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Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

My experience with Rutherford County is pretty close to the same. I passed a cop when leaving my apartment. Got to the end of the street, stopped, turned right. I went for about a mile when I noticed blue lights. I figured they were going around so I put on my blinker and pulled to the side of the road. To my surprise, he pulled in behind me, jumps out of his car, and runs up to my roommates truck with his gun drawn. He snatched the door open and stuck the Glock to my forehead and began screaming at me that I was running from him. His face was something I'll never forget. He was spitting everywhere as he screamed at me to get out of the truck. I was trying to unbuckle the seat belt but he thought he could drag me out with it still around me. All the while he's still got the gun to my head and yelling at me. Thankfully some other officers arrived and they took over for the rookie. I told the senior officer that I didn't care what they done with me but they needed to get the new guy in check. I've been robbed and I've had a gun pulled on me a few times in my life but that was the one time I about **** my pants. I seriously think if the other officers hadn't showed up when they did, he would have shot me.
reminds me of a 20yr old i work with. him and a buddy went to panama city 2 weeks ago and on the way back somewhere south of cullman a cop came up from about a mile away with lights on. He thought they was following the ambulance that had just passed him. Well cop passed him and got half mile up the road and slams brakes on and waits to get behind them and then pulls them over. For no reason other than profiling. tahoe on 22's with HID lights. 2hr of bs and the cops turning the inside upside down looking for drugs and the k9 sniffing around they didnt find anything. Guy knew he was clean, buddy was clean but cop was just being an ass. Luckily they got to leave w/o a ticket. Just 2 hrs of cops being dicks and holding them up from getting home.
Re: Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

bradzuki said:
My experience with Rutherford County is pretty close to the same. I passed a cop when leaving my apartment. Got to the end of the street, stopped, turned right. I went for about a mile when I noticed blue lights. I figured they were going around so I put on my blinker and pulled to the side of the road. To my surprise, he pulled in behind me, jumps out of his car, and runs up to my roommates truck with his gun drawn. He snatched the door open and stuck the Glock to my forehead and began screaming at me that I was running from him. His face was something I'll never forget. He was spitting everywhere as he screamed at me to get out of the truck. I was trying to unbuckle the seat belt but he thought he could drag me out with it still around me. All the while he's still got the gun to my head and yelling at me. Thankfully some other officers arrived and they took over for the rookie. I told the senior officer that I didn't care what they done with me but they needed to get the new guy in check. I've been robbed and I've had a gun pulled on me a few times in my life but that was the one time I about **** my pants. I seriously think if the other officers hadn't showed up when they did, he would have shot me.

That's the **** I'm talking about. And at worst, they get a slap on the hand for abuse of power

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d_daffron said:
Ok just so we're on the same page, do you belive the Boston Marathon bombing was planned by the boston police so they could practice martial law? Or better yet do you belive anything in that article? I'd like to see a legitimate source for where police shot someone in their vehicle for "just driving down the road".

Trust me.
We are not on the same page.
Re: Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

lowbudgetjunk said:
Miranda Rights don't have to be read anymore where I come from

<------= living example of that **** as of about 5 yrs ago, actually. I ****ing hate cops.

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I guess it's T.V. Shows that make people think Miranda Rights have to be read to people every time they are arrested. Miranda Rights only apply to people under arrest who are being questioned about a crime. My point is why would you start off being a **** to a cop who is just trying to do his job. After all they're just trying to do there job and earn a living just everyone else here is. The problem isnt the police, the ones I know are on the same side as us. Anyway, I see it's hopeless a few bad cops have ruined ya'lls opinion of all cops. Just seems like it would be easier to give these cops a chance to prove that theyre assholes before condeming them as power hungry pricks. I'd like to see how the same cop thats in that video treated someone that rolled down the window and showed his driver's license like the law says you're required to. My guess is that the cop would have made sure the guy wasnt a wanted criminal then sent him on his way.
Wonder how many people actually driving under the influence were able to breeze trough this checkpoint while this kids was getting ****ed with?

I think a stern talking to would have been sufficient to get the point across. Perhaps if there were suspicion of DUI a field sobriety test, a bitching at and on his way.

I don't buy the "if the punk just rolled his window down they wouldn't have had to waste 10 minutes searching his car and harassing him" thing.
Anyone stop to think how the kid knew to film this? Possibly it is a known issue with history locally? Or do you think the kid just got lucky, happened to be filming on the one night there was a power-tripping rights-violating officer running a checkpoint? If the problem was just one guy, why didn't the other officers stop him? It seemed to me that they were all pretty cooperative in violating the kid's rights. (If they were truly violated.) Seems like this could be a systemic thing that is widely known about within the local community?

Both officers and citizens are supposed to follow the laws. There are consequences for when they don't, or there should be. There are no legal consequences for being an asshole, or being young, or being a young asshole. We have the right to be young assholes. If we didn't we would all be in prison. As our government gets bigger and more corrupt they get less and less scared of having to face those consequences.

Here's another example:

Cop Sexually Assaults Woman Then Arrests Her For Protesting

It is scary how the judge completely ignores her, then taunts her by playing with her kid. This is truly gestapo **** and they would have got away with it had the news not found out.

It takes people with cameras to expose it or it just gets worse.
Seems to be all in who youre dealing with on the other side of that window with a badge and how you handle it. I have just made it a routine to always roll my window down, turn on my interior lights and place my hands on the steering wheel with my license and CCW card on TOP since I never leave home without a firearm.

Scenario 1..."Officer Youngbuck" from Boone PD pulls me over in the middle of my little old town, no apparent reason as I wasnt doing anything dumb. I go through my routine, answer him politely and he completely ignores that I have handed him my CCW. He goes to open my door without asking me to step out of the vehicle and sees my pistol in the door pocket and freaks and pulls on me. Big fiacso, takes my pistol, empties the mag completely. Other officer shows up, starts asking questions while Officer Youngbuck runs my info. As soon as I notified the supporting officer that he had opened my door and pulled on me he asked me to follow him to the other officers car. Needless to say the new guy was chastised right in front of me (got jumped on for opening my door and pulling on me after I had provided all necessary information which was ignored) and I was handed all of my stuff back and let go.

Scenario 2...Watauga County Sheriffs Deputies are running a checkpoint out in the county, probably looking for meth heads or whatever, I go through my routine as I roll up to a checkpoint. This time pistol was in between the seats next to me. Deputy just looks at it and says "ok just leave your hands on the wheel" as he walked around the truck. Comes back, asks where I am heading (hadnt changed my address to the house I was living in out that way yet) and then asked who I took my CCW course with, why I chose an XD over a Glock, blah blah blah and was generally cool.

I kind of get the feeling this kid has had experience with stops like this in town and was out to get someone in trouble regardless. I do not agree at all with how the officer handled the situation as his actions only provoked more legitmate questions from the kid being stopped. Both were kind of ass clowns about the whole thing but seeing the look on the cops faces when they realized he had taped the whole thing was priceless...why pause and get all quiet and turn the camera away if you were handling the situation properly.
wannabe said:
thank God the pig was too stupid to know how to delete the video

They didn't know how many other recording devices he had in the car.
Odds are the cop didnt delete the video because that would have been illegal. I just dont get why someone would want to video themselves treating a public servant that way. I know I was raised to know better than act like that. The way I was raised you dont treat people that way, doesnt matter whether it's a cop, a waitress, or anyone that has a duty to serve you. I get extremely pissed everytime I see someone acting that way toward a Waitress at a restaurant just because they can. Would this kid be considered doing the right thing if he videoed himself at a fast food drive through acting like he was too good to roll his window down or talk to the person? And if the person at the fast food restaurant got mad at him for being a prick would we say everyone who works fast food is an asshole? Just because you think someone isnt as smart as you, or you think you have a better job than someone does not give you the right to treat someone like dirt. It kinda reminds me of that thread on here a little while back about opening doors for ladies, some are unappreciative and dont deserve it but it doesnt mean I'm gonna forget how I was raised. And no I dont think that kid acting out gave the cop the right to be a complete asshole. Respect should go both ways and in this case, it just happens it wasnt the cop that started it.
Those of you defending the police and acting like the kid is intentionally hassling the cops just do not get it. These barney fife nitwits are standing around all evening on the 4th of July looking at 99% legal drivers cruise through. I'm sure every single DUI stop they had brought them some joy for their evening. As a matter of fact, I'm completely astounded they were able to question the kid and search his car with their raging boners. He made their nights. They got to act like hardasses and throw their weight around. I'm sure they went home after their shift, slammed a few bud heavies, and jerked it to reruns of CHiPs or some bullshit.

