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Elbe Hills Focus Group

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I have been through the busy 4 or 5 times with my k5 now. And never had a problem with the exception of some carb trouble and some unplanned body panel modifications. I have run with jeeps, sami's, toyotas, buggies, and fullsize rigs. And no one seems to have much of a problem or cause too much of a mess unless *wait for it* thier rig isn't ready for the trail, or they don't know how to wheel. We don't need width and length restrictions we need equipment restrictions. No lockers, no winch, no tools/parts = stupid. Winch them off the side of trial and make them walk out with the parts they want to keep and go find some help. The guys I know and run with are prepared and know how to wheel.

I gave up on helping guys that are out there unprepaired. If you at least make an attempt to be prepaired and have problems I am the first person to help out. But if you are broken and don't want to waste a craftsman wrench to have a stanger use thier on board welder to fix your tie rod then I have no simpathy for you. I have a big rig and 16.5 winch and sat and watched people try and dig themselves out of the swamp trail in thier stock cherokees and jeeps after pulling their rigs out twice before on other trails that night.

Hey the first time you get in a car learning to drive you don't drive in downtown LA traffic at night with no brakes and no headlights... common sence is dead!

Thanks for listening to my rant :fawkdancesmiley: I will be there Thursday and hope many others from both points of view will be there also.
So who is planning on attending? from this site...

anyone want to set up a few meeting spots along the ways to catch up and roll together to get there?

I'll be heading thru yelm from olympia, down yelm hyway to 507 to 702 to hyway 7 to 304th st -

I'm right down the street... I may walk to not burn gas in my fullsize daily driver...:fawkdancesmiley:

Gotta go green, you know...:haha:
Morepower71... Nice to hear you chime in bro... I'll see ya there...

You still helping with the stickers???
Heres where the hand held BULLHORNS will be heard on that night! notice the cool track across the street... :awesomework:

Heres where the hand held BULLHORNS will be heard on that night! notice the cool track across the street... :awesomework:

Rich, leave the bullhorns at home. Dont be an idiot and piss off the DNR with that crap:booo:
Rich, leave the bullhorns at home. Dont be an idiot and piss off the DNR with that crap:booo:


seriously............ *(I know though... you wouldn't put it past me!)

and to others as well, let's keep this CIVIL and listen to the DNR and hear them out. Maybe what they have to say will surprise us all. k
Morepower71... Nice to hear you chime in bro... I'll see ya there...

You still helping with the stickers???

I was going to but everyone had it figured out. If help is needed I can though.

I will be there and know of I think 4-5 others that are going to try and be there that are not internet savy people.
HERE IS A SOLUTION simple and over with. If you do not like it?

Talk to your DNR represenative / write your congressman or break the law.

*but remember if you are caught on the BUSYWILD in a fullsize or 4x4 with a wheelbase over 82inches in width from tire to tire, you will be fined and possibly your vehicle impounded if you have already been warned and fined.


This simple rule / restriction and signage along the entire busywild trail would benefit the trail. with a new reader board at the front of the trail system.

cheap / easy and done.

I hope everyone enjoyed there holidays. I have been busy handing out flyers and have not spent much time on the computer lately. It is good to see that a lot of you are getting ready to attend the meeting. Please be sure to come to the meeting. The more the better. There are also people that would like to see it pass and would also like to see stricter restrictions pass. I guarantee they plan on being at the meeting. The people that would like to see it pass would like to minimize this and make you think that it is not a good idea to attend or that you can't change anything. this is bull and we need everyone that thinks that imposing restrictions to a trail head that excludes users to be there to give there opinion.
If you have a extra chair or 2 bring it. There are pews but they may fill up.
I suggest you bring a pen and pad for notes and a list of ideas or questions you may have. the meeting starts at 7 pm I plan on being there at 6 pm.
I hope to see all of you there............

*but remember if you are caught on the BUSYWILD in a fullsize or 4x4 with a wheelbase over 82inches in width from tire to tire, you will be fined and possibly your vehicle impounded if you have already been warned and fined.

Most people don't have a problem with the track width restriction it is the 109" wheelbase restriction that is the problem (distance from center of front axle to center of rear axle)

Either way you all want it, show up and share your views
There are also people that would like to see it pass and would also like to see stricter restrictions pass. I guarantee they plan on being at the meeting. The people that would like to see it pass would like to minimize this and make you think that it is not a good idea to attend or that you can't change anything. this is bull and we need everyone that thinks that imposing restrictions to a trail head that excludes users to be there to give there opinion....

Yup....... I think a few will be there this time around. Just hope it is CIVIL.

and people do not lose it, and start fighting. we should all be able to hear everyones side and opinion and reach a agreement and live with it.
Rich, you pose too many questions and a stream of thought that goes all over the place.

I'll help with a couple of questions.

At the last focus group meeting the trail RESTRICTION on the busy was brought upon us unexpected. It was not listed on the agenda and we had not had a focus group meeting for 6 months.

