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GOP Presidential Debates, who's your candidate?


Oct 28, 2010
Rainsville, AL
Just finished watching the Fox Business GOP presidential debate. Finally, a classy debate for the GOP. I think this debate, moreso than the 3 previous ones, brought out the real subject matter at hand and more clearly where each candidate stands. My fondness of certain candidates has continuously changed after each debate.

Initially, I was a Trump fan. I still admire his business pedigree and I do believe it could do some good in certain aspects of a presidency, but it is very clear he is shortcoming in too many other areas to be considered a worthy candidate.

Ben Carson has good values, values I personally would like a leader of our country to possess, but similar to Trump, I feel he lacks in a few crucial areas due to his inexperience in government. Say he won the nominee, I would be ok having him in the white house, but he would never win a presidency against Hillary or Bernie.

If I had to choose one to be president tomorrow, it would have to be Marco Rubio. Although, there's still a small inkling of my gut feeling that wonders if he is too much of your cookie cutter politicians, and more talk than walk.

The GOP doesn't really have an automatic standout candidate to me. If you had one candidate that had Trump's dynamism, Ben Carson's character and values, and Rubio's intellect, that would squash the democrats.

This is the first time I have EVER gave the first **** about politics and followed them. I have really enjoyed all of it and learned a great deal from it. I can owe that all to Trump, as I've always liked him as an aggressive businessman and had hoped he would run this year, so with his announcement for candidacy, I started following it all.

I know one thing, I hope like hell a Dem doesn't win, but if it came down to Hillary or Bernie, I don't know which one would be worse. Hillary is a crook and Bernie is a fawking lunatic with his $15 socialist bullshit.

Every life long politician is a crook. I did not see the debates. I watched Trump on 60 minutes and he has huge plans but when asked where the money was gonna come from he just kept sayin it'll be there. So he dodged the question. I think we are ****ed no matter who gets in office. It's to early for me to say who I'm gonna vote for tho.
If it's not trump or Carson, then it might as well be 4 more years of Obama, career politians are all the same.

I would probably bet good money that Trump stays atop the polls til the nominee is chosen, but he will not be selected. If some chance in hell he does, he certainly won't beat a democrat.

Trump kinda stunned me in this debate. He took a much more mature approach to it. He was nowhere near the bully he has been in the other debates and acted much more professional than traditional Trump.

I think there's realistically too many damn problems to fix in America, which is why nobody sticks out as the definite one for the job....no one man can fix all the financial and corrupt governmental issues alone.
Carson is the first candidate for any office that I have ever sent any money to.
Josh, I agree with what you said. Funny I have also changed my mind each time and to the same candidates you have. I did however, miss last nights debate. Anyone have an on line source to watch it.

Plus, I took a Facebook quiz months ago, and it said I meshed better with Rubio, and that was before I even heard the name.
Rubio got scratched off my short list , with his $2500.00 dollar a child tax credit. I am sick of people getting money back they didn't pay in, And he is doubling down on this :gtfo:
I agree that career politicians are all crooked. I think over time we as Americans have forgotten that a presidents job is not to make every decision for us. His job is to balance the power between the house and senate. All the while keeping the best interest in mind for the entire country.

There is leader in every department of the administration for any president. They are the ones who ultimately push for decisions made by the president.

So in my opinion a person like Ben Carson is a great candidate for the job because he isn't a career politician and hasn't spent his entire adult life stuffing money in his pocket from lobbyists during legislation.

I like seeing so many candidates still hangin in the game. Ultimately all the guys who don't stand a chance for president are interviewing for a job after the election. We get a chance to see them before they get there. Which I think is cool.

So in conclusion, gosh I would really like Ben Carson to be the dude. I have enjoyed everything Carly has had to say. If she could truly enact every idea she has, holy smokes she would un cover some serious bags of **** on both sides of the isle.
Ted has great ideas but I feel like he's preaching to me as he talks and a guy who pauses on purpose for applause just rubs me wrong. I personally like Rand Paul, not saying for president but I feel like he brings a good balance because he will stand for 32 hours and piss in a water bottle just to make sure he is heard. Almost always related to standing up for the people's rights which I respect. I like Rubio. He's an intelligent guy. I hope he is put into a decision making role. Every second that Jeb speaks I feel he's nervous and always reacting to a bully. I'm out on him.

So I spose in the end, I'm mostly FOR each person who every time they are able to speak DOESN'T tell you what they have done in their state 20 damn times in each debate. I'm real tired of hearing how great you were in a farking swing state. W/o the fact that swing states even exist, you'd be equal to all the other states in the union. Wow, imagine that. A popular vote and no electoral college would actually make each individual vote count? You mean if gerrymandering were outlawed it would make elections actually decided by the people rather than a group of career politicians?

Lol silly talk. Holy cow I need to go wheeling. Thanksgiving can't come fast enough. Thanks JD
I look at it like this. People run for president for the fame and money. That's why they lie and do whatever it takes to get elected. Donald Trump has fame and fortune. He doesn't have to do this he wants to for the country. Everyone else doing it for themselves.

Now with that being said. Do I feel he would be the best choice???? No. But.... who?