I didn't think the kid was out of line one bit, and those of you that do and are defending the officers in this situation are part of the problem with this country, not the solution. Period.
Re: Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

redneckengineered said:
Those of you defending the police and acting like the kid is intentionally hassling the cops just do not get it. These barney fife nitwits are standing around all evening on the 4th of July looking at 99% legal drivers cruise through. I'm sure every single DUI stop they had brought them some joy for their evening. As a matter of fact, I'm completely astounded they were able to question the kid and search his car with their raging boners. He made their nights. They got to act like hardasses and throw their weight around. I'm sure they went home after their shift, slammed a few bud heavies, and jerked it to reruns of CHiPs or some bullshit.

I didn't think the kid was out of line one bit, and those of you that do and are defending the officers in this situation are part of the problem with this country, not the solution. Period.

x2...you nailed it.

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redneckengineered said:
Those of you defending the police and acting like the kid is intentionally hassling the cops just do not get it. These barney fife nitwits are standing around all evening on the 4th of July looking at 99% legal drivers cruise through. I'm sure every single DUI stop they had brought them some joy for their evening. As a matter of fact, I'm completely astounded they were able to question the kid and search his car with their raging boners. He made their nights. They got to act like hardasses and throw their weight around. I'm sure they went home after their shift, slammed a few bud heavies, and jerked it to reruns of CHiPs or some bullshit.

I didn't think the kid was out of line one bit, and those of you that do and are defending the officers in this situation are part of the problem with this country, not the solution. Period.

I would also add that I bet that kid has been harassed before is why he was recording it. There was 3 cops fired in the town I grew up in for harassing teens. I was one of the kids that made it happen thanks to my parents and an audio recorder. If more people would record traffic stops it would get some of these asshats off the streets.
Re: Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

Bronco Buster said:
I would also add that I bet that kid has been harassed before is why he was recording it. There was 3 cops fired in the town I grew up in for harassing teens. I was one of the kids that made it happen thanks to my parents and an audio recorder. If more people would record traffic stops it would get some of these asshats off the streets.

The guy that gave me a dui a couple years ago just had started working as a local city cop after being fired from sheriff's office for running down a 16 yr old kid and beating the **** out of him. Not sure of the scenerio but the 16 yr old kid was "someone's" nephew, which resulted in him gettin' the boot. Not saying I didn't deserve the dui, because I most definitely did lol but he was such a prick to me and I was actually being compliant. Then once I got in the back of the cop car, he ran 2 stop signs and a redlight on the way back to jail...little **** like that really burns me up.

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redneckengineered said:
Those of you defending the police and acting like the kid is intentionally hassling the cops just do not get it. These barney fife nitwits are standing around all evening on the 4th of July looking at 99% legal drivers cruise through. I'm sure every single DUI stop they had brought them some joy for their evening. As a matter of fact, I'm completely astounded they were able to question the kid and search his car with their raging boners. He made their nights. They got to act like hardasses and throw their weight around. I'm sure they went home after their shift, slammed a few bud heavies, and jerked it to reruns of CHiPs or some bullshit.

I didn't think the kid was out of line one bit, and those of you that do and are defending the officers in this situation are part of the problem with this country, not the solution. Period.

Yep, that's about right.
If cops where allowed to puck smart mouths I bet he wouldn't have pulled up there acting like a prick. If this was my son and I found out he disrespected an officer of the law regardless of his power trip me and him would have had a good come to Jesus conversation. As for the officer yes he could have handled this situation a lot different and still been a winner. This was nothing more than a video made to arouse public discontent and outrage against the police he pulled up to that checkpoint to be defiant and he got the video he was trying to get.

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