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knuckle plug?

Dain Bramage

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
anyone know what this plug is for? one of the guys at work told me that when he had his toyota, he used to pull the plug out once overy couple of weeks and stick a grease gun in there, and pump the knuckle full of chassis grease. good/bad idea?
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No need to pump it full of grease. I coat every thing with a layer of grease & grease the (ujoint in my case) birf real well.
I know on the six shooter knuckels there is a long bolt on top of the highsteer arm that is used to remove it all in one motion. A plug or a smaller(shorter) bolt can be used to keep dirt/mud out of the hole while wheelin'

:+1: to coating the internals when changing them out.
Whenever there is a hard job to be done - assign it to a lazy man; he is sure to find an easy way of doing it.
Whenever there is a hard job to be done - assign it to a lazy man; he is sure to find an easy way of doing it.

Drilled and tapped mine, shoved in a grease fitting. More grease won't hurt anything, it's going to ooze out of the wipers no matter what you do.
Drilled and tapped mine, shoved in a grease fitting. More grease won't hurt anything, it's going to ooze out of the wipers no matter what you do.
Yes, but it is a huge mess to deal with when you get into the axle. Especially on the trail.
Yes, but it is a huge mess to deal with when you get into the axle. Especially on the trail.

I did that twice. AllPoo's fault. Then I bought longs. Never again. If I break these I won't have closed knuckles and CVs any more. :fawkdancesmiley:
if you overfill the knuckles with grease doesnt it prematurely wear out the seals?

How would grease wear out a seal? After the rebuild mine stayed clean for a whole year before they really started oozing, and then I popped both the AllPoo joints. New 30 splines and new inner seals since the Poos munched the old ones, reused the ball wipers, just a little minor oozing. Fact of life with toy axles, don't bother trying to keep them dry. You'll fail.
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How would grease wear out a seal? After the rebuild mine stayed clean for a whole year before they really started oozing, and then I popped both the AllPoo joints. New 30 splines and new inner seals since the Poos munched the old ones, reused the ball wipers, just a little minor oozing. Fact of life with toy axles, don't bother trying to keep them dry. You'll fail.

i dont know, i thought i heard someone say that so i was just seeing if anyone else had heard that.
Mine are not oozing grease yet at the wipers, but the axle was built up a few weeks ago now. I wonder if I didn't put enough grease in there?
nah, just because it isnt oozing grease doesnt mean that it isnt well lubed. did you put a ton of grease in and pack the bell of the birf really well? if so, you should be fine.
How would grease wear out a seal? After the rebuild mine stayed clean for a whole year before they really started oozing, and then I popped both the AllPoo joints. New 30 splines and new inner seals since the Poos munched the old ones, reused the ball wipers, just a little minor oozing. Fact of life with toy axles, don't bother trying to keep them dry. You'll fail.

well much like when ice melts its becomes greater in amount, grease when warm liquifies and needs more room to be. you should only fill the knuckle 1/2 way to prevent it from pushing out the wipers on the back side of the knuckle and thus prematurely wearing out the gasket. it can also have an adverse affect on the overall life of the bearings.

....that is all...:flipoff:
well much like when ice melts its becomes greater in amount, grease when warm liquifies and needs more room to be. you should only fill the knuckle 1/2 way to prevent it from pushing out the wipers on the back side of the knuckle and thus prematurely wearing out the gasket. it can also have an adverse affect on the overall life of the bearings.

....that is all...:flipoff:

You're funny. :haha: If you're boiling your grease off you've got bigger problems than oozing balls. Probably the same problem that guy who sent Bobby a melted inner had. :redneck:

btw, when ice melts to water it takes up LESS space. :fawkdancesmiley: