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A real eye opener...

May 17, 2011

Tip: Always look at the "other" box. You might say yes, but the other box will have a "Yes, and deport ALL illegal aliens" option. You get a more refined answer that way.

I considered myself a Rand-man, for libertarian reasons, but wow. Cruz and Trump.


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I did it as well, and my candidate was trump 93%. I thought I was a Rand guy too.
No real surprise for me. This country has some serious issues.


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What is really scary is the Hillary 14% when you get done. You're like, "WHAT THE **** DID I AGREE WITH HILLARY ON?!?!" I had to check, it was no fly list guns, decriminalize weed, and one other thing she's probably lying about.

Still kinda thinking about the Cruz deal. I mean, he was a Constitutional attorney, he is steadfast in his stances, probably the smartest one on the stage at any given time. They say exciting sells tickets, but I think there's something to be said for wit. Same reasons I like Rand, I guess.
90% Cruz
88% Trump
87% Carson
86% Rubio
83% Fiorina
78% Paul
76% Bush
76% Santorum
75% Huckabee
71% Kasich
67% Christie
52% Clinton
19% Sanders
18% O'Malley
16% Webb
I am libertarian at heart. Leave me the **** alone. I'll take my guns, my drugs and my **** and you keep your hands off of it. I don't wanna pay any undue taxes and wait...I agree 53% with Hillary. She must have lied on some of it :cougar:


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lowbudgetjunk said:
I am libertarian at heart. Leave me the **** alone. I'll take my guns, my drugs and my **** and you keep your hands off of it. I don't wanna pay any undue taxes and wait...I agree 53% with Hillary. She must have lied on some of it :cougar:

That's what I believe. I reckon since the establishment Republicans HATE Cruz and Trump, they may be more libertarian leaning than the rest or more than what is comfortable for the establishment?
Im with whichever republican candidate gets the nomination, however Trump scares the **** out of me. My conservative side wants Cruz, and my gut is with Paul but we shall see.

My biggest fear with this election after watching the democratic debates is people actually think its possible for them to get 15 min wage, free healthcare, and free college education. They
really have no concept of how things actually need funding to work. I really hope people wake up!
exactly as I thought it would show. Carson then trump.


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I just don't think I can vote for Trump. I like what he says and the fact that he's challenging the establishment, but his RECENT history is too liberal. That, and the against ethanol last week, for it this week (Iowa corn farmers) showed me that the dude can be swayed too easily.

I was wondering which Trump this thing is comparing it's answers too. Is it the Trump that's on TV now or the gun control, single payer healthcare, Clinton supporter from years past? Personally I think the dude is just out there to distract attention and put on a show. He didn't make his billions by not being good at pulling the wool over people's eyes.

I recently finished one of Rands books and it only made me a bigger fan, the fact that he gets ignored so much by the media only shows me more that he's the only true anti-establusment candidate. The other good thing I like about Rand is he would have the best chance in the general election because he can get independents and Democrats swayed to his side, and Republicans will typically just vote for whoever gets nominated in their party regardless of their policies. If Rand can't pull off the nomination I'll be back to voting for Gary Johnson. I'll continue to "waste my vote" by voting on people that I truly agree with. I've done it in the past and it helps me sleep better every night know I haven't contributed to the problem.

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onepieceatatime said:
I was wondering which Trump this thing is comparing it's answers too. Is it the Trump that's on TV now or the gun control, single payer healthcare, Clinton supporter from years past? Personally I think the dude is just out there to distract attention and put on a show. He didn't make his billions by not being good at pulling the wool over people's eyes.

I recently finished one of Rands books and it only made me a bigger fan, the fact that he gets ignored so much by the media only shows me more that he's the only true anti-establusment candidate. The other good thing I like about Rand is he would have the best chance in the general election because he can get independents and Democrats swayed to his side, and Republicans will typically just vote for whoever gets nominated in their party regardless of their policies. If Rand can't pull off the nomination I'll be back to voting for Gary Johnson. I'll continue to "waste my vote" by voting on people that I truly agree with. I've done it in the past and it helps me sleep better every night know I haven't contributed to the problem.

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Rand aside, Cruz is about as close to a libertarian as you can get in a Republican. He is VERY pro-Constitution, and I think a Paul-Cruz, Cruz-Paul ticket is our best chance of getting the country back on track. Both will have a ridiculous bill submitted for signing, and both would say, "Where in the Constitution does it say we can/can't do this?", whereas now and possibly for the last 150 years we haven't had that.