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Moral Decay in America!

I'm not what I would call a "religious" person but all the **** that's going on worldwide is all signs of the end. Not trying to start a debate on religion/beliefs but if you have any bible knowledge at all...this is all for told.
johneddie said:
I'm not what I would call a "religious" person but all the **** that's going on worldwide is all signs of the end. Not trying to start a debate on religion/beliefs but if you have any bible knowledge at all...this is all for told.

We live in Sodom.

A man can suck a ****, but you best not be proud of southern heritage!

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What about a man and a woman who don't believe in the bible getting married? Seeing as how this is a religious debate and marriage is supposed to be a "holy" union and all that bullshit. Both seem "non-biblical" but I don't see anyone going after atheist getting married. Because they don't gross people out ???

Im curious what the non-religious people think who are in a heterosexual marriage.

I wanna know why government is involved in marriage at all. It's bad enough I have to have a license to carry my gun but a license to commit the rest of my life to someone and start a family? That's the biggest bullshit of the situation that nobody ever thinks of.

onepieceatatime said:
I wanna know why government is involved in marriage at all. It's bad enough I have to have a license to carry my gun but a license to commit the rest of my life to someone and start a family? That's the biggest bullshit of the situation that nobody ever thinks of.

Agree 100%

There should be no tax benefits, implied liability, or protections afforded just because you are "married"

If you want to share your **** with someone, write up a living will, make them beneficiary on whatever, put their name on whatever you own....

If you want to be married, go to your church/temple/synagogue/drum circle/whatever have whatever ceremony suits you, and declare yourselves married. Who cares if someone else in the public doesn't like it!?!

Hell, there is a ton of heterosexual marriages that are complete bullshit, only existing for benefits not related to love or loyalty. Now the only difference is anyone can marry anyone. Why not let anyone marry everyone? What's the problem with plural marriage?

I don't get it.

I think that if about 95% of our nations "laws" were repealed, and everyone would shut the **** up and mind their own business, then life would be awesome.
BPINAZ said:
This what happens when faggots, liberals and blacks are allowed to vote.

BPINAZ said:

I've been a patriot my whole life. Served in the Army for 11 years, did a couple of combat tours in Iraq and now I'm a Border Patrol Agent on the south west border. After today, I'm not too sure about my patriotism anymore. Our government turned its back on God....Christian beliefs on which this nation was founded.

I guess, sometimes you just gotta break contact and move on.

I could be wrong here but one of the ideas America was founded off was the idea of religious freedom ( 1st amendment ) not Christianity. "Under God" wasn't added to things until the 1950's, probably because Christianity is the major religion in America.

And not to talk **** buddy but that 1st quote and 2nd quote.... doesn't sound like it came from the same person. Faggots, liberals, and blacks in one then talk about hour our government turned its back on " Christian beliefs " in the next?

If we want to talk about the "Moral Decay of America" why done we start with all the 35% threads on here or the countless racist remarks that are made on this forum daily... but 90% of you wont agree with that statement so **** me I guess...

If you want to bring the religious debate in this... Jesus taught love and compassion. Let he who has not sinned throw the 1st stone, or Judge not lest ye be judged ( or some **** like that ). Im not saying Jesus would agree with it but he wouldn't try to fix it with all this hate I read. All this religious **** is doing is trying to oppress a group of people who just want equal rights like the rest of us have but its OK if we do it in the name of religion but if a government tried to do it all hell would break loose. Their homosexual marriage doesn't affect your heterosexual marriage in any way... your still married and all is well with your relationship in the eyes of God.

TBItoy said:
Agree 100%

There should be no tax benefits, implied liability, or protections afforded just because you are "married"

If you want to share your **** with someone, write up a living will, make them beneficiary on whatever, put their name on whatever you own....

If you want to be married, go to your church/temple/synagogue/drum circle/whatever have whatever ceremony suits you, and declare yourselves married. Who cares if someone else in the public doesn't like it!?!

Hell, there is a ton of heterosexual marriages that are complete bullshit, only existing for benefits not related to love or loyalty. Now the only difference is anyone can marry anyone. Why not let anyone marry everyone? What's the problem with plural marriage?

I don't get it.

I think that if about 95% of our nations "laws" were repealed, and everyone would shut the **** up and mind their own business, then life would be awesome.

Sanest post i've seen on HL in years...
I don't think voting changes ANYTHING! ALL politicians care about is there image and getting reelected, scared to death they will get called a racist or anti gay(whats the word for that?).

Until WE the majority(I think we are still the majority) start standing up fro ourselves nothing is going to stop. Where are we rallying in the 10's of thousands to say we do not stand for this? Until we become vocal and "march" against things we do not believe in nothing changes. Make them scared of the majority and not the minority. Not meant in a racist way either, we MUST start speaking up and not just get on forums saying this is bull, don't just email our elected officials, be seen and be heard!

I admit I have done none of what I just wrote, but I can not read threads like this about topics like this, I get so mad at OUR country I can't stand to think about it.
johneddie said:
I'm not what I would call a "religious" person but all the **** that's going on worldwide is all signs of the end. Not trying to start a debate on religion/beliefs but if you have any bible knowledge at all...this is all for told.

Agreed, He is coming, and I believe soon.

