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Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

Well that was interesting. Kid was definitely educated on traffic laws.
Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

Meh, when you're operating a vehicle on public roads, you pretty much give up your right to privacy.

The cop was pretty much a ****, but I got "detained" way worse and longer than that when I was 17 coming through a dui check point, (completely sober, no probable cause, etc).
Kid knew his rights but hasn't dealt with the cops enough. The two responses that ou coontunuzlly use are.....am I being detained....so I'm free to go.....then I'm being detained......so I'm free to go. Say them ten times in succession and they will usually say you are free to go.

I was pulled over multiple times a week as a kid because I drove a convertible...shitty rabbit convertible but topless all the same. It got to the point where I consulted the family lawyer and he gave solid advice. Cops left me alone and illegal flashlight searches of my car ceased.
Why couldn't the little punk just follow instructions instead of immediately trying to push the cops buttons? Makes you look guilty of something when you are a prick and won't roll down your window and respect the people that are out there to protect our families. These types of videos keep popping up and the only thing they all have In common is a young punk that doesn't feel like cooperating. Guess I see the video differently than most people.
Anyone else see the irony of the cops getting caught on camera doing something they know they shouldn't have been doing? The DA is sure quick to use patrol car cameras for prosecution but those guys had an "oh ****" look and tone when they found it. Live by the sword, die by the sword. The cop was a prick and for no reason or probable cause.

When civil rights and criminal law is ignored we will have chaos in our streets, even more so than we already do. Both the cop and the kid should have had their asses whipped by their dad more when they were kids.
crawlin85cj said:
Anyone else see the irony of the cops getting caught on camera doing something they know they shouldn't have been doing? The DA is sure quick to use patrol car cameras for prosecution but those guys had an "oh ****" look and tone when they found it. Live by the sword, die by the sword. The cop was a prick and for no reason or probable cause.

When civil rights and criminal law is ignored we will have chaos in our streets, even more so than we already do. Both the cop and the kid should have had their asses whipped by their dad more when they were kids.

BJ for President!!!!!!
This kid was obviously trying to get the officer in trouble and failed. I dont see what this kid's problem was. The kid was being detained and it is legal for the cop to do that on a Dui checkpoint. All he had to do was roll his window down and give the cop his drivers license when asked and he would have been outta there in less than 2 minutes. If he knew the laws he would know that his refusal to roll his window down is enough for a cop to "detain" him. He only thinks he knows the law and thats gonna cause him lots of problems in life.
I don't believe he was being detained under the legal definition. If he was being detained he should have been read his Miranda rights. The cop should have answered him when he asked if he was being detained. He asked if he was being detained a few times, where he failed is he never asked if he was free to leave. The officer could have easily placed him under arrest, read him his rights and detained him for questioning ECXEPT I fail to see how a DUI checkpoint is a legal stop since there is no visible offense committed nor probable cause. I'm sure the officer knew that as well.

The real question is where is the line drawn between legal and illegal search and seizure? Where is the definition of probable cause drawn? Driving on a public road is not probable cause to inspect for DUI. Asking a dog to jump on a car is not probable cause for search. If something isn't done there is real and legitimate concern of the police knocking on every door in a neighborhood inspecting for sawed off shotguns. I certainly don't want power trip hungry government officials in my home uninvited and unwarranted. I'm sorry but I don't find where random searches without cause fall under the civil and/or constitutional rights of Americans. I also have an issue with police refuting citizens rights and ignoring their request to be treated as if they have constitutional rights and as if they are innocent until proven guilty.

Having said that...my home nor my vehicle have ever been searched. I am polite, smile, say yes sir and respect police for the job they do. I do think they abuse power all too often and that pisses me off on principal alone. I also believe they are often provoked to be assholes, as was this badge toter. Clear and concise regulations will take a Supreme Court case to revitalize current standards or set new precedent however the Feds are too busy covering up scandals to concern themselves with concerns or rights of tax paying citizens. Minions unite!
motorhead0320 said:
Why couldn't the little punk just follow instructions instead of immediately trying to push the cops buttons? Makes you look guilty of something when you are a prick and won't roll down your window and respect the people that are out there to protect our families. These types of videos keep popping up and the only thing they all have In common is a young punk that doesn't feel like cooperating. Guess I see the video differently than most people.

I posted this video on pirate yesterday and the way I see it, if you comply then you're conditioned and that's what they want. If you're pulled over for a reason that's one thing so long as its a reason. Road blocks and check points is against our freedom to travel unmolested by the law, of any kind for no reasons given. That Gestapo pig could tell that kid was not drunk or high and had no reason to do what he did other then abuse of power.

Maybe you like living in a police state but I'm sure others don't.
d_daffron said:
This kid was obviously trying to get the officer in trouble and failed. I dont see what this kid's problem was. The kid was being detained and it is legal for the cop to do that on a Dui checkpoint. All he had to do was roll his window down and give the cop his drivers license when asked and he would have been outta there in less than 2 minutes. If he knew the laws he would know that his refusal to roll his window down is enough for a cop to "detain" him. He only thinks he knows the law and thats gonna cause him lots of problems in life.

You don't find it messed up that you are suppose to give your ID up but the same pig can't ask an illegal alien for his ID?

