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Iphone 5 vs Galaxy S5

Get the Note 4 if your going droid. I have the note 3 and I like the notes over the S phones. I could be wrong but the note does everything the S does plus more. I love the Action memo, scrap book, pin window, and screen write options on the note. I wouldn't doubt you could get similar apps for the S phones but the note has the stylet with it, a bigger screen, and air command already installed. I never understood why Samsung advertises the S phones as their flag ship phone when it seems the note does way more.

As an example... I got the idea in my head to build my ride. Search on the internet for ideas of what parts to use and to look at other projects and pick out what you like. Save those lings in scrapbook in a "4x4" title so you can always find them fast and easy. You can also pull individual pictures/post off a specific page without having to save the whole page. Pin window lets you pull up stuff in 1/4 of your screen and minimize it also. It fits into my pocket with no problems and if you have small hands and cant use both if your driving all you have to do is swipe the side of the screen and it will get smaller so you can hit anything you need. I never thought id actually use a lot of these features but the longer I have this phone the more I love it. I use many of the features on just about every pic I post on hardline. Ive had it well over a year now and it never messes up. Im sure the note 4 will be the same way.

Do yourself a favor and google Note 4 features and youll learn a lot about them and what all they can do.

This is S Note open with some gear ratios and a pic off the net I have saved in scrapbook of sammi gears with pin window open in the corner so I can crunch some numbers without having to close the page.

Heres the same apps opened with the Toyota stuff in place of the sammi stuff. I also opened up a web page with a MPH calculator plus my phones calculator so after I figure out what my gear ratios is I plug it into the websight. I could also open up other note specific apps like action memo which is basically just like having unlimited sticky notes to jot down random **** you need to remember later. The cool thing about them is when you minimize it it doesn't go off the screen but it just gets really small and if you change screens it stays there waiting on you to open it back up.

This is with the calc minimized and sticky note opened. I just put a fake name and number up to show that after you write something you can call it, save it to contacts, test message it, email it, google it, GPS it, or save it as a task to do at a later time. This is a phone number so most of the options do not apply but you get the point.

This is what they both look like minimized. Both icons can be moved around on the screen freely if they are blocking something you want to see.

This is to show that even if you close out the pages and go to YouTube they will still be there until you close them so you wont lose any data you forgot to save...

Some other things pin window can do. I mostly just use the calc though but I think its cool I can call / text someone if I don't want to stop what im doing.

I could go on for days about this phone but ill stop... These are only a few options I can talk about. You might not ever use the phone like this but this is just meant to be an example of what the phone can do.

Piss on an iphone, ive had several and ill never own another one. Every year they come out with a "new" one but its never any major update to the OS or phone. They just put a + beside the name and call it an upgrade and people flock to get it. Android comes out with a new OS and features just about every year and is already years ahead of apple. Apple FINNALY got widgets... But people continue to buy an iphone just because its what they are "used to"... smeh :gtfo: I guess I shouldn't say ill NEVER own another iphone but they are going to have to step their game up. Im not a brand loyal kind of person so if apple ever gets it together and makes a phone that I think is the best it will be the one I get.

Have the Galaxy 5 and like it a lot. I'm not a IPhone guy quite a few people I know are stuck on them but they are smaller, lack the ability to use a micro SD card, and don't seem to have the battery life or option to make a thirty percent charge last three days with limited use. I use a few apps and the one thing the IPhone has is more Christian Sermons in the play store for free. I think honestly that the IPhone is on the decline and while not falling as fast as the Black Berry it won't be long before Steve Jobs hard work and dedication is lost.
I made the switch from an iPhone 5 to the Galaxy S5. I would have to keep the iPhone plugged in most of the day to do anything with it. I stream music too, Pandora and Tunein, and I could watch the battery percentage drain in about 30 minutes. What finally broke me from the iPhone is when they had the recall on the batteries and mine was under it. Apple refused to replace the battery because they said it had water damage. When I was able to upgrade i went with the S5 and couldn't be happier. It does more than the iPhone and its waterproof, which was a big plus for me. When we travel for work I can stay on it pretty much all day and it will last. Never have problems with streaming music either.
My S5 battery is twice that of the s4, I can use it all day without charging and I'm on the phone a bunch, 200 or better calls a day in the summer more than 200 text and Internet use. Plus it's waterproof, very important in my business. thumb.gif

You can also put the S5 into battery saving mode which saves a good bit of power but if you're really desperate there's ultra battery saving mode that just uses the essentials to receive calls and texts and the battery will last for days on that.
Thanks a lot for all the detailed info! Really Helps!

