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Anyone here compete in Werock?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
LAngley BC Cana
I would like to compete in the formula toy series, but the logistics of getting to all the comps seems a bit much. I'm going to goto goldendale for sure since ftoy BOD voted to follow the full series this year.

How do you guys manage it? Just drive straight through, compete and head home?
Pook said:
I would like to compete in the formula toy series, but the logistics of getting to all the comps seems a bit much. I'm going to goto goldendale for sure since ftoy BOD voted to follow the full series this year.

How do you guys manage it? Just drive straight through, compete and head home?

That's how we did it. Sometimes didn't even stay for the awards ceremony - they just mail the money to ya.
I've never done it, but I see people all the time talking about partying, er I mean camping at/near the events both night before and night of the comp.
Some of the folks here staff the event too, I would reccomend that if you do go to goldendale, you allow one extra day. I wish I had one day to just be lazy around camp after the event was over.

Instead, I had to drive my tired, sweaty broken ass home.
For Globe, we drove straight down, arrived Friday afternoon, competed sat, sun and drove straight home (27 hrs each way) after the shootout, that pretty much sucked. All the other events, we stayed until the next morning and left.
This year we planned a few extra days on each side of the weekend for travel.
Last year we did UROC, and one of the events was Indiana. Drove straight through 40 hours, we were there about 20, then drove straight home 40 hours. 2 days after getting home, went to goldendale. That was a long week and a half.

But to answer your question, we typically drive straight through and try to get there in the morning before tech. After our last course, load up and haul ass straight back. We used to camp at the event sites, but it really sucks not having a good bed and a hot shower. The last couple of years we have stayed in a motel.
Thats what I figured, alot of mileage and nonstop driving.

I got to find a very dedicated spotter.

Hopefully one day there will be more events north of Cali.
This year I did WEROCK and we drove straight through and back, we usually rolled into town the afternoon or night before tech, gotta leave a little time just in case of problem's on the way, and after the comps, we would load up and leave before the shoot out was even over with, and drive straight through back home. Basically we never stopped for more than diesel both way's, no 2 day trips, unless we were driving more than 24 hours straight.