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2 stroke oil

I've been told FPR. Last time I had it up they checked it, the reading was "low", but the diesel tech wasn't concirned as he said he's seen lots of truck run just fine with the readings mine had. I don't remember (or if he even told me) what it was compared to what it "should" be.

hmm, maybe I should bring it your way and pay you to play with it for and hour or so. You can tell me all the things "wrong" with it :haha:

Yes the FPR typicly will give you a surge at idle--has to do with the pintle either not seating correctly due to the motor or something in the windings from sitting at a certain position for ever and a day.
Yes the FPR typical will give you a surge at idle--has to do with the pintle either not seating correctly due to the motor or something in the windings from sitting at a certain position for ever and a day.
Unfortunately, from what I know the FPR is buried in the motor too. IIRC not an incredibly "difficult" job, just time consuming.

Not something I'll be doing anytime soon myself :(, and probably not something I can pay to have done anytime soon unless I *need* to.

Ahhh, the joys of owning a 'used' diesel truck. Sometime I wonder if I should have bought a gasser :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, from what I know the FPR is buried in the motor too. IIRC not an incredibly "difficult" job, just time consuming.

Not something I'll be doing anytime soon myself :(, and probably not something I can pay to have done anytime soon unless I *need* to.

Ahhh, the joys of owning a 'used' diesel truck. Sometime I wonder if I should have bought a gasser :rolleyes:

They are pretty easy and I have done a few :D But for somebody not familure with the motor it's not a fun job :D

But to give you some piece of mind mark I have yet to see one do anything but a surge.
They are pretty easy and I have done a few :D But for somebody not familure with the motor it's not a fun job :D

But to give you some piece of mind mark I have yet to see one do anything but a surge.

Try doing one the day after you smash your finger in a log splitter! :mad:

I've actually replaced one due to a cold start/stall issue....done a few myself for the surging complaint as well...

fca on the back of the cp3

cp3 on eng

wear in the low presure portion of the pump (disregard the arrows)

i cant find my pics of galled fca internals. but usualy, if its bad enough to stick/surge you will usualy see both power and economy improvements by replacing. unfortunetly, if its galled, usualy the internals of the cp3 and the injectors are as well...
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Try doing one the day after you smash your finger in a log splitter! :mad:

I've actually replaced one due to a cold start/stall issue....done a few myself for the surging complaint as well...

the fun one is when they stick open causing presure to spike.
my dodge had one hang up. would cause rpm to redline on between shifts ( man trans) lucky me i had a rail presure gauge in the truck and it was easy to diagnose (28kpsi@0 throttle, shuld have been 5-7kpsi)
yup, let the investigation begin. I will be ****-canning the emissions on me D-max. really don't care for the d-p filter burn and don't think it's helping my mileage, obviously!:rolleyes: so what r the best things to do? and who's got all the goods? late 07 d-max.... not all that interrested in adding a bunch of power, cause of all the inherent problems that come with, but which options will let me do the deed of loosing the emissions?

Hi Tom :hi:

P.S. I really hope your schedule changes so we can get back with our bro-mance...shhh. woops is that :rb: