fix what you claim they did then it's sounds like your claim wasn't legitimate to begin with.
Would you let a shop fix something that they fubar'd and claimed to be their best work? Uh... Fool me once, shame on you...

Yeah... Go ahead and dump more time and money towing your FToy back to the same shop so they can do a little better :wtflol:
buggy68 said:
Ok guys me and big_dodge have talked it over and James if u want to bring the ftoy back to us we will fix the thandle and reweld what ever u like. We had a guy helping us who we let do the thandle while we were addressing some mechanical issues and we never even pulled it off to see that hole. Its our fault for not checking it, needless to say that guy will not be working anymore at our place. We want anyone who leaves our shop to be happy whether u bought something or we did work for u. And guys we did a lot more on this rig than weld and make a shity t handle. We got the rig running, mounted radiator, mounted shocks and hoops, mounted steering cooler and reservoir, replaced bad brake lines, installed tons of hoses, mounted floors, mounted seats, mounted panels, mounted harnesses, throttle cable, re routed some lines and hoses, wired volt guage and alternator, drilled steering box and mounted ram, replaced thermostat neck cause james had drilled the old one, bolted down tank bracket, bolted everything solid because every bolt on the drive train was loose, and some other small misc. stuff. Either way were willing to make this right where u will be happy with ur buggy.

It also shows on your lack of quality control in your hack shop. You throw a guy under the bus for drilling a fawked up hole but what about all the rest of the hack **** work? Who did that in your shop? You never looked at it once after it was done? Riiiight.
That's funny since I'm sure you know the full story... Right.. I never said he didn't do what he claimed.. This thread is based on the quality of workmanship.

I guess I got the following for 1600$

Hack throtle cable
Booger welds
Hack fab
Hack brake line
Used oil cooler
Used oil resi
Misc hoses
Hack install ( hydro assist)
Hacked sheet metal

Once again I gave him every opportunity to make more $ and charge to get this rig fully trail worthy operation.

Metal head you don't have a single clue... But it's okay I will excuse the ignorance.

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jordan7118 said:
Would you let a shop fix something that they fubar'd and claimed to be their best work?

No one claimed this. If they are fixing it for free then yes I would, you either want satisfaction or not, if you have the chance to do it free then do so before taking it somewhere else that cost. If you don't allow the opportunity then how legit was your claim? It's your word against Brice's word, and Brice seems to have a lot of people who were satisfied with what he built or sold them, you are just one anomaly. All the posts in the world aren't going to remove all his past satisfied customers. I've spoken to Brice, I like to get both sides of every story, so don't think I'm clueless, I'm just hearing it from Brice too, I don't take one side at face value without hearing the rest.
Why would you ever take your rig back to this shop, and I use the term shop lightly, after they have shown the quality of the work they are capable of? Hell, go look at his helper's "build" thread. If nothing else that thread shows that hjpcummins isn't full of ****. The quality of fab work on big_dodge's personal ride is as shitty as the fab work they performed on hjpcummins Ftoy. It's almost like an admission of guilt molaugh