I voted the other week and was required to show my ID and asked why they don't ask people from south of the boarder. They just shrugged their shoulders while keeping their hand out asking for mine. What's right is wrong and visa versa today.
Skidkid said:
You don't find it messed up that you are suppose to give your ID up but the same pig can't ask an illegal alien for his ID?

I voted the other week and was required to show my ID and asked why they don't ask people from south of the boarder. They just shrugged their shoulders while keeping their hand out asking for mine. What's right is wrong and visa versa today.

Illegals gotta give them up in Bama & Ga
Skidkid said:
I posted this video on pirate yesterday and the way I see it, if you comply then you're conditioned and that's what they want. If you're pulled over for a reason that's one thing so long as its a reason. Road blocks and check points is against our freedom to travel unmolested by the law, of any kind for no reasons given. That Gestapo pig could tell that kid was not drunk or high and had no reason to do what he did other then abuse of power.

Maybe you like living in a police state but I'm sure others don't.

The cop didnt make the laws. The U.S. Supreme court decided that a DUI checkpoint was legal. As for "Probable Cause", the officer didnt need it. He had Reasonable suspicion to belive that kid was hiding something just by that kid's actions. If you dont belive me check the Supreme Court case "Terry Vs Ohio". Eric Rudolph was found digging through a dumpster behind a Save-a-lot store did the officer have probable cause to ask him for his name? Would it have been better that the officer that arrested Rudolph just said "oh well I dont have any reason to talk to that guy cause I dont know for certain he has broken a law"? That same kid that made that video of the cop asking him for his name is the same kind of kid that would make a video saying the cops didnt do anything to arrest the drunk driver that killed someone he cared about. I agree no cops are gonna search anything of mine without a warrant, but come on what harm does it do to show your driver's license when a cop walks up to your car window and asks. That kid may not have been hiding anything, but he sure acted like he was.
blzrgb said:

Ok just so we're on the same page, do you belive the Boston Marathon bombing was planned by the boston police so they could practice martial law? Or better yet do you belive anything in that article? I'd like to see a legitimate source for where police shot someone in their vehicle for "just driving down the road".
Re: Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

motorhead0320 said:
Why couldn't the little punk just follow instructions instead of immediately trying to push the cops buttons? Makes you look guilty of something when you are a prick and won't roll down your window and respect the people that are out there to protect our families. These types of videos keep popping up and the only thing they all have In common is a young punk that doesn't feel like cooperating. Guess I see the video differently than most people.

I hate how people glorify being a cop...my dad always said if you can't be anything else, you can be a cop :wtflol:

I have several friends who are city cops/deputies/state troopers and actually one of my best friends is currently going through the academy right now. Most all of them are solid guys with good judgement who are lenient in most cases unless put in a situation. However, the majority of people in law enforcement are authority abusing, power tripping ****tards, such as the douche in this video. It's a job just like every other working American holds down, a job that one chooses as a career. Everybody is gonna have their own opinion about this, but that kid has balls and made a perfect example of our ****ed up justice system. Laws are laws, they are there for a reason...for neither party (both law enforcement and civilians) to violate...but law enforcement violates them on a regular basis. Nobody should be above the law.

*end rant.

Sent from my not-so-dumb phone...
TacomaJD said:
I hate how people glorify being a cop...my dad always said if you can't be anything else, you can be a cop :wtflol:

I have several friends who are city cops/deputies/state troopers and actually one of my best friends is currently going through the academy right now. Most all of them are solid guys with good judgement who are lenient in most cases unless put in a situation. However, the majority of people in law enforcement are authority abusing, power tripping ****tards, such as the douche in this video. It's a job just like every other working American holds down, a job that one chooses as a career. Everybody is gonna have their own opinion about this, but that kid has balls and made a perfect example of our ****ed up justice system. Laws are laws, they are there for a reason...for neither party (both law enforcement and civilians) to violate...but law enforcement violates them on a regular basis. Nobody should be above the law.

*end rant.

Sent from my not-so-dumb phone...
I don't agree with how the cop or the driver acted. Of course I don't condone cops abusing their power. I simply feel that If he were to have acted respectfully the cop would have done the same. At least from my past experience.
TacomaJD said:
I hate how people glorify being a cop...my dad always said if you can't be anything else, you can be a cop :wtflol:

I have several friends who are city cops/deputies/state troopers and actually one of my best friends is currently going through the academy right now. Most all of them are solid guys with good judgement who are lenient in most cases unless put in a situation. However, the majority of people in law enforcement are authority abusing, power tripping ****tards, such as the douche in this video. It's a job just like every other working American holds down, a job that one chooses as a career. Everybody is gonna have their own opinion about this, but that kid has balls and made a perfect example of our ****ed up justice system. Laws are laws, they are there for a reason...for neither party (both law enforcement and civilians) to violate...but law enforcement violates them on a regular basis. Nobody should be above the law.

*end rant.

Sent from my not-so-dumb phone...

What law did the cop violate? Broad statements like "the majority of people in law enforcement are authority abusing, power tripping ****tards" dont help anyone. Are there "authority abusing ****tards" in law enforcement, hell yes. But making statements like that about cops is no different than the government assistance dwelling thugs calling guys like us racists just because we live in the south, and don't belive the .gov should take from those of us that are willing to work just give handouts to those that refuse to work. Who here hasnt been a **** to someone that's intentionally trying to make your job difficult for no reason?

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