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Happy 4th! Not sayin' just sayin'


Oh one oh done. Let's party in da oh one one, son!
Jan 6, 2011
Hey guys, Beauxflex here. So I'm sitting outside my house last night, rubbing my meat and warming my loins, and a couple of "fags" show up to my place. Now only two things come out of TX and I think you know what I'm talking about. Well you can tell which Jabnasty is, from the technique he was using on Blacksheeps' shaft. Well the next thing I know, Blacksheeps in my bedroom, there's money missing off the dresser, and ducks walking funny. I've seen it a hundred times. Anywhos, I'm glad the accountant didn't show up and tell me about milk. That would just be annoying. :gay:
they did them and they sucked like every year. We camped out at the lake along with some buddies. Jab and kelly were out there also. I dont drink but manage to have the cops called on us and come by twice wtf. He said if you put another piece of wood in that fire your putting it out and going home lol. It was a little big.
they did them and they sucked like every year. We camped out at the lake along with some buddies. Jab and kelly were out there also. I dont drink but manage to have the cops called on us and come by twice wtf. He said if you put another piece of wood in that fire your putting it out and going home lol. It was a little big.
My penis is "a little big" as well. Anytime you need a little more wood just call Jab and Blacksheep they got it for you. Man 5th of July sucks they actually think I should work, piss on this.
Casey Anthony is not guilty? Now that is :gay:. I knew it would happen but it was crazy to watch. I've said it before but she will be on a reality show within the year. :****:
The media ****s up another one. OJ would be in jail for being the murderer he is, same with this hooker. Damn media.
LOL at @KimKardashian being shocked by Casey Anthony being innocent. Bitch your dad got O.J. Simpson off for murdering his wife."

I find a lot of humor in that.
I cant say she did it nor say she didnt do it. If you kelp up with the evidence there was none that she actually did anything. Everything the state had against her was just opinion so for that no one can be guilty. Weither you like it or not they made the right decision for what they had on the table. Facts are facts and no facts means no facts, if it was you wouldn't you want to be convicted on the facts only. At the end of the day you have to prove it do yall relize how many people in the country have been put to death that didnt even do the crime. You cant back up and say o my bad we got that wrong after you sentence them to death. There for you have to prove someone guilty without a reasonable dought plan and simple. To me the child being killed accidently and everyone trying to cover it up as a murder isnt that far fiched so there is dought there.

And before you jump on the band wagon of hang the bitch up and burn her ask yourself this. How did the child die and dont put in what you think i mean with evidence how did she die. Second Prove that the Grandfather or the boyfriend didnt tape the child up and put her in the trunk of the car. I mean prove they didnt do that with hard evidence. If you try you cant answer these ?'s with facts there for how can you convict Casey when it could be someone else as far as you know........Thats just the Truth not my opinion......
As her mother why did she not report the child missing or dead for 30+ days?

The guilty do many things, lie, decieve, avoid. Did Casey Anthony do any of those? Yes, and convicted of it.
Yea, the media in the United States should be SHUT DOWN :gtfo:

The whole country in general has became INFESTED with prius driving,tree hugging,liberal,clueless, limp wristed , slack jawed faggots.
You guys have got to loosen up in here and say what you mean. I mean, I think I understand what you're sayin, but it's fuzzy. Media=bad, right?

PS I don't care if she did, but I can only hope God and/or Kharma catch up to her sorry ass all too soon. If not, I hope it is a life consisting of cheap black on white porn and a lot of meth. She'll die happy then!!!
Media didn't "get her off," bad prosecution presented a shoddy case because they thought they had a slam dunk.

Looking for someone to blame? Go after the tier III & tier IV trash law schools who churn out crap students that barely pass the bar, can't land a "big law" job, so they work for the state and laugh at criminal defense lawyers while they present their case, then WHOOPS...my picture is flashing on CNN because my slam dunk defendant just got acquitted! :wtflol:
Shakespeare was right, kill all the lawyers. Maybe the old witch hunt test would be good for her, you know : tie her hands and feet, put a bag on her head and throw her in a lake. If she drowns, she must be guilty!! I think I understand why she was acquitted, but damn it's frustrating. There's not a hot enough place in hell for that one.
I guess Vivid offered her a porn deal but then rescinded the offer after the backlash. The sad thing is she's gonna get some deal for something (books, movie, interviews, etc) At least a porn they could do some evil things to her. I would probably watch some of it too. I would feel bad while doing it, though. :dunno:

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