The PNW is not the only voice but it has been the primary voice for quite some time. As such we have developed an long standing relationship with the various land managers.

I encourage everyone to show. I don't want to sound like I'm discouraging anyone to get involved but the mechanics of meetings like this are not geared towards 200 people trying to make their point heard. The PNW is doing it right. They get the news from their representative, take it back and discuss it among the members and go back to the next meeting with a single voice that represents the needs of the membership. They count on that representative to also be able to act on their behalf, not just be a puppet. The position relies on the ability to make decisions on the fly that are in the best interest of the org and it's members. You can argue about whether or not the PNW is representative of the wheeling community. I don't think it is, but that's NOT the PNW's fault. That's because too many people choose NOT to join and get involved. The "new breed" if you will, of wheelers, is undrepresented because they can't be bothered to show up and more importantly get active.

I would like to see a lot of people show up and watch, but only a few people will get an opportunity to get actively involved. There's limited time at these meetings.

Let me throw a couple of things out there. I am a PNW member and have been for many years now. I do not agree with the restrictions, I first heard that this restriction was being imposed just like the rest of you. Most of the pnw membership may not even be aware of this meeting. there is no discussion of it in there forum or in there news paper and has not had time to get fully discussed at he region meetings,
DO NOT BELIEVE BECOUSE YOU ARE NOT A PNW MEMBER YOU WILL NOT HAVE A IMPACT AT THIS MEETING. First of all. Last month it was the rule and that was the way it was and we needed to deal with it. That is No longer true. Now it is up for discussion, not because of any thing other than a lot of people being concerned over the decisions being made about our trail. DNR is only used to 4 - 10 people showing up to theses meetings. and feel that they are getting good input from the majority of users. DNR doesn't know that the majority of the people that use that trail are not members of the PNW.
I GAURENTEE THAT HAVING 200 - 300 PEOPLE SHOW UP WILL MAKE A IMPACT. I agree that not everyone will get to talk but DNR will realize that there are a lot more than just jeeps that use that trail and that care about the trail and you will get on there mailing list and will be given the opportunity to be a part of the future of the trail.

the PNW is a great organization that has done a lot. they have built and maintained most all the legal trails in our state. They also promote mud bogs and Jamborees and all kinds of fun stuff. If you were to join and got involved you would have a voice in the organization.
Here's the problem and it is a big problem, Most of the pnw's members are getting older and the older ones are the ones who do most all the work. The membership is fading and getting smaller and smaller each year. Yet we continue to see the sport grow. We need something out there to help us keep our trails open and if the pnw dies then there will not be a association to do that unless we create a new one or get involved with the current one. The current one is established and could get really big and does what its members wants. Another problem if the pnw is mostly jeeps or swb vehicles then what do you think there choices are. All members have a voice in the pnw. Just attend the region meetings and speak up. if you join then get involved and make a difference. There are members of the pnw that insult non pnw members and chase potential people away with there I'm better than you your not envolved poor attitude. I am sorry for that and that does not represent the whole PNW. there is a lot of people that are involved that are really great. The thought of starting another association is being discussed among some younger generation 4 wheelers. I personally feel it would be easier to infiltrate the pnw with younger generation and new generation 4 wheelers and get involved with a association that is well established. If the PNW is unable to continue its existence or no longer represents our needs as 4 wheelers then the time may come to look at creating something new.
just one more thing. I always thought that a ORV trail was established to give us a legal place to go play. where we could maintain the trails and deal with environmental impacts.
people want to do the right thing and go where tire spinning and tree bumping is supposed to happen. That is what the trail is there for to give us a place where we can do that. I would like DNR to give tell us what there definition of a trail is. If they are worried about bumping trees then what do they think a 4 wheel drive trail should be.
Closing trails will only result in the mass destruction of DNR and other private lands and no way to maintain them.
I think...... my personal opinion is;

the ofroading sport / hobby has grown so big and increases to grow so fast, maybe because of the internet and available mod's / parts to make just about any rig very capable, we have to accomadate "ALL" rig's on all trails.

with that said, how do we adjust or open up all trails to all rigs?

most trails currently have had all types of rigs on them, there are more than likely a by-pass around the hardest parts already. can't we as you said...

MAINTAIN THE TRAILS, and incorparate the by-passes or go-arounds so that each and every rig is able to follow the mainline trail - regardless where it's at, and manage them to include rather than exclude a certain size rig.

sure comman sense plays a big part in this, but we should be able to re-structure trails everwhere for everyone. most as i said have already been run by most every type of rig from stock to extreme.

this would end all the bickering, and need for restrictions.

like most agrue, this is what the place is for... thats why i'am here. to offroad, not based on rig size or driver actions. we can go back and maintain the trails, have everyone realize what is happening by determining the impact on the trails - by usage or damage. we can repair or fix or keep them maintained and everyone win wins.

where a trail is subject to restrictions, we should be smart enough to find a solution -
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