Not Hillary nor Bernie they both are nutzz
I honestly feel like Carson is the only hope we have, him or Herman Cain either way I would be happy, or hell let's see if Ross Perot is still kicking and throw him back in for some entertainment if it's going to crash anyways.
I would have to vote for Trump today, Carson dont have what it takes to get the job done. Rubio is a joke, he might as well be over there debating with Clinton and Sanders.
Re: Re: GOP Presidential Debates, who's your candidate?

JohnG said:
Josh, I agree with what you said. Funny I have also changed my mind each time and to the same candidates you have. I did however, miss last nights debate. Anyone have an on line source to watch it.

Plus, I took a Facebook quiz months ago, and it said I meshed better with Rubio, and that was before I even heard the name.
Found this one on Youtube of the whole debate. There was an earlier debate that aired before this one, but it had all the losers in it like Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal. All the important ones I care to watch was in the 2nd debate linked below. I missed the first debate with the losers being at work, but probably wouldn't have watched much of it anyways.

Re: Re: GOP Presidential Debates, who's your candidate?

dwa2469 said:
Rubio got scratched off my short list , with his $2500.00 dollar a child tax credit. I am sick of people getting money back they didn't pay in, And he is doubling down on this :gtfo:
The way he said it, was it would be for tax payers, not a welfare program. Meaning you average single mom that makes $25-30k a year would recieve a tax credit refund out of what she paid in. Say you make less than that, I assume it would be a prorated amount in proportion with how much one pays in....but he didn't go into detail, so neither one of us has a valid arguement on the matter because we do not know all the details.

If it balances ok in the budget, there's not a damn thing wrong with that idea....as long as it is for tax payers only and not an addition to welfare. BUT, my guess is that was more of a ploy to gather votes from the struggling parents abroad. Something that may or may not happen, although he sounded very passionate about the issue....but that's what politicians are good at. So I'm not really on either side of the matter, as there is too much gray area at it's current point.

I haven't checked out Rubio's website, more detail may be on there. But hell, there's always bold print and fine print, in all plans alike. The Affordable Care Act, was supposed to be affordable! Lol
Re: Re: GOP Presidential Debates, who's your candidate?

LightBnDr said:
So in conclusion, gosh I would really like Ben Carson to be the dude. I have enjoyed everything Carly has had to say. If she could truly enact every idea she has, holy smokes she would un cover some serious bags of **** on both sides of the isle.
Ted has great ideas but I feel like he's preaching to me as he talks and a guy who pauses on purpose for applause just rubs me wrong.

I like Carly also! She just hasn't been dynamic enough for me I guess. She is extremely intelligent, and I love that. She is very articulate in making her points. I would be fine with her being the first female prez for sure!

**** Ted Cruz, he is like watching an Actor on the big screen. And I swear you nailed my thoughts on him. I feel like he should be hosting a daily sermon on an AM radio gospel station. Makes my skin crawl listening to him say anything.
I just wish they would do away with the tax credits and such and just go to a flat tax, would be sooooo much simpler.And I'm with the others, tired of seeing people that do not work keep popping out kids and getting back 5-10 grand every year in refunds.
Re: Re: GOP Presidential Debates, who's your candidate?

Elliott said:
I just wish they would do away with the tax credits and such and just go to a flat tax, would be sooooo much simpler.And I'm with the others, tired of seeing people that do not work keep popping out kids and getting back 5-10 grand every year in refunds.
I completely agree!
Re: Re: GOP Presidential Debates, who's your candidate?

TacomaJD said:
The way he said it, was it would be for tax payers, not a welfare program. Meaning you average single mom that makes $25-30k a year would recieve a tax credit refund out of what she paid in. Say you make less than that, I assume it would be a prorated amount in proportion with how much one pays in....but he didn't go into detail, so neither one of us has a valid arguement on the matter because we do not know all the details.

If it balances ok in the budget, there's not a damn thing wrong with that idea....as long as it is for tax payers only and not an addition to welfare. BUT, my guess is that was more of a ploy to gather votes from the struggling parents abroad. Something that may or may not happen, although he sounded very passionate about the issue....but that's what politicians are good at. So I'm not really on either side of the matter, as there is too much gray area at it's current point.

I haven't checked out Rubio's website, more detail may be on there. But hell, there's always bold print and fine print, in all plans alike. The Affordable Care Act, was supposed to be affordable! Lol
he made it very clear it is a 2500 tax credit per child so if said mom making 25 to 30 k has 4 kids she is vetting 10K back regardless of what she paid in
Re: Re: GOP Presidential Debates, who's your candidate?

dwa2469 said:
he made it very clear it is a 2500 tax credit per child so if said mom making 25 to 30 k has 4 kids she is vetting 10K back regardless of what she paid in

Yep, I am 100% against this. You should never be allowed to work the system and get more back than you paid in. Best case, you should get all you paid in back but not a penny more. With that being said, I am adamantly opposed to tax credits for children. It is not the government's job to compensate you for having children. Quite the contrary actually, I feel that if you have children, you should pay more taxes because you consume more resources. I don't have children in the public school system, so I don't care if the kids have iPads to take home.

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