You are a very smart young man and hard working, from what I know about you. You have a wife and are about to have a child (congratulations BTW) if you and your lovely wife have more children and work hard together, lets say for the next 25 yrs or so, you will probably do very well. Now, I speak from experience when I say, God forbid , if something were to change, and it gets ugly, you will understand why they are involved in marriage. Good people just cant seem to agree on things. With that said, If it were as hard to get married as it is to get divorced, It would solve a ton of problems.
5BrothersFabrication said:
One fact- in 2012, several districts in Cleveland Ohio went 100% to obama. I call bullshit on that. That was some cheatin' **** if I ever seen it.
If you have ever been near Cleveland OH you would know that this isn't that far fetched. No BS when I voted in the last election the :JRich: in front of me had no idea how to vote. They said "I don't care how to use dis machine I just need to vote for Obama" How many fu%ked up people do you think voted like this? Personally living in the city I believe it was a lot.
I've been looking on celebrities social media and its amazing that all of them support this crap. We really need to hit them in their wallets, stop buying products and watching movies and shows with this crap on it.
AW10 said:
I could be wrong here but one of the ideas America was founded off was the idea of religious freedom ( 1st amendment ) not Christianity. "Under God" wasn't added to things until the 1950's, probably because Christianity is the major religion in America.

And not to talk **** buddy but that 1st quote and 2nd quote.... doesn't sound like it came from the same person. Faggots, liberals, and blacks in one then talk about hour our government turned its back on " Christian beliefs " in the next?

If we want to talk about the "Moral Decay of America" why done we start with all the 35% threads on here or the countless racist remarks that are made on this forum daily... but 90% of you wont agree with that statement so **** me I guess...

If you want to bring the religious debate in this... Jesus taught love and compassion. Let he who has not sinned throw the 1st stone, or Judge not lest ye be judged ( or some **** like that ). Im not saying Jesus would agree with it but he wouldn't try to fix it with all this hate I read. All this religious **** is doing is trying to oppress a group of people who just want equal rights like the rest of us have but its OK if we do it in the name of religion but if a government tried to do it all hell would break loose. Their homosexual marriage doesn't affect your heterosexual marriage in any way... your still married and all is well with your relationship in the eyes of God.

So, as an American I don't have the right to get pissed off and make a statement? Do I not have the right, or freedom, of speech like homosexuals, liberals, blacks, atheist, muslims, and others? Why is it that they can voice their opinions and beliefs, but as soon as a white guy does it, it's considered hate. Well sir, I'm not exactly white. Maybe I should be politically correct and use the term caucasion so that nothing gets lost in translation. My family is mixed. My father Cajun, mother Irish, grandmother Scandinavian, and so on. My wife is hispanic......do I need to continue with the family lineage? Needless to say, my family is colorful. Also, are certain races entitled to use words and names while others are not?

Are you insinuating that homosexuals do not have equal rights? If so, you're wrong. For instance, the whole bakery ordeal. Several bakers lost their businesses due to the fact that they would not comprises their moral conviction. Basically, the beliefs of the homosexuals were forced onto the bakery owners. How would you feel if you lost your livelihood simply because you did not agree with another person at your place of employment?

I'm not angry with you because of your rebuttle to my previous posts. You have the right to say, write, post, or believe whatever you like. The real culprit here....you're profile says your 26 years old, I'm in my 40's. I would be willing to bet that I was taught a different variation of history, or at least a different perspective, than you were. Just like my children were taught a different version than I was....I've read their high school history books. Therefore, we'll both have a different opinions on the 1st Amendment based on who's point of view we were taught by....teachers not only teach their area of expertise, they pass on their personal beliefs and inlfuences of the subject.

One more question.

Besides Jus Soli and Jus Sanguis, what have you done to earn your freedom of speech, you're entitlement to voice your personal beliefs and opinions? I'm asking, because we are loosing our rights. Broken window affect.....think about it.
Junk coming in is junk going out. We cant expect Christian decisions to be made by non christian people. Now to dig deeper, what is a Christian?..... a Christian is a person who has accepted the free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus. It is through Jesus alone that we are known as Christians. Know that Jesus is love and without Him we do not know love. Our society is headed to hell and we are watching it happen. Wake up and smell the dirty diaper we call government. Are you praying for them? Are you you praying for their spiritual life before you pray for their leadership? I may/may not have voted for some of the leaders, it does not matter whether I like them or not. What does matter is, am I praying they seek Christ in their life then in their job. If the person is not a Christian then we cannot expect them to glorify God in their decisions. Pray for our government that they seek first the kingdom of God first and foremost. If they are seeking Christ their decisions will be glorifying to God. This world, country, state, county, city, street, home is not about us, it is about Jesus being the son of God, who came to this earth, died on a cross, resurrected after 3 days that gives us a reason to be here.

I would like to reiterate Mikeparker's point because i thought it was a good one. Also if you really get down to it and seek Christ with your heart and put aside all of the stereo types i am sure you are bound to be amazed how He can change your life and your outlook as a whole.

Something Good can come from something bad, and GOD will get the Glory in the end.

Ultimately the only thing that really matters in this life is the personal relationship you have with Jesus Christ. This subject may have come up as the only what to reach persons that may have not otherwise even talked about it or have even talk to one another at all. This may allow a seed to be planted to open the door for that individual.
I personally don't care about the gay marriage thing, but I DO care about the queer flag lights on the White House. If say, Josh bygawd Dean comes on the board one day and says, "I'm a carrot!", I will probably look at him wierd, but I will respect his decision to be a carrot, although it is obvious he is not. Just like queers getting hitched. I know God will not recognize this as a legit marriage, and even the church or pastor that married them as a legit clergy member or a legit church. So you can call it what you want, but really, it's just 2 dudes rubbin wieners together or 2 dykes doing whatever they do, I dunno, playing softball or growing armpit hair.