AS for the comparison of the Droid Maxx and the S5, I believe they are probably comparably phones, but the S5 is clearly a better performer from what I have read. It has a 2.5ghz processor and I think the Maxx only has a 1.7ghz processor. My current Razr HD has a 1.5ghz processor so the Droid Maxx's 1.7 isn't that much faster. Now a 2.5ghz like found in the S5, is faster than most of your average laptops! And a fast processor with ample RAM is what I believe I need to no longer get frustrated as **** at a phone. I will check into the Notes, but I believe the S5 will end up being what I go with. Especially since it's waterproof.

I want an S5 or a Note4 now.

after having the Maxx for a while, it is too "Iphony" (non removable SD card, not near enough onboard storage, tried to "streamline" a bunch of controls that make it more aggravating to use)

They want you to put everything on a damn "cloud" or someother online storage bullshit.

Well guess what. That **** ain't very helpful when you're in the damn woods!
Lol! Think the S5 can accept up to 128gb card! Crazy storage on a phone! :****:

My current Razr HD has 16gb internal and I only have a 16gb card in it, although it will accept up to 32gb card. I am not out of space yet, but probably about 3/4 the way through the whole 32gb with all my music, pics, vids, apps, etc.

It's amazing they can fit 128gb worth of **** on a tiny little card. I remember when we upgraded a hard drive on our home PC to 8gb and thought there was no way in hell we'd ever fill it up.

I just switched from iPhone 4s to galaxy s5. I tried to go back to the iPhone and it was hard to use because it is so small. The android has a steeper learning curve to get started and is filled with tons of bloatware. It took almost all day to get everything deleted or added that was on my iPhone, onto the s5.

The last straw with my iPhone was the battery not lasting even until lunch time. I'm not on it much during the day other than a few texts,emails and calls.

The expandable memory and longer battery life as well as ability to change the battery sealed the deal for the s5.

Another note, life proof cases are the way to go. I will never have a phone without one ever again.

mac5005 said:
The last straw with my iPhone was the battery not lasting even until lunch time.

Not that is would help now, but once a month, using a battery program like Battery Doctor by KS Mobile will drastically improve the iPhone battery. And it's free.
Re: Re:

JohnG said:
Not that is would help now, but once a month, using a battery program like Battery Doctor by KS Mobile will drastically improve the iPhone battery. And it's free.

I may try that. I still have my iPhone. I plan on using it for music player and camera. It fits in my coveralls chest pocket and I can crawl all day with it while the Samsung is huge. I have 13 days left to try the Samsung and return risk free if it doesn't work out.

Thanks for the tip.
Did Andriod ever step up and add the ability to take a video and text it to somebody?? And I don't mean a 10 second clip. I mean like a 1 minute video like an iPhone will do.
Re: Re: Iphone 5 vs Galaxy S5

Dirty_Stroke said:
Did Andriod ever step up and add the ability to take a video and text it to somebody?? And I don't mean a 10 second clip. I mean like a 1 minute video like an iPhone will do.

Yes you can send video. I don't know how long, as it compressed a :45 sec one
AW, that's some good info! ****, if you were in sales, you might sell me a Note 4 right now, Lol.
I'm out of contract and looking at options...I would like to hear from those that have used a *newer* windows phone for some time and also used the Samsung w/android OS. I say for sometime because like a woman, you dont get to know your phone until you've been with it a while. Also its easy to not like your current setup until you spend some time with another model and then think "that bitch is crazy" er, I mean that phone sucks :****: -reason I ask is, I've had a Nokia windows phone for 2 years now, and I'm looking at the Samsung as my next phone. Im sure its a no brainer but would love to hear from anyone that has had both? I know I dont want iOS.
For the record, my Nokia 920 is bulletproof, though bulky WAY too bulky! It weighs 3x what other phones weigh.
By the time it is compressed and/or recorded in "video message" mode, it is such shitty quality, it's not even worth it now. But I mean, it can still serve a purpose I guess...
As for the battery on the note, it will last days if you don't touch your phone but if you use it constantly with the screen bright it will last until about 5ish in my experience. Casual use and your good until you go to bed. I don't have a car charger anymore because my old one broke and my phone will still have 30ish% when I go to bed.

Every time I try to send a video in text it is always too big so maybe the iPhone has my phone beat in that area. Doesn't stop me from emailing it though so it still gets where I want it to go. Or snapchat works as long as I'm not videoing something long.

S5 is a good phone though Tacoma. I don't personally have a lot of experience with it but I don't see how you can go wrong with it if the note features doesn't interest you.

DirtMonkey said:
AW, that's some good info! ****, if you were in sales, you might sell me a Note 4 right now, Lol.
This phone just makes it too easy to post pics!

Alright, just found the Motorola Droid Turbo and it shits on the S5. 21 mp camera, 2.7ghz processor and 3gb of ram. That's above average laptop grade ****! S5 isn't far behind though. Droid Turbo is just simply too expensive for me to buy outright since it's still new. As of now I am high bidder on a mint S5 on ebay for $365 and if I get outbid, then so be it. Not paying more than that for one. Lol