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How many of you all belong to a 4x4/offroad club?

Card carrying member of:

The Wandering Willy's Jeep Club of the PNW4WDA
The Green River Valley Jeep Club of the PNW4WDA
Blue Ribbon Coalition
United Fourwheel Drive Association
USFS Ranger Volunteer
Washington Trails Coalition

Also a member of a couple of anti wheeling groups just so I can keep up on their activities. They send me all sorts of info about what their next plans are.
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The whores I've met seem like good people.The big differance I have seen first hand from the ICEMAN I wave with fingers they just use one:haha: :haha: .
wayne_fj40 said:
The whores I've met seem like good people.The big differance I have seen first hand from the ICEMAN I wave with fingers they just use one:haha: :haha: .
what the heck are you talking about,,,,,,,,,I don't flip off non members...:flipoff: lol..:toilet:
I have no problems with the WHORE name and have not personally meet any of you but would not have any problems wheeling with any of you but on your website in the oops section you show 2 pic's of roll overs. One labled Budwieser induced rollover, and one labeled Jager induced rollover and that in my opinion does not look good on the 4x4 sport.
mumblewood said:
I have no problems with the WHORE name and have not personally meet any of you but would not have any problems wheeling with any of you but on your website in the oops section you show 2 pic's of roll overs. One labled Budwieser induced rollover, and one labeled Jager induced rollover and that in my opinion does not look good on the 4x4 sport.
Hey Mr.........you should check out Pirates of the Rubicon II.....tell me what you think of that.......
iceman said:
what the heck are you talking about,,,,,,,,,I don't flip off non members...:flipoff: lol..:toilet:
Your right you gave me two one with each hand:flipoff: :haha:
I'm one of those terrible SNORT guys. Politically incorrect at a trail near you.:flipoff:
Used to be a PNW member until one year they refused to accept my dues.
Whiz Bang Wheelers. Mostly just a bunch of folks that used to do a lot of wheelin around here but not so much anymore. We've all been busy with family, houses, jobs, etc. At one time we considered becoming an official club, with bylaws and such, but it just never happened.

At some point our lame website managed to get included on about.com's list of off road club links. The description reads "This is a loosely organized club whose members ride throughout the Pacific Northwest". :haha: I've always wondered who wrote that and how they found out that we were "loosely organized".
Used to call ourselves the Bad Decicions Offroaders But then we realized it made us sound stupid, and someone changed one of our signs to "Bad Dumb Morons" once at Liberty. Now we are just a bunch of wheelers who dont all get togeather as much as we would like.
Digger 5 said:
You are drawing attention to yourself in a negative way. There are many groups trying to tell the world that we are all just white trash rednecks that mess up the environment. Any message from our community should be positive, not a reinforcement of their uneducated beliefs. Most people that see 'WHORE' are not going to take the time to understand your reasons for the name. They're going to make a snap judgement and maybe next time when they vote on a land issue they're remember your coat and your FU attitude.
The key to keeping the woods open is to make allies of the rest of the world. To alienate them will cause us all to lose.

**** being a white trsh redneck is the whoole fun of goin up and gettin dirty isn't it?
Puyallup Hombres
United 4 wheel drive assoc.

And binder needs a sharper stick:booo: :booo: :booo:
Rhino said:
ANother WHORE here.... IT cracks me up how this name gets everybody panties in a bunch....

Most people that see the logo... Think we are some kind of man sluts... All the logo says is" Any place, Any time , anywhere, WHORE) If you find offense to that it is because you make some preconceived notion about what or who we are. As to the middle finger... IT is fitting for us. We don't want to be a family group.

We also step up and go the the meetings, and the clean ups. we make positive remarks and do what we can to better the 4 wheeling community... IF the logo offends you then you should take it to heart.:flipoff: Personally the only people I have ever had question my jacket is mothers in the grocery store who are offended by the finger. They are the same ones who are put off the Big ol nut sack I have hanging under the truck...:kissmyass: SOme people get to caught up in the PC world. And as far as the logo goes it dosn't say anything about 4 wheeling in the logo.

Anyway, I pesonally think the logo reflects my mood on any given day. :)

Just my .02

Its not a preconcieved notion its a notion created by your name and logo. I mean really what do you expect people to think:rolleyes: Its not being PC its about basic decency (or the lack of) and showing simple respect for those around you.

Regardless thanks for stepping up and helping the 4x4 community:cheer:
pokey said:
Its not a preconcieved notion its a notion created by your name and logo. I mean really what do you expect people to think:rolleyes: Its not being PC its about basic decency (or the lack of) and showing simple respect for those around you.

Regardless thanks for stepping up and helping the 4x4 community:cheer:

being decent and having a logo with the middle finger up are two different things now if are name was whore and we had some naked chick spread out on the hood of a truck butt ass naked for the logo then I could see you pulling the decency card out but we don't. Besides it's are group and we like it so it stays

to clear up alot of the confusion about our logo ,,,, its more to do about all the B/S that goes with the club thing then anything else ,,, the need to please all people and all that crap that goes with the traditional CLUB thing ,,, its more that we reject all that ,, we say F/U to all the rules/bylaws/bitching and all the
rest of the CLUB B/S We dont fit in the club sheep mold and we like it this way . i could go on and on about other non-correct sounding names for groups and the BAD impression that Some people might draw from what they dont know ......... but thats like judging a book by looking at the cover

example rubicon porn-stars
its reasons like some that have been stated in this thread that you cant look up breast cancer on AOL cause its got breast in the name
its the closed minded thinking like that thats caused us to reject the club /sheep thing
toyparts said:
to clear up alot of the confusion about our logo ,,,, its more to do about all the B/S that goes with the club thing then anything else ,,, the need to please all people and all that crap that goes with the traditional CLUB thing ,,, its more that we reject all that ,, we say F/U to all the rules/bylaws/bitching and all the
rest of the CLUB B/S We dont fit in the club sheep mold and we like it this way . i could go on and on about other non-correct sounding names for groups and the BAD impression that Some people might draw from what they dont know ......... but thats like judging a book by looking at the cover

Amen ToyParts!!
TOYPARTS pretty much cleared up the story behind the name!!
When I go out I get at least 2 ppl asking what WHORE means, the ones who get offended can go on living a sheltered life becuase they didnt take the time to ask........ W.here H.aving O.ff R.oad E.xcitment
Yes that may mean a bad first impression but are they really worth trying to make a good impression on if there going to be that judgemental???? In my opinion NO. I get more HELL YEAHS "that sticker on your jeep"... or "That COAT ROCKS" than ive seen PPL get offended Ive seen a few Soccer Moms shake there head at me but what does that matter I dont need to Impress her or ANYONE for that matter. As you can see were not the "normal" club and DAMN RIGHT were not! We are a club for anyone who hates the typical club propaganda. if we wanted to be like that we could go to the local MALL or have stayed in HighSchool. Or even better yet join a NORMAL CLUB......
I hold my Head HIGH AND IM PROUD TO BE A WHORE AND I WILL NOT CHANGE FOR ANYONE!!!! You either like us or you dont! its your choice!!:flipoff:
Every whore ive met is kewl. I used to think the pr value of their name wasnt so pc, But then i realized im not pc...so it works for me. There all good people working for open trails.